among which the emigrants of the Russian nobility occupy the most prominent place, form an inexhaustible reservoir for the formation of counter-revolutionary bands. The command of these bands, is in the hands of officers who have gone through the school of the imperialist slaughter.
Following the rebellion of Kapp-Lutwitz, several thousand professional officers of the Hohenzollern army formed themselves into a strong counter-revolutionary detachment, which cannot be overcome by the German democracy, and which could be crushed only by the sledge-hammer of the proletarian dictatorship. The centralized organization of the old regime terrorists obtains its reserves from the white partisan bands formed on the Junker estates.
In the United States the "National Security League", the "Loyal American League", and similar organizations constitute the picked armies of capital, at the extreme wings of which operate ordinary bands of brigands in the person of private detective agencies.
In France the "Ligue Civique" represents a fashionable organization of strikebreakers, while the reformist "Confederation du Travail" has been outlawed.
The officers Mafia of white Hungary and the counter-revolutionary executioners patronized by England, have shown to the proletariat of the world a sample of that civilization and humaneness advocated by Wilson and Lloyd George in opposition to the Soviet government and revolutionary violence.
The "Democratic" governments of Finland and Georgia, Latvia and Esthonia are trying by all means to live up to this Hungarian model.
In Barcelona there is a band of assassins working under the control of the police. And so it is everywhere.
Even in defeated and devastated Bulgaria the officers, without employment, are uniting into secret societies, ready at the first opportunity to demonstrate their patriotism upon the heads of the Bulgarian workingmen.
The program of the smoothing over of contradictions, of the cooperation of classes, of parliamentary reforms, of gradual socialization, of national unity, represents a grim jest in face of the bourgeois regime such as it has emerged from the world war.
The bourgeoisie has entirely abandoned the idea of reconciling the proletariat by means of reform. It contents itself with demoralizing the few labor aristocrats by means of bribery and holding the great masses in subjection by blood and iron.
There is not a single serious problem today which is decided by voting. Democracy has left but a memory of itself in the minds of the reformists. The entire state organization has been reduced