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Jennings, Reverend Fhancis Brendan, o.f.m., S.T.B., b. at Leamington, Warwickshire, England, 12 July, 1883, of Irish parents. Education: Franciscan soholasticates, England; St. Isidore's College, Rome; Universities of Louvain and Munich. Entered the Franciscan Order 1900; ordained 1906; professor of theology, St. Isidore's College, Rome, 1908-1912; lector general of theology in the Franciscan Order 1910; at present, stationed at Munich, Germany.

ARTICLE: John op Rupella.

Jerome, Mother Mart. ARTICLE: Felician SiaTEKs, o.s.F.

Jeron, Reverend Otto, o.M.cap., ph.D., b. at

Wahlstatt, Silesia, Germany, 24 November, 1870, d. at Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin, 14 August, 1907. Education: common school, Wahlstatt; Capuchin Gymnasium, Breslau; St. Francis Seminary, St. Francis, Wisconsin. Entered the Capuchin Order 1890; ordained 1896; at various times assistant at St. Francis Church, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Capuchin Church, Appleton, Wisconsin, and Church of Our Lady of the Angels, New York; for a time engaged in giving missions and retreats; professor, St. Lawrence's College, Mt. Calvary, Wisconsin, 1906- 1907. Member of: the Wisconsin Historical Society; the New York Catholic Historical Society. Author of: "On the Influence of the Cathohc Church with regard to the development of the Latin Language" (thesis for doctorate); " Erinnerungsblatter aus der Geschichte der Einfilhrung des Christentums in das Fox Fluss-Thal, und dem Leben der St. Joseph's Gemeinde zu Appleton, Wisconsin", pamphlet; '"The Capuchins in America" (New York Catholic Historical Society, 1909); contributor to: "Appleton Wecker"; "Seraphic Child of Mary".

ARTICLES: CaqtjetA, Apostolic Prbfecttjbe of; Cabolinb Islands; Chub, Diocese of.

Jimenez, Reverend Felipe S., s.t.d., vicar- general, diocese of Zulia, Venezuela. ARTICLE: Zulia, Diocese of.

Jimenez, Reverend Henry, s.j., sc.l., b. at Talavera de la Reina, Spain, 1876. Education: College, Talavera, Spain; Jesuit scholasticates, Granada and Cadiz, Spain; St. Bueno's College, St. Asaph, Wales; Madrid University. Entered the Society of Jesus 1891; ordained 1908; at present, professor of mathematics, CathoUc Industrial Insti- tute, Madrid. Member of the Spanish Mathematical Association. Contributor of articles on Spanish religious questions in English CathoUc periodicals.

ARTICLE: Pebiodioal Litehatuke, Catholic: Spain.

Johnson, Reverend George F., s.j., professor of Latin, Greek, and English literature, Fordham University, New York.

ARTICLES: Anthelmi, Joseph; Antoinb, Paul Gaebiel.

Johnson, William T., m.a., lawyer, b. at Osceola, Missouri, 4 August, 1848, son of Waldo P. Johnson, U. S. Senator from Missouri, 1861, and Confederate States Senator from Missouri, 1863-1865. Educa- tion: private and grammar schools, Hamilton, Canada; Notre Dame University, Indiana. Became a Catholic, 1867; married Agnes M. Harris. Vice- president, Western Exchange Bank; practising law- yer, resident in Kansas City, Missouri. Member of the National Geographical Society.

ARTICLE: Test Oath, Missoubi.

Johnston, Hon. Frank, lawyer, b. at Raymond, Mississippi, 31 December, 1843, son of Amos Randall Johnston and Harriet Newell Battle. Education: Mississippi College, Clinton, Mississippi; Western Military Institute, Nashville, Tennessee. Fought throughout the Civil War successively as sergeant in

First Tennessee and lieutenant in First Mississippi Light Artillery, being wounded at the Battle of Big Black, but continuing with the Confederate army after recovery, 1861-1865; practising lawyer 1866—

married Fannie Zerger, daughter of Judge

William Zerger of Mississippi, 1866; became a Catholic 1879; attorney general of Mississippi 1893— 1895; first assistant attorney-general of Mississippi 1912- ; resident at Jackson. As Heutenant of Artillery received eight honorable mentions for conspicuous bravery in the official reports of his officers; delegate from Mississippi, Democratic National Conventions, Baltimore, 1872, and St. Louis, 1876; active in the political conflict in Missis- sippi, 1875, between J. Z. George and the Reconstruc- tion Governor, Adelbert Ames, suggesting the Peace Conference which put an end to the difficulty; chair- man of the Democratic State Executive Committee in Greenback campaign, 1881; delegate from Missis- sippi to the Supreme Council of the Catholic Knights of America, New York, 1884; general council, Catholic Knights of America, 1886; advocated successfully the calhng of a Mississippi Constitutional Convention to pass on the suffrage question, 1889 ; strenuously opposed for six years the Mississippi State Prison system of convict leasing, which was finally abolished in 1890; largely instrumental in bringing about the abolition of the County convict lease system after a fight of over twenty years, 1908; special judge of the Mis- sissippi Supreme Court in a number of important cases; counsel in various famous cases in favor of his clients by the Mississippi Supreme and Federal Courts, the Circuit Court of Appeals of New Orleans, and the United States Supreme Court. Member of the Mississippi Historical Society. Author of "My Road to the 'True Church" (Catholic Truth Society, Brooklyn); collaborator in "PubUcations of the Mississippi Historical Society". ARTICLE: Mississippi.

Jones, Reverend Arthur Edward, s.j., ll.d., r.R.c.s., b. at BrockviUe, Ontario, Canada, 17 November, 1838, son of Henry Jones, member of the Canadian Parliament, and Lucy Catherine Mac- doueU, granddaughter of WilHam McClennan's hero "Spanish John". Education: district school, Brock- viUe; St. Mary's College, Montreal; Jesuit scholasti- cates, Amiens and Vab, France, Boston, Massachu- setts, Fordham, New York, and Woodstock, Mary- land. Entered the Society of Jesus 1857; teacher of Latin, St. Mary's CoUege, Montreal, 1861-1862; professor of belles lettres, rhetoric, and geometry, St. John's College, Fordham, New York; ordained 1873; professor of beUes lettres, St. Francis Xavier's CoUege, New York, 1874-1875; stationed at Sault- au-R6coUet, P. Q., Canada, giving at the same time missions in New Brunswick, 1875-1876; professor of Enghsh Uterature and geometry, St. Mary's College, Montreal, 1876-1881; occupied in parish and mission work, Guelph, Ontario, 1881-1882; assistant at the Gesil (1882-1900) and archivist of St. Mary's CoUege (1882- ), Montreal; socius to the superior of the Jesuit Canadian Mission 1889-1891; director (and founder) of the Sailors' Club, Montreal, 1892- 1896; editor of the "Canadian Messenger of the Sacred Heart" and director of the Apostleship of Prayer, Montreal, 1895-1899; president and director of studies, Loyola CoUege, Montreal, 1901-1904. Identified the sites of St. Ignace II, scene of martyr- dom of Fathers Br^beuf and Lallemant, and various other Huron villages, 1902; assisted Dr. Reuben G. Thwaite in his "Jesuit Relations and Allied Docu- ments"; won Grand Prize for St. Mary's College Historical and Archaeological Exhibit, and gold medal for himself as archivist, Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904; founded Stanislaus Club for boys, Montreal; invented College Fire Escape;