Page:The Carcanet.djvu/69

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of Heaven give me back my Almas Ali Cawn, and take all our wealth, strip us of all our precious stones, of all our gold and silver; but take not the life of my husband. Innocence is seated on his brow, and the milk of human kindness flows round his heart: let us wander through the deserts, let us become tillers, and labourers on those delightful spots of which he was once lord and master. But spare, oh mighty Sir! spare his life : let not the instrument of death be lifted up against him, for he hath not committed any crime. Accept our treasures with gratitude : thou has them now by force. We will remember thee in our prayers, and forget that we were ever rich and powerful. My children, the children of Almas Ali, send up their petition for the life of him who gave them birth: they beseech from thee the author of their existence. From that humanity which we have been told glows in the hearts of Englishmen; by the honor, the virtue, the honesty, and the maternal feelings of thy great queen whose offspring are so dear to her, the miserable wife of thy prisoner beseeches thee to save the life of her husband, and to restore him to her arms. Thy God will reward thee, thy country must thank thee, and she now petitioning will ever pray for thee, if thou grantest the prayer of thy humble vassal,

Almassa Ali Cawn.

Life with you
Glows in the brain and dances in the arteries;
"Tis like the wine some joyous guest hath quaff'd,