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settled at Boston, Massachusetts, 1885; practising architect, resident at Boston, 1895- ; at present forms, with Timothy Walsh, the firm of Maginnis & Walsh. Has designed numerous churches, schools, and convents; won in competition commission to design new Boston College, 1909; has travelled ex- tensively in Europe for architectural study. Mem- ber of: Municipal Art Commission of Boston, State Art Commission of Massachusetts, Boston Society of Architects, Boston Architectural Club; Master in Arts and Crafts Society of Boston. Author of "Pen Drawing" (1902); contributor of articles dealing with ecclesiastical art and architecture to: "Architectural Review"; "Catholic World". ABTICLE: De L'Obme, Philibebt.

Magnier, Reverend John, c.ss.r., b. at Kildor- rery, Co. Cork, Ireland, 9 June, 1842; d. at Belfast, Ireland, 18 February, 1914. Education: St. Cole- man's College, Fermoy, Ireland; Redemptorist scholasticate, Wittem, Holland. Entered the Re- demptorist Order 1866; ordained 1873; at various times missionary, prefect of students, lector, and rector in different Redemptorist houses; former Consultor General of the Redemptorist Order, resident in Rome; stationed at St. Mary's, Clapham, London, 1909-1912, and at the Redemptorist Monastery, Belfast, Ireland, 1912-1914. Author of popular lives of Redemptorist saints and servants of God; edited popular edition of various ascetical works of St. Alphonsus Liguori; contributor to "Irish Ecclesiastical Record".

ARTICLES: Clement Mart Hofbaueh, Saint; Dechamps, Victor Augtjstin Isidob; Destjbmont, Achille; Donderb, Peter; Gerard Majella, Saint; Holy Family, Archconfra- ternitt of the; Passebat, John, Venerable; Pebpetual Succour, Our Lady of; Redemporistines; Sabnelli, Januabius Maria; Spobtelli, C^sab, Venerable.

Magri, Reverend Francis Joseph, m.a., d.d., b. at Lynchburg, Virginia, 22 November, 1868, son of Francis Joseph Magri, of Tuscany, Italy, and Mary J. Magri, of Co. Monaghan, Ireland. Educa- tion: private, parochial, pubhc, and high schools, Lynchburg; St. Charles College, EUicott City, and St. Mary's Seminary and University, Baltimore, Maryland; American College, Rome. Ordained 1900; assistant at St. Peter's Old Cathedral, Richmond, 1900; chancellor (1901-1909) and secretary to the Bishop (1901-1916), diocese of Richmond; in charge of St. Peter's Church, Richmond, 1908-1909; pastor, St. Paul's Church, Portsmouth, Virginia, 1916- Author of "Catholic Church in the City and Diocese of Richmond" (Richmond, 1906); collaborator in "CathoUc Church in the United States" (by Dr. Magri: "Diocese of Richmond"), Vol. II (New York, 1910); contributor to: "The Cathohc Historical Review", Washington, and Richmond and Norfolk papers.

ARTICLES: Richmond, Diocese of; Van De Vyvee, Augustine; Virginia.

Mahe, Reverend C]6lestin Etienne Marie, b. at Dinan, Brittany, France, 1853. Education: public schools, France; private tutor; Preparatory Seminary, St. M^en, and Seminary, Rennes, France. Came to America 1875; ordained 1876; engaged in parish work in the diocese of Natchitoches, now that of Alexandria, Louisiana, 1876-1915; former rector, St. Matthew's Church, Monroe, Louisiana; diocesan consultor, examiner of the clergy and procurator fiscalis (1910-1915), and rector of the cathedral (1912-1915), diocese of Alexandria, Louisiana; at present resident in France. Contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLE: Natchitoches, Diocese of.

