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Soholastioate, Somerset, Ohio. Ordained 1898; pro- fessor of Latin, St. Rose's, Springfield, Ky., 1900- 1901; on the eastern missions, 1901-1907; associate editor: "Rosary Magazine" (Somerset, Ohio), 1907-

sub-prior, St. Dominic's Priory, San Francisco,

Cal., 1908- ; director of southern missions, 1910- . Contributor to : "Rosary Magazine"; "Youth's Magazine"; "Holy Name Journal"; "Dominican Year-Book", and various weekly periodicals.

ARTICLES: Dominic, Saint; Ignatius of Antioch, Saint; Ignatius of Constantinople, Saint; Isidore of Seville, Saint; John Damascene, Saint; Louis Behthand, Saint; Louis of Granada; Nicholas of Gobkan, Riccabdi, Nich- olas; Thomas of Cantimpr^.

O'Connor, Right Reverend Richard Alphonsus, D.D., b. at Listowel, Co. Kerry, Ireland, 15 April, 1838; d. at Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, 23 January, 1913. Education: CathoKc schools and St. Michael's College, Toronto, and Seminary of St. Sulpice, Montreal, Canada. Emigrated to Canada 1841; ordained 1861. Rector at: Gore of Toronto, Canada, 1861-1865; Niagara Falls, Canada, 1865- 1868; Adjala and Tecumseh, Canada, 1868-1870; dean of Barrie, and examiner of teachers, Simcoe County, and member of the Collegiate Institute Board, Barrie, Canada, 1870-1889; Bishop of Peterborough, Canada, 1889-1913.

ARTICLE: Peterbokough, Diocese of.

O'Conor, Reverend John Francis Xavier, s.j., A.B., writer, b. in New York, 1 Aug., 1852. Educa- tion: St. Francis Xavier's College, New York; University of Louvain, Belgium; Woodstock College, Maryland. Entered Society of Jesus 1872; ordained 1885; has been professor of philosophy and rhetoric, at Georgetown University, Washington, D. C, Boston College, Boston, Mass., St. Joseph's College, Philadelphia, Pa.; has been vice-president of St. Francis Xavier's College, New York, and Gonzaga College, Washington, D. C; president, Brooklyn College, Brooklyn, New York, 1908-1911; professor of philosophy, St. Francis Xavier's College (1911), and assistant at St. Francis Xavier's Church (1912), New York; stationed at St. Ignatius Church, New York, 1913-1914; at Georgetown University, 1914^ . Has lectured on many subjects, notably on cuneiform Assyrian; founder of: Brooklyn Coflege; the Alumni Association of St. Ignatius School; the Alumni SodaKty of Graduates, Lawyers, Physicians, and Professional Men of Philadelphia. Member of: the Oriental Society of Vienna; the Cathohc Historical Society of Philadelphia. Author of: Babylonian In- scriptions of Nabuchadnezzar" (1885); "'Three Holy Lives" (1885); "Pearls of a Year" (1889); "Practise of Humihty" (1890); "Life of St. Aloysius" (1892); "Jesuit Missions in America" (1892); "Reading and the Mind" (1897); "Sacred Scenes and Mysteries" (1898); "Facts about Book- worms" (1898); "Rhetoric, and Oratory" (1898); "Christ the Man God" (1900); "Autobiography of St. Ignatius" (1900); "Education in the Schools of New York" (1901); "A Study of Francis Thompson's Hound of Heaven" (1912; 5th ed., 1913); "Every-soul", operetta (1912; 2nd ed., 1913); "Songs of the Soul" (1916); dramas, poems, hymns.

ARTICLE: Aloysius Gonzaga, Saint.

