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Ingold, Vert Reveeend Canon AuotrsTiN Marie Pierre, p.orat., b. at Cernay, Upper Alsace, Germany, 21 April, 1852. Education; Free College, Colmar, Alsace; St. Sulpice and Sorbonne, Paris. Entered the French Oratory 1873; ordained 1876; has held the posts of librarian, archivist and professor of history and exegesis in the scholastioate, The Oratory, Paris; editor of "Revue d'Alsaoe" 1899-

vicar-general and canon, diocese of Langres,

France; resident at Coknar, ALsaoe; chaplain of the 30^ division, 1914- . Awarded the Prix Botta

by the French Academy, 1909. Member of: Acad^mie Stanislas ^Nancy); Academy of Metz; Academy of Besangon; Academy of Grenoble; Society of the History of France. Author of about two hundred works on Jansenism, history of the Oratory and Alsatian history; collaborator in: Vacant, "Diction- naire de Th^ologie Cathohque"; Vigouroux, "Dic- tionnaire de la Bible"; Cabrol, "Diotionnaire d'arch^ologie chr^tienne et de liturgie"; BaudriUart, "Diotionnaire d'histoire et de g^ographie eccMsi- astiques"; founder and director, with Mgr. Duchesne, of "Bulletin critique"

ARTICLES: B^rulle, Piehue de, Cardinal; Bourgoing, Francois; Morin, Jean; Oratory, French Congregation of the; Thomassin, Lotris; Valroger, Htacinthe de.

Irwin, Reverend Francis Joseph, s.j., b. at Rathmoyle, Co. Roscommon, Ireland, 1869. Educa- tion: Stonyhurst College and St. Mary's HaU, Blackburn; Manresa, Roehampton, London; St. Bueno's College, St. Asaph, Wales. Entered the Society of Jesus 1889; ordained 1902; former professor of Classics and mathematics at Stonyhurst CoUege, Blackburn (four years), and at Wimbledon College, London (two years); secretary to the rector 1909- 1915, professor of Classics, 1915- , Stonyhurst College, Blackburn. Contributor of zoological articles to various magazines; editor of "Stonyhurst Maga- zine" (since 1909).

ARTICLE : Stonyhurst College.

Isenberg, Reverend Anthony F., b. at Trier, Germany, 25 March, 1879. Education: Gymnasium and St. Nicholas Seminary, Trier; American College, Louvain, Belgium. Ordained 1902; assistant pastor at New Orleans, Louisiana, 1902; formerly assistant editor and (1906-1909) editor-in-chief, "Morning Star", New Orleans; rector, St. Michael's Church, Crowley, Louisiana, 1909- . Has contributed to German and American periodicals.

ARTICLE: Gayarr^, Charles-Etienne-Arthoh.

Isenring, Reverend John James, o.s.f.s., b. at Uznach, St. GaU, Switzerland, 31 August, 1862, son

of John James Isenring and Mary Katherine Bach tiger. Education: elementary and high schools, Uznach; Benedictine College, Engelberg, under Abbot Scherer; Maria Hilf College, Schwyz, under Drs. Huber, Kind and Willi and Monsignor Krucker, Switzerland; University of Innsbruck, under Dr. Bickell and Fathers Hurter, Jungmann, Grisar, Noldin, Biederlack, and Nilles; St. Luzi Seminary, Chur, Switzerland, under Drs. Schmid von Griineck, Huonder, Kind, and Niederberger. Entered the Capuchin Order, leaving after five weeks on account of ill health, 1882; entered Oblates of St. Francis de Sales 1887; assistant novice master, Salesianum, Troyes, France, 1888-1889; ordained 1889; superior, Salesianum, and chaplain. Visitation Convent, Walmer, England, 1889-1896; acting chaplain to the Forces, Dover, (1896) and Aldershot (1896- 1897), England; chaplain, Mt. de Chantal Visita^ tion Convent, Wheeling, West Virginia, 1897- 1898; chaplain. Visitation Convent, Wilmington, Delaware, 1898-1907; novice master, Salesianum, Wilmington (1903-1907), and at the transferred novitiate, Childs, Maryland (1907- ). Made first foundation of Oblates of St. Francis de Sales in the United States, Wilmington, 1903. Author of: "Treatise on Sacred Eloquence according to St. Francis de Sales"; "Biblical Hermeneutics with special regard to the teaching of St. Francis de Sales"; "Spiritual Directory for People in the World" (translated from the French) (2 eds.); edited: Pernin, "Spiritual Directory for Priests"; "Life of Ven. Mother Mary de Sales Chappuis"; contributor to: "Maria-Hilf" (Paderborn); "St. GaUer Volksblatt" (LTznach); "Filrstenlander" (Gossau); "Herold des Glaubens" (St. Louis); "Annales Salfeiennes" (Paris); "CathoUc Times" (Liverpool); editor (since 1906) of "Echo of the Oblates of St. Francis de Sales". ARTICLES: Oblates of Saint Francis de Sales; Orange River, Vicariate Apostolic of.

Isidore, Brother (William Kuppel), c.p.x., b. at Bodman, Baden, Germany, 23 April, 1853. Education: St. Xavier's College, Louisville, Ken- tucky. Came to Louisville 1865; entered the Congregation of St. Francis Xavier 1866; teacher, St. Xavier's College, Louisville, Kentucky, 1870- 1885; prefect of studies and discipline (1885-1904) and director (1904^1907), Mt. St. Joseph's CoOege, Baltimore, Maryland; provincial of the Xaverian Brothers in America, resident at Baltimore, 1907- . Educator for forty-five years; American delegate to General Chapters of his order, Bruges, Belgium, 1905, 1911. Author of "Knock at the Door", booklet.

ARTICLES: Ryken, Theodore James; Xaverian Beothehs.