Page:The Carnegie institute and library of Pittsburgh (1916).djvu/28

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Order and Catalogue Departments, occupying two large rooms on the second floor. The Order Department has charge of the purchase and receipt of books. The Catalogue Department classifies and catalogues all books and prepares them for the shelves, keeping up to date the 21 card catalogues at the Central Library and branches.

Printing and Binding Department, in the basement, south wing. The printing of all library publications, catalogue cards and forms, and the binding of the books and magazines are done here. In i915 there were printed 82,892 copies of catalogue cards, 1,137,698 copies of forms, also 44,983 copies of Library publications, representing 1,756,878 page impressions. During the same year 47,893 volumes were bound, rebound or repaired.

Publications of the Library. The principal publications are the Monthly Bulletin of additions to the Library, published regularly except in August and September; Classified Catalogue of all books in the Library, 1895-I911, 8 volumes, 9,385 pages; Catalogue of books in the Childrens Department; Annual reports, and a number of special catalogues and reference lists. A full list of publications now in print may be seen in the current issue of the Monthly Bulletin.


All residents and tax-payers of Pittsburgh.
Non-residents employed in the city.
Other non-residents on payment of $1 a year.
Non-resident clubs on payment of $3 a year.
Teachers and students of educational institutions in the city.
Temporary residents on deposit of $5.