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Rome. Ordained 1861; successively assistant at the cathedral and rector at Howrah, Calcutta, India, 1861-1881; chaplain to the British Forces, Lahore, India, 1881^1887; first vicar (and organizer), vicariate Apostolic of Trichur, Malabar, India, with jurisdic- tion over the northern division of Christians of the Syrian Rite in communion with Rome, 1887-1895; titular Bishop of Tricomia 1887- ; collected materials in the great Ubraries of Europe for his work on the apostolate of St. Thomas, 1895-1908; resident at Calcutta 1908- ; Domestic Prelate, Papal Count, and Bishop Assistant at the Pontifical Throne, 1912. Author of "India and the Apostle St. Thomas" (London, 1905). ASTICLE: Thomas Chbistiaks, Saint.

Meehan, Vert Reverend Monsiqnor Andrew B., ph.L., S.T.D., J.U.D., b. at Scottsville, New York, 11 December, 1867. Education: pubKc school, Scottsville; St. Andrew's Seminary, Rochester; North American College, Rome. Ordained 1902; director and professor of liturgy and canon law, St. Bernard's Semmary, Rochester, 1903- . Author of "Com- pendium juris canonici".

ARTICLES: Abjubation; Acoltte; Balsam; Balsamon, Theodore; Barbosa, Agostino; Begnudelli-Babso; Frances- co Antonio; Benediction al; Berardi, Carlo Sebastiano; Bernard of Botone; Bernard of Compostella; Bernard op Pavia; Betrothal; Bination; Blastares, Matthew; Breast, Striking of the; Endowment; Examination; Examiners, Apostolic; Examiners, Synodal; Executor, Apostolic; ExpEDiTORS, Apostolic; Faculties, Canonical; Indult; Inquisition, Canonical; Jus Spolii; Pall; Pax; Proof; Provision, Canonical; Provost; Public Honesty; Putative Marriage; Rector; Registers, Parochial; Regulje Juris; Repose, Aliar of; Rescripts, Papal; Reservation; Resi- dence, Ecclesiastical; Revocation; Romanos Pontifices; Sacristy; Schmalzgrueber, Francis Xavier; Sentence; Servus sebvorum Dei; Stipend; Subreption; Subsidies Episcopal; Supbemi disciplin.e; Tametsi; Taxa Innocentiana; Uebi et Oebi; Vacancy; Violence, Visitation, Canonical; Will and Testament of Clebics; Witness.

Meehan, Reverend Joseph, b. at Manorhamilton, Co. Leitrim, Ireland, 1862, brother of Francis Edward Meehan, M.P. Education: Marist Brothers' Insti- tute, SUgo, St. Patrick's College, Cavan, and May- nooth CoUege, Dublin, Ireland; Royal University of Ireland; Catholic CoUege, Dunkirk, France; Royal CoUege of Science, London. Ordained 1887; profes- sor at the Diocesan CoUege, Cavan, Ireland, 1887- 1895; curate at KiUargue (1895-1907), at Kihnore (1907-1909) and at. MuUagh (1909-1912), Ireland; rector, Florencecourt, EnniskUlen, Ireland, 1912- . Much interested in Irish Co-operative Move- ment and in agricultural and mining subjects; hon. secretary of the Arigna to SUgo Railway Promotion Commission; former Connaught representative, Irish Agricultural Council; unanimously named by Leitrim County Council its representative before three Parliamentary Commissions: the "Plunkett", the Congested Districts and the Vice-Regal Commission on Irish Railways, 1905-1906; hon. governmental correspondent on archaeological matters during recent Ordnance Re-Survey of Ireland; hon. secretary and principal promoter of various local Agricultural and Industrial Exhibitions. Hon. secretary, Irish Northwestern Co-operative Union; president (and founder) of numerous industrial societies; senior member, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland. Author of: "Common Errors in Pronunciation"; "Common Phenomena Explained"; "Pioneer Lec- tures" (3 eds.); pubUshed in collaboration with Abb6 Moutier series of French-EngUsh School Books; contributor to: "Nature"; "Ironmonger" (articles translated into German) (London); "Irish Bee- keeper"; "Country Side" (London); "FoUc-Lore" (London) ; various DubUn periodicals. ARTICLE: Kilmore, Diocese of.

Meehan, Thomas Francis, a.m., joumaUst, b. at Brooklyn, New York, 19 September, 1854. Educa- tion: St. Francis Xavier's CoUege, New York. At

various times, editor, correspondent, and contributor on: "Irish American" (New York), "New York Herald", "Baltimore Sun", "Public Ledger" (Phila- delphia), "Times" (Richmond), "De Maasbode" (Rotterdam) ; on the editorial staff of The Catholic Encyclopedia, New York, 1906-1909, and "America", New York, 1909- ; trustee of the Brooklyn PubUc Library 1912- . CoDaborator in "Encyclopedia Americana"; contributor to various Catholic periodicals.

