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lege, Cashel, St. Patrick's College, Carlow, and University CoUege, Dublin, Ireland; matriculated at Royal University of Ireland. Lecturer, University CoUege, and professor of Classics and English, Dominican Women's CoUege, Dublin, 1886; married Lillian Clare, daughter of Thomas Pakenham, of Dublin, 1894; professor of EngUsh and history, and senior lecturer of the Intermediate Department, Blackrock CoUege, and manager and head professor of the evening classes. University College, DubUn, 1904-1907; professor English language and literature, Cathohc University, Washington, D. C, 1907- Former "auditor" of University CoUege Literary and Historical Society, DubMn; has given much study and attention to economic and sociological questions; chosen by State Department to represent United States at International Congress of Chambers of Commerce, London, 1910; special agent of United States Department of Commerce and Labor to investigate trade conditions abroad, 1910; appointed by President Taft to represent United States at International Congress on Alcoholism, The Hague, 1911;- chairman of Committee to revise question of books suitable for school use. Convention of CathoUc Educational Association, Pittsburg, 1912. Author of: "The Victorian Era in Ireland", inaugural address as "auditor" of University College Literary and Historical Society (1887); "Mythology of the Ancients" (1888); "Early Printing in Ireland" (1909); "Women Writers of Enghsh in the Fifteenth Century" (1910); "National University of Ireland" (1911); "Addison and the Modern Essay" (1912); contributor to: "The Irish Fireside"; "The lUustro- graph"; "North American Review"; "Catholic University Bulletin"; "Catholic World"; "Catholic Educational Review"; editorial writer on "The Washington Post".

ARTICLES: Gower, John; Maektat, Florence; Moore, Michael; Pope, Alexander; Proctor, Adelaide Anne; Richard de Burt; Scotland: Scottish Literature.

Le Roy, Right Reverend Alexandre, c.s.sp., b. at Avranches, Manche, France, 19 January, 1854. Ordained 1876; professed in Congregation of the Holy Ghost 1877; former missionary and professor of rhetoric in Reunion Island; former professor of phUosophy and director. Colonial College, Pondi- cherry, French India; former missionary in Zanzibar; vicar ApostoUc of Gaboon, Africa, 1893-1896; titular Bishop of AUnda 1893- ; superior general of the Congregation of the Holy Ghost, resident in Paris, 1896- . Author of: "A travers le Zangue- bar"; "Le long des c6tes d'Afrique"; "Sur terre et siu- I'eau"; "Les Pygmfes"; "La Religion des Primitifis", etc.

ARTICLES: Africa; Cimbebasia, Upper and Lower, Prefecture Apostolic of; Mayotte, Nossi B^, and Comoro, Prefecture Apostolic of; Morocco, Prefecture Apostolic of; Nigeria, Upper and Lower; Somaliland; Zanzibar; Zululand.

Lescher, Vert Reverend Wilfrid, o.p., b. in London, 2 October, 1847; d. at Hinckley, 31 Decem- ber, 1916. Education: Ushaw College, Durham, England; Dominican scholasticates, London and Louvain, Belgium. Professed in the Dominican Order 1865; ordained 1871; formerly engaged in parish work in London, Leicester, and Stroud, England; chaplain at Prudhoe Hall, England, 1879- 1883; editor of "The Rosary" 1884^1889; prior of Woodchester, Stroud, England, 1891; stationed at St. Dominic's Priory, Carisbrooke, Isle of Wight, 1908-1910; at St. Sebastian's^ Pendleton, Manchester, 1910-1913; at St. Peter's Priory, Hinckley, England, 1914-1916. Made a tour of Canada to inspect Catholic schools. Former member of: the Catholic Academia, London; the An ti- Vivisection Society. Author of: "The Angelic Doctor"; "On Universals"; "The Human Soul of the Form of the Body"; "St.

