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“Shut up!”

“You old tyrant.”

In a thundering voice Toyama yelled, “Then we oppose the efficiency committee!”

The president did not turn round. The workers stamped and yelled. From outside there came a storm of jeers.

“Down with the efficiency committee!”

“Fight against bringing back night-work!”

“Down with the piecework system!”

In the midst of all the bellowing and tumult, Nagai’s eyes were shining, but he did not lose his calm. … It’s come, but from the front. But what’s giving the president so much courage? … He stood up and obtained the floor.

“I have a motion!”

He proposed that a sub-committee consisting of seven representatives of the employees and seven from the company’s side should meet immediately to thresh out the whole question. Never for an instant did he take his eyes off the president’s face. … The old scoundrel, I wonder what he’ll say to that! …

The motion was carried by a big majority.


Amid scenes of confusion and turmoil the members chosen as a sub-committee filed up to the council chamber on the second floor of the office. The employees’ representatives were Nagai, Toyama, Takagi, Kondo, and three others.

Just outside the door they stood making their