continue to rely in their tactics upon a peaceful solution of the historical crisis. The mere recognition of the soviet system of government does not settle the question. The soviet organization does not possess any miraculous powers. The revolutionary forces are in the possession of the proletariat itself. The Soviet organiaztion manifests its qualities as an indispensable weapon in the hands of the proletariat only at the time when it rises to conquer the power of government.
The Communist International demands the expulsion from the labor movement of those leaders who are directly or indirectly implicated in political collaboration with the bourgeoisie. We want leaders who have no other attitude towards bourgeois society but one of mortal hatred; who organize the proletariat for an implacable struggle, who are ready to lead the insurgent army to the battle front, who are not going to stop half way, whatever happens, and who will not shrink from resorting to severe measures against all those who may attempt to arrest their progress by force.
The Communist International is the international party of proletarian insurrection and proletarian dictatorship. It has no aims and problems other than those of the working class. The pretentions of petty sects, each of which claims to have its own way leading to the salvation of the working class are foreign and hostile to the spirit of the Communist International. Creating no panacea, the Communist International bases its policy upon the past and present international experiences of the working class; it purges that experience of all fallacies and deviations from the proper course, it generalizes the conquests made and recognizes and adopts only such revolutionary formulas as partake of the nature of mass action.
The labor union, the economic and political strike, the boycott, parliamentary and municipal elections, the parliamentary platform, legal and illegal agitation, auxiliary bases in the army, the cooperative, the barricade—none of these forms of organization and methods of struggle is repudiated by the Communist International, nor is any singled out as a panacea.
The Soviet system of government is not an abstract principle opposed by the Communist to the principle of parliamentarism. The Soviet system is a weapon of the working class which must do away with the parliament, and take its place during the struggle and as a result of the struggle. Carrying on an irreconcilable fight against reformism in the Trade Unions and against parliamentary cretinism and careerism, the Communist International at the same time condemns the attitude of leaving the ranks of the numerous labor organizations or of keeping away from parliamentary and municipal institutions. The Communists must not aban-