Page:The Carcanet.djvu/210

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Read and revere the sacred page, a page Where triumphs immortality; a page Which not the whole creation could produce; Which not the conflagration shall destroy : 'Tis printed in the mind of Gods for ever, In nature's ruins not one letter lost.



Hee is now out of nature's protection, though not yet ahle to guide himselfe; but left loose to the world and fortune, from which the weaknesse of his childhood preserved him, and now his strength exposes him. Hee is indeed, just of age to bee miserable; yet, in his owne conceit, first begins to be happy; and he is happier in this imagination, and his misery, not felt, is less. Hee sees yet but the outside of the world and men, and conceives them according to their appearing glister and out of this ignorance believes them. Hee pursues all vanities for happinesse, and enjoys them best in this fancy. His reason serves not to curbe, but understands his appetite and prosecute the motion thereof with a more eager earnestness; himself is his own temptation, and needs not Satan; and the world will come hereafter. Hee leaves repentance for gray hayres, and performs it in being covetous. Hee is mingled with the ices of the age, as the fashion and c