Page:The Carcanet.djvu/24

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Love is the shadow of the morning which decreases as the day advances. Friendship is the shadow of the evening which strengthens with the setting sun of life.

La Fontaine.


Ask me why, I send you here
This firstling of the infant year;
Ask me why, I send to you
This primrose all bepearl'd with dew;
I will strait whisper in your ears,
The sweets of love are wash'd with tears.
Ask me why, this fiow'r doth show
So sickly, green and yellow too;
Ask me why, the stalk is weak
And bending, though it doth not break;
I must tell you, these discover
Carew.What doubts and fears are in a lover.

O Edwin! while thy heart is yet sincere,
Th' assaults ol discontent and doubt repel:
Dark even at noontide is our mortal sphere;
But let us hope,—to doubt, is to rebel,—
Let us exult in hope, that all shall yet be well.


Home ! 'tis the name of all that sweetens life;
O ! 'tis a name of more than magic