ARTICLES: Allen, Edward Patrick; Amat, Thaddeus; Anderson, Henry James; Athenry; Bacon, David William; Baker City, Diocese of; Barber Family, The; Barron, Ed- ward; Barry, John, Bishop of Savannah; Barry, Patrick; Bayer, AdIile; Bayley, James Roosevelt; Beauregard, PiEBRE Gustave Toutant; Becker, Thomas Andrew; Bed- ford, Henry; Benziger, Joseph Charles; Blanc, Anthony; Bon Secours, Institute of; Borgess, Caspar Henry; Boston, Archdiocese op; Bradley, Denis Mary; Brondel, John Bap- tist; Brooklyn, Diocese of; Burns, James; Burlington, Dio- cese of; Byrne, Andrew; Byrne, Richard; Byrne, William; Carroll, Daniel; Catholic Benevolent Legion; Cavanagh, James; Congresses, Catholic (Part III) ; Corcoran, Michael, CosGROvE, Henry; Cosin, Edmund; Croke, Thomas William; Cummings, Jeremiah Williams; Da Ponte, Lorenzo; Day, Sir John; Denman, William; Detroit, Diocese of; Directo- ries, Catholic (United States) ; Donahoe, Patrick; Dornin, Bernard and Thomas Aloysius; Ducoudray, Philippe- Charles; Duluth, Diocese op; Emigrant Aid Societies; Eucharistic Congresses; Faro, Diocese of; Fitz-Simons, Thomas; Foresters, Catholic Orders of; Foster, John Gray; Galveston, Diocese of; Garesch^, Julius Peter; Gaston, William; Geraldton, Diocese of; Grand Rapids, Diocese of; Green Bay, Diocese of; Griffin, Martin Igna- tius Joseph; Gulf of St. Lawrence, Vicariate Apostolic op; Hardee, William J.; Harney, John Milton; Harney, Wil- liam Selby; Habbisburg, Diocese of; Hassard, John Rose Green; Heeney, Cornelius; Helena, Diocese of; Indianapo- lis, Diocese of; Irene, Sister; Irish (in Australia; in South America); Ives, Levi Silliman; Johnston, Richard Malcolm; Kansas, Diocese of; Keyes, Erasmus Darwin; Kohlmann, Anthony; Kosciuszko, La Crosse, Diocese of; Lathrop, George Parsons; Lead, Diocese of; League op the Cross, The; L'Enfant, Pierre-Charles; Liberia; Lincoln, Diocese op; London, Diocese of; Longstbeet, James; McGee, Thomas D'Arcy; McMahon, Martin Thomas; McMasteb, James Alphonsus; McQuail, Bernard John; Mallory, Stephen Russell; Marquette League; Meagher, Thomas Francis; Monroe, James; Mulhall, Michael George; Mulholland, St. Clair Augustine; Mullanphy, John; Murray, John O'Kane; Newark, Diocese of; Oertel, John James Maxi- milian; O'Hara, Theodore; O'Higgins, Ambrose Bernard; O'Reilly, Bernard; O'Rorke, Patrick Henry; Parmenteer, Antoine-Augustin; Periodical Literature, Catholic, Uni- ted States; Peter, Sarah; Rosecrans, William Stakk; Sad- lier, Mary Anne Madden; Sands, Benjamin and James; San Francisco, Archdiocese of; Scammon, Ellakim Parker; Semmes, Raphael; Sheridan, Philip Henry; Sullivan, Peter John; Tenney, William Jbwbtt; Thanksgiving Day; Thayer, John; Truth Societies, Catholic: in Ireland, in Australia, and in the United States; Verrazano, Giovanni da; Walsh, Patrick; Walsh, Robert; Ward, James Harman; Webb, Benjamin Joseph; White, Charles Ignatius.

Mehegan, Brother De Sales, m.a.. Presentation Brother; b. May, 1863. Education: Royal Univer- sity of Ireland. Entered the Order of Presentation Brothers 1879; has passed his Ufe in teaching in the various schools of his order; at present, director of the Training CoUege, Cork, Ireland. One of the Irish representatives at the Catholic Congress, Baltimore, 1889. Author of: "Catholic Life"; "Guide, CounseUor and Friend for ReUgious"; "Teachers Companion"; "Supplementary Cate- chism"- contributor to various magazines.

ARTICLE: Pbesentation Brothers.

Meier, Reverend Gabriel, o.s.b., b. at Baden, Switzerland, 27 November, 1845. Education: school at Baden; Benedictine CoUege, Einsiedeln, Switzer- land. Entered the Benedictine Order 1865; ordained 1870; professor of history and theology at the Bene- dictine College and Ubrarian of the monastery, Einsiedeln, 1877- . Member of the Historical Association of the Five Cities, and the Swiss Society for Historical Research. Compiler of a Catalogue of the Einsiedeln Manuscripts; coUaborator in: Herder's "Kirchenlexikon' ' ; Herder's "Konversationslexikon"; Herder's "Bibliothek fiir Padagogik"; contributor to: "Zentralblatt fiir Bibliothekswesen"; "Histori- Bches Jahrbuch"; "Geschichtsfreund"; etc.