Page:The Catalpa Expedition (1897).djvu/46

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When you joined the Fenian Society did you do so for the purpose of betraying them?—I took the oath for the purpose of betraying them, and I could not get their intentions without taking the oath.

When did you join the society?—In December, 1864.

When did you first give information?—In July, 1865. I tried before to go to Captain Tooker but was followed. Captain Tooker is a magistrate of the city of Cork.

Did you go of your own free will to give him; information?—I did.

Were you from May, 1864, to September, 1865, most actively engaged in endeavoring to induce parties to become members of the Fenian Society—swearing them in and enrolling them?—I was. I should do so by orders of Geary.

How many members did you enroll?—I can't be exact; they are in the book; but about fifty altogether.

The prosecutor said that the witness was not bound to answer any question affecting his credibility.

The president said the main point was credibility.

Prisoner. It was the prosecutor who first asked the question.

The Court decided the question could be put.

Cross-examination continued. Did you not know all the secrets of the society immediately after you were admitted?—I did not until January, 1865, when I was introduced to Geary.