Page:The Carcanet.djvu/105

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I Know that the homage I now pay you is ofler'.ng a kind of violence to one, who is as solicitous to shun applause, as he is assiduous to deserve it.

Dedication Of The Spectator To Lohdsomers.

Beauty never with such grace appears,
As beaming thro' a shower of virtuous tears.

If a resolution must at last be taken, there is none so likely to be supported with firmness, as that which has been adopted with moderation.

The hand that for my father fought,
I honour as his daughter ought;
But can I clasp it reeking red
From peasants slauirliter'd in their shed?
No! wildly while his virtues gleam
They make his passions darker seem,
And flash along his spirit high,
Like light'ning o'er the midnight sky.
But, if thoujoin'st a suitor's claim,
In serious mood, to Roderick's name;
I thrill with anguish! or, if e'er
A Douglas knew the word, with fear.

An infant when it gazes on a light,
A child the moment when it drains the breast,
A devotee when soars the host in sight,
An Arab with a stranger for a guest,