Page:The Carcanet.djvu/225

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Delightful visitant! with thee

I hail the time of flowers, And hear the sound of music sweet,

From birds among the bowers. "

The schoolboy wandering through the wood,

To pull the primrose gay, Starts, the new voice of spring to hear,

And imitates thy lay.

What time the pea puts on her bloom,

Thou fliest thy vocal vale, An annual guest in other lands,

Another spring to hail.

Sweet bird ! thy bower is ever green,

Thy sky is ever clear, Thou hast no sorrow in thy song,

No winter in thy year !

O could I fly, I'd fly with thee!

We'd make, with joyful wing, Our annual visit o'er the globe,

Companions of the spring.


" Mr. Hastings, was born and educated in the glorious principles of equal freedom; in a country whose boast and glory it was to disseminate those principles, wherever its victories, its powers, or its virtues pervaded. That such a man should become a