Page:The Carcanet.djvu/93

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There is nothingmagnanimous in bearing disappointment with fortitude when the whol..- world is looking on. Men in such circumstances act bravely from motives of vanity; but he who in the vale of obscurity can brave adversity, who without friends to encourage, acquaintance to pity, even without hope to alleviate his misfortunes, can bihave with tranquillity, is truly great; and whether peasant or courtier, deserves admiration, and should be held up for our imitation and respect. Goldsmith.


Farewell, oh native Spain! farewell for ever !
These banished eyes shall view thy coast no more;
A mournful presage tells my heart that never,
Gonzalvo's steps again shall press thy shore.

Hush'd are the winds while soft the vessel sailing,
With gentle motion ploughs the unruffled main;
I feel my bosom's boasted courage failing,
And curse the waves that bear me far from Spain !

I see it yet! beneath yon blue clear heaven,
Still do the spires so well beloved appear;
From yonder craggy point the ga e of even
Still wafts my native accents to mine ear.

Propp'd on some moss-crown'd rock, and gaily singing,
There in the sun, his nets the fisher dries;
Oft have I heard the plaintive ballad bringing
Scenes of past joys before my sorrowing eyes.