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the cannery boat

(looking like a decrepit beggar). “That very good. Understand? That country, Russia. Only workers like this!” (haughty). “Russia. We have no men who don’t work. No cunning men. No men who seize your throat. Understand? Russia not at all terrible country. What everyone say only lies.”

They were all vaguely wondering whether this wasn’t what was called “terrible” and “Red.” But if it was “Red” one part of them couldn’t help feeling that it sounded very “right.”

“Understand? Really understand?”

Two or three of the Russians started to jabber something among themselves. The Chinese listened to them. Then in a stuttering kind of way he began again to speak Japanese:

“Among men who don’t work, many make profits. Proletariat always like this” (a gesture of being gripped by the throat). “This no good! You proletarians, one, two, three, a hundred, a thousand, fifty thousand, a hundred thousand, all of you, all like this” (swinging his hands like children do when walking along together). “Then become strong. It’s quite safe” (tapping the muscles of his arm). “You won’t lose. Understand?”


“The men who don’t work, they run away” (running for his life). “It’s safe, really. The workers, proletariat, become proud” (walking solemnly). “Proletariat is greatest. If no proletariat, no bread, all die. Understand?”
