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Ireland, 1886; professor of moral theology and Scripture, Olton College, Birmingham, England, 1887-1889, and of Scripture and Hebrew (1889- ) and vice-president (1912- ), Maynooth College, DubHn. Author of: "Gospel of St. John" (DuMin, 1897); contributor to: "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Irish Monthly"; "Catholic University Bulletin" (Washington); associate editor (and one of the founders), "Irish Theological Quarterly".

ARTICLES: Andrew, Saint, Apobtle; Mabgaret, Saint, Virgin and Martyr; Mark, Saint and Evangelist; Mark, GospEii OF Saint; Mart of Egypt, Saint.

MacSherry, Right Reverend Hugh, d.d., b. at Loughgilly, Co. Armagh, Ireland, 1 February, 1852, son of Arthur MacSherry. Education: Seminary, Armagh, Ireland; Irish College^ Paris, under Dr. (now Cardinal) Logue. Ordamed 1875; curate successively at Clogher Head, Tallanstown, and Ardee, Co. Armagh, 1875-1893; administrator of the parish of .Dundalk, Co. Armagh, 1893-1896; titular Bishop of JustinianopoUs and vicar ApostoUc of the Eastern District of the Cape of Good Hope, resident at Port EUzabeth, Cape Colony, South Africa, 1896- . Represented the bishops of South Africa at the Eucharistic Congresses, Westminster, 1908, and Montreal, 1910; mentioned in despatches by Lord Kitchener for services in the Chaplains' Department during the Boer War, 1902. FeUow of the Royal Colonial Institute (London). Contributor to various Catholic periodicals.

ABTICLE: Orange Free State.

McSorley, Reverend Joseph, c.s.p., a.m., s.t.l., b. at Brooklyn, New York, 9 December, 1874. Education: St. John's College, Brooldyn; St. Thomas's College and Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Entered the Congregation of St. Paul 1891; ordained 1897; assistant, St. Paul's Church, New York, 1897- 1899; professor dogmatic theology (1899-1907) and master of novices (1901-1907), St. Thomas's College, Washington, D. C; again, assistant, St. Paul's Church, New York, in charge of the ItaUans of the West Side, 1908- . Author of "Sacrament of Duty" (1909); edited: "The Ideal Teacher" (tr. from the French of Laberthonniere) ; "Progress in Prayer" (tr. from the French of Caussade); "More Joy" (tr. from the German of Keppler); contributor to: "Catholic World"; "New York Review"; "Catholic University Bulletin"; "American Ecclesi- astical Review". ASTICLE: Basil the Great, Saint.

MacSweeney, Reverend Patrick M., m.a., b. at DubUn, Ireland, 1873. Education: Christian Brothers' School (Richmond Street), University College, and Holy Cross College, ClonUffe, Dublin. Former lecturer on Enghsh and French hterature. University College and Loreto College, Dublin; ordained 1907; professor of modern hterature, Holy Cross College, Clonliffe, Dubhn, 1907-1910; lecturer on (1910-1913) and professor of (1913- ) Enghsh literature, Maynooth College, Dublin; examiner in English, Irish, and Irish history. National University of Ireland. Dehvered the Centenary Address on John O'Donovan before the National Literary Society, Dublin, 1906; has acted as examiner on the Intermediate Board of Education, Dubhn. Author of "Love of Nature in Enghsh Poetry"; "A Group of Nation-Builders"; edited with translation, intro- duction, etc.: "Martial Career of Conghal Clairin- gnech" (Vol. V, Irish Texts Society Series); contribu- tor to various periodicals; editor of "Irish Ecclesiastical Record" (1913- ).

ARTICLE: O'Donovan, John.

