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CoRNEiLLE, Jean-Baptiste; Corneille, MiCHEii (the Young- er) ; Corneille, Michel (the Elder) ; Cousin, Jean; Crivelli, Carlo; Deger, Ernst; Dolci, Carlo; Domenichino; Dbevet Family, The; Edelinck (4); Gaillard, Claude-Ferdinand; Giocondo, Fra Giovanni; Giorgione; Goya y Lucientes, Francisco JosjS de; Healy, George Peter Alexander; Her- rera, Francisco (2); Hehrera, Barnuevo Sebastiano de; Holbein, Hans; Lorrain, Claude de; Morghen, Raffaello; Nanteuil, Robert; Navarrete, Juan FbrnAndez; Piranesi, Giambattista; Raimondi, Marcantonio.

Hunt, Thomas John, b. at Athea, Co. Limerick, Ireland, 1 November, 1860. Education: Athea; Listowel, Co. Kerry. Entered the British Civil Service as outdoor officer of customs, Port of London; on the permanent staff of the Irish Land Commission; married Mary, daughter of John Woulfe, Dungan- viUe, Ardagh, 1907. Contributor to: "Saturday Review"; "Speaker"; "Standard"; "Spectator"; "The Cathohc Times"; "New York Times"; "The Pilot" (Boston); the "Press of South America"; the "Australian Press"; "The Journal des Debato" (Paris). ARTICLE: Gotaz, Diocese of.

Hunter-Blair, Right Rbvekbnd Oswald (Sib David Hunter-Blair, Baronet), o.s.b., m.a., b. at Dunskey, Portpatrick, Scotland, 30 September, 1853, son of the fourth Baronet of Blairquhan, Ayrshire, Scotland, and Elizabeth, daughter of George Wauchope. Education: Eton; Magdalen College, Oxford. Former officer. Prince Regent's Royal Ayrshire MiUtia, captain 1876; became a Catholic 1875; entered the Benedictine Order 1878; ordained 1886; rector of the Abbey School, Fort Augustus, Scotland, 1890-1895; succeeded his father as fifth Baronet 1896; former Oxford correspondent of the "Tablet"; master of Hunter-Blair's Hall, Oxford, 1899-1909; superior (1911-1912), prior (1912-1913), and abbot (1913- ), St. Benedict's Abbey, Fort Augustus. Private Chamberlain of the Cape and Sword to Pius IX and Leo XIII; spent a considerable time in Brazil engaged in educational and religious work for the Benedictine Order. Author of: "Jerusa- lem of Today"; "Catholics at the National Universi- ties"; "Oxford as It Is"; "History of the CathoUc Church in Scotland" (translation of Bellesheim, "Geschichte der katholischen Kirche in Schottland", 2 vols., 1883); "Holy Rule of St. Benedict" (transla- tion); contributor to: "Tablet"; "Weekly Register"; "New Era"; "Glasgow Observer".

ARTICLES: Aberdeen, University of; Arbroath, Abbey of; Ardchattan, Priory of; Argyll and the Isles, Diocese of; Barclay, William; Bath Abbey; Beaton, David, Cardi- nal; Beaton, James, Archbishop of Glasgow (2); Beaulieu Abbey; Blackwood, Adam; Boni Homines; Breviary, Aber- deen; Buckfast Abbey; Buston, Thomas Stephen; Bute, John Patrick Crichton-Stuart, Third Marquess of; Cam- bridge, University of; Croyland, Abbey of; Dorchester, Abbey of; Douglas, Gavin; Dryburgh Abbey; Dunbar, William; Dundrennan, Abbey of; Dunfermline, Abbey of; DuNKELD, Diocese of; Edinburgh; Foreman, Andrew; Free Church of Scotland; Gillis, James; Gregory of Nazianzus, Saint; Hautecombe (Monastery); Hay, George; Hersfeld (Abbey); Holyrood Abbey; Husenbeth, Frederick Charles; Ingulf, Abbot of Croyland; Jedburgh; Jocelin; Kennedy, James; Kentigern, Saint; Kilwinning; Kinloss; Kirkwall; Knox, John; KRBMSMtJNSTER; Leslie, John; Lindobes, Bene- dictine Abbey of; Lochleven; Oxford, University op; Peri- odical Literature, Catholic, Scotland; Preston, Thomas; Saint Andrews and Edinburgh, Archdiocese of; Scotland; Scotland, Established Church of; Scoto-Hibernian Mon- asteries; Smith, James; Strain, John; Syon Monastery; Tarkin, Saint; Tavistock Abbey; Tewkesbury Abbey; Theo- dore, Seventh Archbishop of Canterbury; Thobney Abbey; TiNTERN Abbey; Tynemouth Priory; Valliscaulian Order; Wearmouth Abbey; Whithorn P&iory; William of Wayne- flete; William of Wykeham; Windsor; Winzet, Ninian; Wiseman, Nicholas Patrick, Cardinal; Wolstan, Saint; Wyntoun, Andrew of; Zenobius, Saint.

