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Labourt, Abb£ JfiR6ME, litt.D., s.t.d., b. in Paris, 1874. Education: St. Sulpice, Sorbonne, Catholic Institute, School of Higher Studies, and CoUege of France, Paris; Minerva and Sapienza, Rome; Biblical School, Jerusalem. Ordained 1897; has held the posts of curate. Church of St. Louis en rile, director of the Patronage Jeanne d'Arc, secretary of the Diocesan Commission of Patronages for Boys, Paris, and chaplain, College Stanislas, Paris; cur6 of the Church of St. Hippolyte, Paris, 1914- ; member of: the Asiatic Society of Paris; the Friends of the Cathohc Institute (Paris); the Alumni Associations of the Sorbonne and the Catholic Institute (Paris). Author of: "Histoire du christianisme dans I'Empire Perse " ; " Edition de la liturgie syriaque de Barsalibi " ; "Odes de Salamon" (in collaboration with Mgr. Batiffol); contributor: "Revue Bibhque"; "Revue du clerg^ frangais"; "Journal Asiatique"; "Revue d'histoire des religions"; "BuUetin d'ancienne lit- t^rature et d'arch^ologie chr^tienne"; "L'Ecole"; "Correspondance diocfeaine des Patronages de GarQons"; "Polybiblion"; "Byzantinische Zeit- schrift"; "Muston".

AATICLES: Arsacid^; Chaldean Chbistians; Ephraem, Saint; Etschmiadzin; Ibas of Edessa; Isaac of Seleucia; Maphkian; Maronites.

Lacy, Right Rbveebnd Richard, d.d., Bishop of Middlesbrough, England, b. at Navan, Co. Meath, Ireland, 16 January, 1841. Education: Ushaw College, Durham, England; Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 1867; curate, St. Patrick's Church, Bradford (1868-1872), and rector, St. Mary's, Middlesbrough (1872-1879), England; Bishop 'of Middlesbrough 1879- . Built St. Mary's Cathe- dral and St. Mary's and St. Patrick's Schools, Middlesbrough, Chapel of St. Peter's School, Sovith Bandk, and Chapel of St. Alphonsus School, North Ormesby, England. Member of the British Associa- tion. ARTICLE: Middlesbeodqh, Diocese of.

Ladeuze, Right Reveebnd Canon Paulin, S.T.D. , b. at Harveng, Hainaut, Belgium, 3 July, 1870. Education: Preparatory Seminary, Bonne Esp6rance, Seminary, Tournai, and Louvain University, Louvain, Belgium. Ordained 1892; professor of New Testa- ment exegesis, of the history of ancient Christian literature, and of Coptic language, and president of Holy Ghost College, University of Louvain, 1898- 1909; rector of the University of Louvain 1909- ; canon of the cathedral of Tournai; domestic prelate; oflBcer of the Order of Leopold. Author of: "Etude sur le c^nobitisme pakhomien pendant le IV* siScle et la premiere moitiiS de v*" (Louvain, 1898); "La resurrection du Christ devant la critique contempo- raine", conference at the Reunion of the Alumni of the Preparatory Seminary, Bonne EspiSrance (Lou- vain. 1907; L'action cathohque edition, Collection "Science et Foi", Brussels, 1908); "Le r61e scien- tifique, religieux et social de I'Universitfi de Louvain", discourse at the opening of the University, 1909 (Louvain, 1909); "Les raisons qu'ont les i5tudiants universitaires de se hvrer aux oeuvres de la Soci(5t6 de St. Vincent de Paul", discourse at General Assembly of Conferences of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1909 (Louvain, 1909); "Les devoirs de

I'Studiant universitaire", discourse at the opening of the University, 1910 (Louvain, 1910); "Frederic Ozanam", discourse at General Assembly of Con- ferences of Society of St. Vincent de Paul, 1912 (Louvain, 1912); collaborator in "Actes du XVII Congres eucharistique international" (by Mgr. Ladeuze: "Les controverses r^centes sur la genfese du dogme eucharistique") (Tournai, 1907); contributor: "Annuaire de I'Universit^" (Louvain); "Le Mus6on et la Revue des rehgions"; "Revue d'histoire ec- cMsiastique"; "Revue biblique Internationale"; "Revue de I'Orient Chretien"; "Revue des sciences philosophiques et theologiques " ; "Melanges Gode- froid Kurth"; one of the secretaries of the Board of Editors of "Le Museon"; editor with M. Cauchie of "La revue histoire eccl^siastique".

ARTICLES: Barnabas, Epistle Attributed to; Ephebians, Epistle to the; Goossens, Piekee-Lambert.

La Farge, Reverend John, s.j., a.b., b. at Newport, Rhode Island, 13 February, 1880. Educa- tion: Harvard University; University of Innsbruck, Austria; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Ordained and entered the Society of Jesus 1905; former teacher of Latin and Greek, Canisius CoUege, Buffalo, New York, and Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland; chaplain. Workhouse and Metropohtan Hospital, Blackwell's Island, New York, 1911; engaged in parish work. Southern Maryland Jesuit Mission, stationed at Leonardtown, 1911-1914; at St. Inigoes, Md., 1915- . Has contributed to various magazines.

ARTICLE: La Farge, John.

Laflamme, J. LioN K., b.a., b. at Ste. Marguerite (Dorchester), P. Q., 29 August, 1872. Education: Seminary and Laval University, Quebec. Editor of "Le Journal", Fall River, Massachusetts, 1900; editor-in-chief, "La Tribune"^ Woonsooket, Rhode Island, 1900-1907; editor-in-chief, "L'action sociale", Quebec, 1907-1909; at present, director (and founder), "La Revue Franco-Am&icaine", Quebec; also private secretary of the Honorable The Postmaster General of Canada. Secretary of the Franco-American Society for Peter's Pence; member of the Association of French Publicists (Paris); member (and first president). Association of Franco-American Journal- ists of New England. Has contributed to "La Revue Canadienne" (Montreal).

ARTICLE: French Catholics in the United States.

Lagarde, Ernest, a.m., ll.d., b. at New Orleans, Louisiana, 4 September, 1836; d. 25 October, 1914. Education: College Hill, Raymond, Mississippi; University of Louisiana, New Orleans. At various times Confederate soldier in Crescent Regiment and in the Ordnance Department, Richmond, Virginia; deputy clerk. United States District Court, Eastern District of Louisiana; editor of: "The Mirror", "The Bee", and "The Sentinel", New Orleans; the "Express", Petersburg, Virginia; the "Evening Whig", "Evening Commercial Bulletin" and "The Age", Richmond, Virginia; successively professor of modern languages, Randolph Macon College, Boyd- ton, Virginia, professor of English literature and modern languages and dean of the Lay Faculty, Mt. St. Mary's College, Emmitsburg, Maryland. Former