McSweeny, Reverend James Laurbncb, a.m., S.T.B., b. at Claremont, New Hampshire, 17 Septem- ber, 1865. Education: public schools, Pittsfield,

Massachusetts; St. Charles's College, EUicott City, and St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland. Ordained 1895; engaged in parish work, Chestertown, Maryland, 1895-1902, and Delaware City, Delaware, 1902-1908; rector, St. John's Church, Hockessin, Delaware, 1908- . Built parochial residence at Chestertown, Maryland, and church at Delaware City, Delaware. Collaborator in "Catholic Church in the United States" (by Father McSweeny: "History of the Diocese of Wilmington"); editorial writer on "Delmarvia Cathohc". ARTICLE: Wilmington, Diocese op.

Madden, Marie Rbgina, Brooklyn, New York. ARTICLE: Names of Jesus and Mart, Sisters op the Holt.

Maere, Vert Reverend Canon Ren^, d.d., b. at Deynze, East Flanders, Belgium, 14 September, 1869. Education: Seminary, Ghent, and Louvain University, Belgium; Gregorian University, Rome. Ordained 1893; professor of Christian archaeology and the history of Christian art, University of Louvain, Belgium, 1898- ; canon of the cathedral of Ghent. Corresponding member of the Royal Monument Commission (Brussels) ; vice-president of the Guild of Sts. Thomas and Luke. Collaborator in: "Annuaire de I'Universit^" (Louvain, 1898, 1905); "M6moires de la Conamission royale d'Histoire" (Brussels, 1904) ; "Inventaire des objets d'art des communes de Nivelles" (Brussels, 1913); "Travaux du XX«  Congrls d'histoire et d'arch^ologie " (Ghent, 1907); contributor to: "Bulletin de la Commission royale d'Histoire"; "Analectes pour servir k I'histoire eccl^siastique de la Belgique"; "Mus^on"; "Revue de I'art chr^tien"; "Revue d'histoire ecclesiastique"; "Romische Quartalschrift fiir christhohe Altertums- kunde imd Kirchengeschichte"; "Archives beiges"; "Dietsche Warande en Belfort"; "Les arts anciens de Flandre"; "Journal de BruxeUes"; "Lou vain- Journal".

ARTICLES: Diaconicum; Didron, Adolphe-Napol^on; Diptych; Evangeliaria, Ornamentation of; Garrtjcci, Raff able; IHS; Le Blant, Edmond-Fr^d^ric; Mamachi, Thomas Maria; Marchi, Giuseppe; Marti gnt, Joseph- Alexandre; Montault, Xavier Barrier de; Museums, Christian; Reusens, Edmond; Schelstrate, Emmanuel; Selvaggio, Giulio Lorenzo; Serodx d'Aqincourt, Jean- Baptiste; Wouters, G. Henry.

Maes, Right Reverend Camillus Paxil, d.d., b. at Courtrai, Belgium, 13 March, 1846; d. at Covington, Kentucky, 11 May, 1915. Education: College of St. Amand, Courtrai; Seminary, Bruges, and Louvain University, Belgium. Ordained 1868; pastor at Mt. Clemens (1869) and at Monroe (1871- 1880); Michigan; secretary of the diocese of Detroit, Michigan, 1880-1884; Bishop of Covington, Ken- tucky, 1885-1915. Former president of the Board of Bishops of the American College, Louvain, Belgium; the Eucharistic Congresses in the United States. Author of: "Life of Reverend Charles Nerinckx" (Cincinnati, 1880); pamphlets; contributor to: "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Catholic World".

ARTICLES; Badin, Stephen Theodore; Flaget, Benedict Joseph; Forbin-Janson, Charles- Auquste-Mabie-Joseph, Comte de; Mote, John Martin, Venerable; Nerinckx, Charles.

Magee, Walter C. J., b. at Jersey City, New Jersey, 14 August, 1890. Educated at Xavier and Commercial Schools, New York. Secretary, The Encyclopedia Press, Inc.; member Knights of Columbus and Laymen's League for Retreats and Social Studies.

Maginnis, Charles Donaqh, p.a.i.a., architect, b. at Londonderry, Ireland, 1867. Education: St. Columb's College, Londonderry; Cusack's Academy, Dublin, Ireland. Came to the United States and