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The British Union for the Abolition of Vivisection.


Hon. Secretary :

WALTER R. HADWEN, Esa., M.D., J.P. Hon. Treasurer:


Secretary : Miss B. BE. KIDD.

Organising Secretary: Nurse CROSS. Hon. Solicitor: E. HEYS-JONES, Esq. Headquarters of the Union: 32 Cuanrye Cross, Warrenart, Lonpon, 8.W. i]

Central Executive Committee: Chairman; Rev. R, D. Mono, M.A.

The Lady Karuieen Busun. Mrs. Roscor.

Miss Manrcaner Brapisy. Ar. H. Rosz, Esq.

Madame Gurnint. The Lady Rosmeap.

J. Frasen Hawns, Esq. Rev. P. W. Srantine, M.A.

Miss E. Dovoras Humes. Rev. J. Venscnoyin, M.A,

BE. Hrys-Jonns, Haq. Haroin Wuieron, Esq.

Miss 8. 8. Monro. ’ Miss A. F. Wuirerny. _

R. D. Prankerp, Esq., M.D. Rev. J. 8. Woopnovsn, M.A. Bankers:

Liovps Bank, Limrrep, 16 St. James Street, London, 8.W.

“THE ABOLITIONIST.” j L oo Monthly Organ of the British Union. CONTAINING High-class Articles on the Moral, Scientific and Historical Aspects of the Anti-Vivisection Question 5 Replies to the Research Defence Society ;

Racy Criticism of New Vivisectional ‘+ Cures’’; Chronicle of the Month’s Work, &c

Should be read by all Humanitarians. \

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YEARLY SUBSCRIPTION (fcc) 2/6 per annum,