O'Daniel,. Vert Reverend Victor Francis, O.P., S.T.M., b. near Lebanon, Washington Co., Kentucky, 15 Feb., 1868. Ed,ucation: St. Rose's parochial school, Springfield, Ky.; St. Rose's Priory; St. Joseph's scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio; Dominican College, Louvain, Belgium. Entered Dominican Order 1887; ordained 1891; professor of theology, St. Joseph's scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio, 1906^1907, professor of theology and philosophy, Dominican scholasticate, Benicia, Cal., 1907-1908, professor of theology, and at present vice-regent of studies, vicar and historian of the province, stationed at the Im- maculate Conception College, Washington, D. C, 1908- . Has contributed to various periodicals. ARTICLES: Barkientos, Lopez De; Breton, Raymond; Carbebt, James Joseph; Connolly, John; John of Genoa; John of Montesono; John of Pabis; John of Saint Thomas; TouBON, Antoine.

O'Dea, William, educator; b. at Manchester, England, 1870. Education: St. Mary's College, Hammersmith. Has devoted his life to the interests of education; at present resident at Manchester. Served on deputation to the Catholic peers on Mr. BirreU's Education Bill, 1906; one of the founders of the Catholic Teachers' Guild and of the National Federation of Cathohc Teachers' Associations, of which he was elected first president, 1908- : represented Salford diocese on the committee oi experts convened by Mr. W. Runciman to consider his financial propositions with regard to Catholic schools; member of: the Cathohc Educational Coun- cil; the Diocesan Executive Council of the Cathohc Federation. Author of numerous pamphlets and ar- ticles on the education question; editor of the "Catho- lic Federationist".

ARTICLE: Salford, Diocese of.

Odenbach, Reverend Frederick Lewis, s.j., b. at Rochester, N. Y., 21 Oct., 1857. Education: parish schools, Rochester; Canisius College, Bufialo, N. Y.; colleges of the Society of Jesus in England and the Continent. Entered Society of Jesus 1881; ordained 1891; professor of physics and chemistry (1893-1903), director of Meteorological and Seismo- logical Observatory (1895- ), professor of zoology, physical geography, and biology (1903- ), St. Ignatius College, Cleveland . Founder of the Meteoro- logical Observatory, St. Ignatius College, 1895; took part in the work of the International Cloud Commis- sion, 1896-1897, and continued private observations imtil 1898 for Professor Frank H. Bigelow of the U. S. Weather Bureau, Washington, D. C; made the fourth observation of the HeveUan Halo of 90°, 6 Dec, 1901; organizer of a system of seismographic observatories in the Jesuit colleges of the United States and Canada; results of which are published by the Associated Press and the United Press; inventor of the Earth Current Recorder, the Ceran- nograph or Hghtning recorder, the electric micro- seismograph. Member of: American Association for Advancement of Science; National Geographical Society; American Seismological Society; Ohio State Academy of Science. Author of the Reports of the Meteorological and Seismological Observatory, I-XVI.

ARTICLE: Hengler, Lawrence.

O'Donnell, Reverend Michael Joseph, d.d., b. in County Donegal, Ireland. Education: May- nooth, Dublin. Professor of dogmatic and moral theology and canon law (1908-1914), and of senior moral theology (1914r- ), Maynooth College. Co-editor of "The Irish Theological Quarterly"; contributor to "The Irish Ecclesiastical Record".

ARTICLE: Possession, Demoniacal.

O'Donnell, Right Reverend Patrick, d.d., Bishop of Raphoe, Ireland, b. at Kihaine, Co. Donegal, Ireland, 26 Nov., 1856. Education: high school, Letterkenny; Cathohc University of Ireland; Maynooth. Ordained 1880; professor of theology, Maynooth, 1880-1885; prefect of the Dunboyne Estabhshment, 1885-1888; Bishop of Raphoe, 1888-

member of the Congested District Board,

1892- ; rector of the Cathohc University of Ireland, 1906- ; member of the governing Body, University CoUege, Dubhn, 1909- ; trustee of the Irish Parhamentary Party. Presided at the Irish Race Convention, Dublin, 1896; member of the Royal Commission dealing with congestion in