Dominic and the Rosary"; "The Rosary"; "Origin of Lourdes " ; "Life of St. Dominic " ; "Life of Cardinal Howard"; literary editor of the EngUsh translation of St. Thomas's "Summa theologica"; contributor to: "CathoUc Times"; "The Tablet". ARTICLE: Howard, Philip Thomas.

Letang, Reverend Henry Edward, b.c.l., b.d., b. at Almonte, Ontario, 24 September, 1880. Educa- tion: pubUo school, BrudeneU, Ontario; high school, Almonte; University of Ottawa, Ontario; Seminary of Philosophy and Grand Seminary, Montreal, Canada. Ordained 1908; curate, St. James Church, Eganville, Ontario, 1908-1909; curate at the cathedral and secretary to the Bishop, Pembroke, 1909-1912; rector. Church of St. Joseph, AUumette Islands, P. Q., Canada, 1913- . Director of St. Columba's Debating and Literary Society, Pembroke. Con- tributor to various newspapers.

ARTICLE: Pembboee, Diocese of. ,

Letellier, Reverend Arthur, s.s.s., b. at Riviere OueUe, P. Q., Canada, 7 Aug., 1862. Education: Canada ; Paris ; Gregorian University, Rome. Entered the Society of the Blessed Sacrament, 1883; ordained 1888; rector. Church of St. Jean Baptiste, New York, 1903-1914; superior, ReUgious of the Blessed Sacrament, Montreal, Canada, 1915- . Editor of "Sentinel of the Blessed Sacrament".

ARTICLES: Eymard, Pierre-Julien; Perpetual Adora- tion, Religious of the (Einsiedeln) ; Perpetual Adoration, Sisters of the (Quimper); Perpetual Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament; Priests' Communion League; Servants of the Most Blessed Sacrament, Congregation of the; Society of the Blessed Sacrament.

Libert, Reverend Paul Prosper, s.t.b., b. at Audenarde, Belgium, 11 May, 1863. Education: CoUege at Audenarde, Seminary at Ghent and University of Louvain, Belgium. Ordained 1885; professor at St. Vincent's CoUege, Eecloo, Belgium, 1886-1892; professor (at present, of catechetics and French hterature), and Ubrarian, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York, 1892-

ARTICLE: De La Croix, Chables.

Liese, Reverend Wilhelm Anton, s.t.d., b. at Wiirdinghausen, WestphaUa, Germany, 27 April, 1876. Education: Paderborn; Innsbruck; Munster; Bonn. Ordained 1899; engaged in parish work 1899-1900; connected with the Central Bureau of the Charity Association, Freiburg, Germany, 1900-1903; diocesan Mbrarian, Paderborn, 1903- ; lecturer on social sciences. Seminary, Paderborn, 1910- Former editor of "Frauenwirtschaft", 1910-1911. Author of: "Der heUsnotwendige Glaube" (1902); "Handbuch des Madchenschutzes" (1904; 2nd ed. 1908); "Das HauswirtschaftUche Bildungswesen" (1906; 2nd ed. 1910); coUaborator in: Herder's "Konversationslexikon"; Herder's "Staatslexikon"; "Lexikon der Padagogik"; "Handworterlexikon der Staatswissenschaften"; editor of "Der Jungfrauen- verein".

ARTICLE: Temperance Movements (Europe).

Ligneul, Reverend Francois; missionary, b. at Chartres, France, 1847. Ordained 22 January, 1871; former professor successively of grammar, literature, philosophy, and theology, France; missionary at Tokio, Japan, 1880- . Author of a work on theology in Japanese; various pamphlets.

ARTICLE: Japan, Christianity in.

Lilly, William Samuel, ll.m., j.p., barrister, b. at Fifehead, Dorsetshire, England, 10 July, 1840, son of WiUiam Lilly, of Windout House, near Exeter, England. Education: Peterhouse, Cambridge. Under secretary of the Government of Madras, India, 1869; convert to the Church; married Susannah (d. 1903), daughter of Reverend George HaU, 1878;