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invented Perpetual Calendar of Movable Feasts, requiring no calculation; lectured on Huron Topog- raphy before International Congress of Americanists, Quebec, 1906; architect of various Jesuit colleges; laid out grounds of Woodstoclc College, Woodstock, Maryland, and of certain other Jesuit institutions. Corresponding member of: Minnesota Historical Society; Chicago Historical Society; Ontario Histori- cal Society; hon. member of: Missouri Historical Society; Wisconsin Historical Society; member of International Congress of Americanists. Author of: "Biens des J&uites en Canada", pamphlet (1888); "Sketch of Louis Andrd, S.J." (1889)- "Answer to a Communication in the Montreal 'Star' and the 'Gazette' (Montreal), and 'Toronto Mail' Campaign against Jesuit Estates Bill", pamphlet (1889); "A Jesuit Father on the Act", pamphlet (1889); "Site of the Mascoutin Village" (1907); "Sendak6 l^henor Old Huronia" (1909-1911); translated "Aulneau Collection of Letters", leading to discovery of ruins of Fort St. Charles, Minnesota (1893); discovered and edited, with biographical notes, manuscript of Laure, "Relation of the Saguenay Mission" (1893); contributor to: "Ontario Archaeological Reports"; "Recherohes Historiques".

ARTICLES: Hukon Indians; Lagren^, Pierre; La RiCHARDIB, Armand de; Lauzon, Pierre de; Le Mercier, FRANgois; Levadoux, Michael; Marchand, Jean Baptiste; Mahtin, Fells; Millet, Pierre; Petun Nation.

Jones, Right Reverend William Ambrose, O.S.A., D.D., Bishop of Porto Rico, b. at Cambridge, New York, 21 July, 1865. Education: public school, Cambridge; St. Thomas College, ViUanova, Pennsyl- vania. Entered the Augustinian Order 1896; ordained 1890; has held the posts of assistant at St. Augustine's Church, Philadelphia, and master of novices, Augustin- ian scholasticate, Villanova, Pennsylvania; rector of first English-speaking Catholic Church (1899-1903) and rector, St. Augustine's College and Christ Church (1903-1907), Havana, Cuba; Bishop of Porto Rico 1907- . Author of various translations from the Spanish; contributor to current reviews. ABTICLES: Porto Eico; Santo Domingo, Archdiocese of.

Josephine of the Sacred Heart, Reverend Mother (Frances O'Connor), b. at Christohurch, Hampshire, England, 1858, daughter of Peter O'Connor, of Tipperary, Ireland, and Emma Pritchard. Education: private; School of Sisters of St. Joseph, Randers, Denmark; Notre Dame Academy, Plymouth, England; Convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Chamb6ry, France. Passed her childhood in Jutland, Denmark; entered the order of Sisters of St. Joseph of Chamb6ry 1877; for a time teacher at convent of her order, Chamb^ry; sent to the United States with four other sisters to found convent at Lee, Massachusetts, 1885; teacher (1886-1890) and superior (1890-1896), Convent of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Lee; provincial of her order in the United States 1896- ; resident at Hartford, Connecticut. During her administration, founded ten houses of her order in the United States.

ARTICLE: Joseph, Sisters of Saint (CHAMsiRT).

Jostes, Franz, ph.D., professor of German philology, Royal University, Miinster.

ARTICLE: Hulshoff (Droste-Hulshoff) , Annette Elisabeth, Baroness von.

Jouve, Reverend Odoric Marie, o.p.m., writer, b. in France, 1875. Education: Franciscan College, Bordeaux, France. Entered the Franciscan Order

1884; came to Canada 1895; ordained 1901; has passed most of his time in research work connected with the history of Franciscan missions in North America; at present stationed at the Franciscan Monastery, Quebec, Canada. Author of: "Les Frferes Mineurs i Quebec"; "Le Frfire Didace Pelletier"; contributor of articles on Franciscan missions to various reviews.

ARTICLES: Denis, Joseph; Dolbeau, Jean; Jamay, Denis; La Roche Daillon, Joseph de: Le Caron, Joseph; Leclercq, Chrestibn; Third Order of St. Francis, in Canada.

Joyce, Reverend George Hayward, s.j., m.a., b. at Harrow-on-the-hill, Middlesex, England, 1864. Education: Charterhouse, Godalming, England; Oriel College, Oxford; further studies in Germany. Anghcan curate. Holy Trinity Church, Shrewsbury, England, 1889-1892; became a Cathohc 1893; entered the Society of Jesus 1894; ordained 1903; professor of philosophy, St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England, 1904-1908; professor of theology, St. Bueno's College, St. Asaph, Wales, 1909- . Author of: "Principles of Logic"; "The Question of Miracles".

. ARTICLES: Church, The; Fundamental Articles; Keys,, Power of the; Lister, Thomas; Morality; Mystical Body OF Christ; Papacy; Pope; Revelation; Sanctity, Mark of the Church; Trinity, The Blessed.

Jungnitz, Reverend Josbp, s.t.d., b. at Nieder- Mois, Silesia, Germany, 17 May, 1844. Education: grammar school Nieder-Mois; St. Mathias College, Breslau; Breslau University. Ordained 1867; former- ly assistant pastor, Guhrau, Germany; former director of Orphan Asylums and assistant director of the Seminary, and, at present, director of the Museum, Archives, and Library of the Cathedral Chapter, diocese of Breslau; hon. professor of the history of the diocese of Breslau, Breslau University; ecclesiasti- cal counsellor. Member of the Silesian Society for National Culture, and the Silesian Historical Associa- tion. Author of: " Wallf ahrtsbiichlein fiir Verehrer der hi. Hedwig" (1874; 3rd ed. 1903); "Kleine Kirchengeschichte" (1880; 9th ed. 1910); "Legende der Heiligen" (1881; 11th ed. 1910); "Geschichte der Dorfer Ober- und Nieder-Mois" (1885); "Die hi. Hedwig" (1885); "Johann Heyne" (1890); "Sebas- tian von Rostock" (1891); "Archidiakonus Petrus Gebauer" (1892); "Die Breslauer Ritualien" (1892); "Die Kongregation der Grauen Sch western" (l892); "Das Breslauer Brevier und Proprium" (1893); "Die Grabstfitten der Breslauer Bischofe" (1895); "Charakterbilder aus dem Klerus Schlesiens" (1898); "Martin von Gerstmann" (1898); "August Meer" (1898); "Die Sanctio Pragmatica des Bischofs Franz Ludwig" (1900); " Die Visitationsberichte der Diozese Breslau", 4 vols. (1902-1908); "Karl Otto" (1904); "Die Breslauer Germaniker" (1906); "Das St. .Tosephstift zu Breslau" (1907); "Pralat Ferdinand Speil" (1907); "A. L. Graf von Hatzfeld-Gleichen" (1908); "Die Breslauer Domkirche" (1908).

ARTICLES: Breslau, The Prince-Bishopric of; Breslau, University of.

Junguito, Right Reverend Francisco Xavibr, S.J., D.D., b. at.Bogotd, Colombia, 3 December, 1841, d. at Panama City, Panama, 25 October, 1911. Education: Colombia; Guatemala. Entered the Society of Jesus; former director of the League of the Sacred Heart and editor of the "Mensajero", Nicara- gua; former superior of the Jesuit College, Cartagena, Colombia; Bishop of Panama 1901-1911. Author of pastorals.

ARTICLE: Panama, Republic and Diocese of.