Page:The Cantonese Made Easy Vocabulary.pdf/11

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Preface to the Second Edition.

It is now more than six years since the First Edition of this little book appeared, and it has been out of print for some time past. Circumstances have prevented the Author from issuing a Second Edition until now; that such has been called for is evidenced by the fact of enquiries for copies from different quarters since the First Edition was exhausted.

This Edition contains all the words which have been added to the lesson portion of the Second Edition of 'Cantonese Made Easy'; at the same time the opportunity of its passing through the press has been taken advantage of to make some other slight additions to it.

Any mistakes which might arise from the same tonic mark being used for both the 上上 shöng꜅ ꜃shöng and colloquial rising tone, as in the First Edition, has now been prevented by the use of a distinctive tonic mark for the colloquial rising tone. This Edition has therefore thus been brought into harmony with the Second Edition of 'Cantonese Made Easy,' and 'How to Speak Cantonese.' The Author trusts that the great convenience of having a separate tonic mark for this important colloquial tone will ensure this mark receiving the attention he believes it deserves. He himself has introduced it and used it in his books for some years past, and its use obviates much confusion. It is possible to have it printed neatly and clearly now.

He has much pleasure in acknowledging the assistance he has received from the Honourable J. H. Stewart Lockhart in the labour of revision; also the help rendered to him by Mr. Mok Man-cheung in proof-reading.

Hongkong, October 1892.