Page:The Carcanet.djvu/129

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He was brave, violent, and weak "of intellect, the three most essential qualities to influence a man, either to send, or to accept a challenge.

How sweet is woman's love, is woman's care 1

When struck and shatter'd in a stormy hour We droop forlorn; and man, with stoic air,

Neglects, or roughly aids; then robed in power, Then nature's angel seeks the mourner's bower.

How blest her smile that gives the soul repose! How blest her voice, that, like the genial shower

Pour'd on the desert, gladdens as it flows, And cheers the sinking heart, and conquers half our woes!

Gallt Knight.

'Tis sweet to see the opening flower

Spread its fair bosom to the sun; 'Tis sweet to hear in vernal bower

The thrush's earliest hymn begun :

But sweeter far the prayer that wrings The tear from maiden's beaming eye;

And sweeter far the hymn she sings

In grateful, holy extasy ! Hogg.


See how beneath the moonbeam's smile, Yon little billow heaves its breast,

And foams and sparkles for a while, And murmuring then subsides to rest;