Maher, Reverend Michael, s.j., litt.D., m.a., b. at Leighhnbridge, Co. Carlow, Ireland, 1860. Education: St. Stanislaus College, TuUabeg, Ireland;

London University; Jesuit scholasticate, Stonyhurst, Blackburn, England; St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales. Entered the Society of Jesus 1880; professor of philosophy, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, 1885- 1891, 1896-1902; ordained 1894; examiner in educa- tion. Royal University of Ireland, and subsequently at the National University of Ireland, 1898- ; superior, director of studies and professor of peda- gogics, St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst, Blackburn, 1902-1913; stationed at the Church of the Sacred Heart, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1913- . Author of: "Psychology", Stonyhurst Series (1890; 7th ed. 1910); "Tatian's Diatessaron" (1893); collaborator in "Teacher's Encyclopaedia"; contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "Fortnightly Review"; "The Month".

ARTICLES: Character; Consciousness; Determinism; Dualism; Energy, The Law of the Conservation of; Fatalism; Free Will; Happiness; Harper, Thomas Morton; Herb ART and Herb artianism ; Idea; Immortality; Individual, Individuality; Intellect; Interest; Life; Metempsychosis; Mind; Psychology; Schools: In England: In Scotland; Soul; Spirit; Spiritualism; Will,

Mahony, Very Reverend Monsignor John Mathbw, S.T.B., D.C.L., b. near Hamilton, 1862. Education: parish and model schools, Hamilton; Normal School Ottawa, St. Jerome's College, Berlin, and Seminary, Montreal, Canada. Former professor of history and mathematics, St. Jerome's College, Berlin, Canada; ordained 1894; assistant (1894^ 1899) and rector (1899- ), cathedral, Hamilton; Dean (1906-1909) and Vicar-General (1909- ), diocese of Hamilton. Cleared the cathedral at Hamilton of debt and had it consecrated, 1906; represented Bishop Dowhng, of Hamilton, at the celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the Immaculate Conception, Rome, 1904, at the First Plenary Council of Canada, Quebec, 1909, and at the Eucharistic Congress, Montreal, 1910.

ARTICLE: Hamilton, Diocese of.

Mandonnet, Reverend Pierre-Francois-F^lix, O.P., S.T.D., b. at Beaumont, near Clermont-Ferrand, France, 26 February, 1858. Entered the Dominican Order 1882; ordained 1887; professor of Church history (1891- ), dean of the Theological Faculty (1893-1894, 1906-1907) and rector (1902-1903), University of Fribourg, Switzerland. Officer of Public Instruction. Author of: "Les Dominicains et la d6couverte de l'Am6rique" (Paris, 1893); "Siger de Brabant et I'AverroIsme latin au XIIP siScle", crowned by the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles Lettres (Fribourg, 1899; 2nd ed. revved and enlarged, 2 vols.. Vols. VI and VII of "Philosophes Beiges", Louvain, 1908, 1911); "Les Ragles et le Gouverne- ment de I'Ordo de Poenitentia" (Paris, 1902); "La Faculty de Th^ologie de I'UniversitS de Fribourg", Rector's Oration (Fribourg, 1903); "Le d^cret d'Innocent XI contre le Probabihsme" (Paris, 1903); "Des 6crits authentiques de St. Thomas d'Aquin" (Fribourg, 1910); collaborator in several encyclo- pedias; contributor to various periodicals.

ARTICLE: Pbeachers, Obdeb of.

Mann, Reverend Horace K., d.d., b. in London, 1859. Education: St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw, Durham, England. Former professor, St. Cuthbert's College, Ushaw; ordained 1886; teacher (1886-1887), prefect of discipline (1887-1890) and headmaster (1890- ), St. Cuthbert's Grammar School, New- castle-on-Tyne. On the occasion of the Silver Jubilee of his ordination, received an autograph letter from Pope Pius X, congratulating him and encouraging him to continue his " Lives of the Popes " , 1911. Author of: "IJves of the Popes in the Early Middle Ages", 6 vols. (London and St. Louis, 1902- 1910); "Lives of the Popes ip the Middle Ages", 3 vols. (London and St. Louis, 1910).

ARTICLES: Benedict I-X, Popes; Christopher, Pope; Conon, Pope; Constantine, Pope; Eugene I, Saint, Pope;