Page:The Carcanet.djvu/52

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Weep for thy fault—in heart—in mind degraded :
Weep, if thy tears can wash away the stain.

Call back the vows, that once to heav'n were plighted,
Vows full of love, of innocence, and truth.
Call back the scenes in which thy soul delighted :
Call back the dream that blest thy early youth.

Flow silver stream, though threatening tempests lower,
Bright, mild, and clear, thy gentle waters flow;
Round thy green banks the spring's young blossoms flower;
O'er the soft waves the balmy zephyrs blow.

—Yet all in vain; for never spring arraying
Nature in charms, to thee can make it fair.
Ill-fated love clouds all thy path, pourtraying
Years past of bliss, and future of despair.

But not to understand a treasure's worth,
Till time has stolen away the slighted good;
Is cause of half the poverty we feel,
And makes the world the wilderness it is.

Forgetful what from him I still received:
Anil understood not that a grateful mind
By owing owes not but still pays, at once
Indebted and discharg'd.