Huonder, Reverend Anthony, s.j., b. at Chur, Switzerland, 25 December, 1858. Education: Bene- dictine Colleges, Disentis and Engelberg, Switzerland; Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, Austria; various Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1875; ordained 1888; member of the Collegium

Scriptorum, German Province of the Society of Jesus, 1889- ; editor, "Katholische Missionen", 1903-

formerly resident at Luxemburg City, Luxem-

burg; stationed at St. Ignatius CoUege, Valkenburg, Holland, 1911- . Author of: "Der sehge J. G. Perboyre" (Vienna, 1890); "Vater Ren& letzte Fahrt" (Freiburg, 1893; 9th ed. 1910); "Die Schwur des Huronenhauptlings" (Freiburg, 1894; 9th ed. 1910) ; "Ein Blick in die Reduktionen von Paraguay" (Berlin, 1895); "Eine rote und eine weisse Rose" (Freiburg, 1896; 7th ed. 1910); "Pastor Pfotenhauer und die Erziehungsmethode der Jesuiten in Paraguay" (Berlin, 1896); "Deutsche Jesuitenmissionare des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts" (Freiburg, 1899); "Der FindUng von Hongkong" (Freiburg, 1902; 3rd ed. 1910); "Der heilige Brunnen von Chitzen-Itza" (Freiburg, 1908); "Der einheimische Klerus in den Heidenlandern" (Freiburg, 1909); "Die Missions- pflicht der deutschen KathoMken" (Freiburg, 1909); "Die Rache des Merzedariers" (Freiburg, 1909); "KathoUsche und Protestantische Missionsahnosen" (Freiburg, 1910); "Die Mission auf der Kanzel und im Verein", 2 vols. (Freiburg, 1912, 1913); "Banner- trager des Kreuzes" (Freiburg, 1913); in charge of the Missions Department, Herder's "Kirchhches Handbuch"; collaborator in: "Katholisches Kirchen- lexikon"; Herder, "Konversationslexikon"; the col- lection "Aus femen I-anden"; contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; "Kathohk"; "Sodalen- Korrespondenz " ; "AUgemeine Rundschau"; "Ger- mania".

ARTICLES; Fridelli, Xaver Ehrenbbrt; Fritz, Samuel; Grueber, Johann; Haimhausen, Karl von; Hanxleden, Jo- hann Ernst; Havestadt, Bebnhard; Herdtrich, Christian, Wolfgang; Hinderbr, Roman; Jarric, Pierre du; Jeningen Philipp, Venerable; Kino, Eusebius; Kogler, Ignaz; Kon- SAG, Ferdinand; Le Gobien, Charles; Maroni, Paul; Mar- tini, Martino; Reductions op Paraguay; Roth, Heinrich; Ruiz de Montoya, Antonio; Tieffentaller, Joseph.

Hurth, Right Reverend Peter Joseph, c.s.c, D.D., Bishop of Nueva Segovia, Philippine Islands, b. at Nittel, Germany, 30 March, 1857. Education: Notre Dame University, Indiana. Entered the Congregation of the Holy Cross 1876; director of the Manual Labor School, Notre Dame University, Indiana, 1877-1879; president, St. Joseph's College, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1879-1884; ordained 1880; presi- dent, St. Edward's College, Austin, Texas, 1884- 1894; Bishop of Dacca, India, 1894^1908; titular Bishop of Milopotamos, resident at Notre Dame University, Indiana, 1908-1913; Bishop of Nueva Segovia, Philippine Islands, 1913- . In coopera- tion with Reverend Bede Maler, o.s.b., organized first Eucharistic Convention in the United States, Notre Dame, Indiana, 1894; took a prominent part in the Eucharistic Congress, Goa, India, 1900; president of the Eucharistic Congress, Bangalore, India, 1904; founder with Reverend C. Smith, o.m.i., of the weekly paper now the "Southern Messenger" (San Antonio, Texas). ARTICLE: Dacca, Diocese of.

Husslein, Reverend Joseph, s.j., writer, b. at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 10 June, 1873. Education: Marquette University, Milwaukee; St. Louis Univer- sity, St. Louis, Missouri. Entered the Society of Jesus 1891; ordained 1905; at various times professor at St. Louis University, Jesuit scholasticate at Florissant, Missouri, and St. Ignatius College, Cleveland, Ohio; associate editor, "America", New York, 1911- ; sociologist. Author of: "The Church and Social Problems"; "Children's Early and Frequent Communion", "The Pastor and Socialism"; "The Pastor and Social Work", pamphlets; contribu- tor to various periodicals.

ARTICLE: Syndicalism.

Hyde, Douglas (known in Irish as An Craoibhin

AoIBHINN), LL.D., T.C.D., Litt.D., M.R.I.A., b. at