Page:The Carcanet.djvu/73

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Reputation?—that's man's idol.
Set up 'gainst God, the maker of all laws,
Who hath commanded us we should not kill,
And yet we say we must for reputation !
What honest man can either fear his own,
Or else will hurt another's reputation ?
Fear to do base and unworthy things is valour;
If they be done to us, to suffer them
Is valour too.
Ben Jonson. 

Christianity teaches us the endurance of misfortune : it encourages its votaries to triumph in adversity, and inspires the soul with joy in the hour of affliction.

A Clear unblemished character comprehends not only the integrity that will not offer, but the spirit that will not submit to an injury: and whether it belongs to an individual, or to a community, it is the foundation of peace, of independence and of safety ! Private credit is wealth—public honor is security—the feather that adorns the royal bird supports his flight; strip him of his plumage and you fix him to the earth. Junius.

Fortune you say, flies from us—she but circles,
Like the fleet sea-bird round the fowler's skiff,—
Lost in the mist one moment, and the next
Brushing the white sail with her whiter wing,
As if to court the aim.—Experience watches
And has her on the wheel.