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"Philosophie de la grammaire" (Grenoble, 1900); "Lettres iniSdites de Locke k Thoynard, et notes sur la correspondence de Locke" (Paris, 1908); "La Philosophie eiSngrale de John Locke" (Paris, 1909); "Lettres in^dites de Locke a Thoynard, Limborch et E. Clarke" (in collaboration with M. de Boer) (The Hague, 1912); contributor to: "Revue de Philoso- phie"; "Revue des Facultfe Cathohques de Lille"; "University Catholique".

ARTICLE: Scabamelli, Giovanni Battibta.

O'Mahoney, Very Reverend John, former Assista,nt Church of the Ajjostles, Launceston, Archdiocese of Hobart, Tasmania, d. at Launceston, Tasmania, 19 September, 1915.

ARTICLE: Hobart, Abchdiocesb of.

O'Mahony, Reverend Timothy Joseph, d.d., D.C.L., b. at Cork, Ireland, 1839; d. at DubUn, 1917. Education: St._ Vincent's Seminary, C6rk; St. Sulpice, Paris; Gregorian University and Sapienza, Rome. Ordained 1862; engaged in missionary work, Cork, 1862-1870; successively professor of logic, philosophy, and dogmatic theology. All HaUows College, Dublin, 1870-1917. Author of: "Last Days of Cardinal Morlot"; "Joseph Carrifere and the Church of France in His Time"; "Theodicea D. Thomae Aquinatis"; "Summa summae, sciHcet Summse Theologicse D. Thomse Aquinatis analytico-synthetica synopsis"; "Thought Echoes, being Wreaths of Song through a Course of Logic" ; "Wreaths of Song through a Course of Philosophy"; "Harmonics, being Wreaths of Song through a Course of Divinity"; "Alleluia's Sequence, a Study of the Divine Names"; contributor to: "Annales de Philosophie Chr^tienne" (Paris); "All Hallows Annual"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Dublin Review" ; "St. Luke's Magazine" (London) ; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Catholic World".

ARTICLE: Alleluia.

O'Mailia, Reverend Miles Joseph, s.j., b. at Wheehng, West Virginia, 14 June, 1880. Education: parochial schools. Wheeling; St. Fidelis College, Herman, Pennsylvania; Holy Cross College, Worces- ter, Massachusetts; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1898; successively professor of Latin, Greek, German, English, and history, Holy Cross College, and Canisius College, Buffalo, New York, 1904^1909; stationed at cathedral of the Holy Trinity, Kingston, Jamaica, 1914-1916; at present stationed at St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, N. Y.

ARTICLES: Alberic of Ostia; Albert of Bbandenbubg; Blane (Blaan) Saint.

O'Neil, Reverend Arthur Charles, o.p., s.t.l., b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 9 August, 1872. Edu- cation: Bigelow Grammar and Enghsh High School, Boston; St. Charles College, ElUcott City, Maryland; St. Rose's Priory, Springfield, Kentucky; St. Joseph's Scholasticate, Somerset, Ohio; Minerva, Rome. Entered the Dominican Order 1897; ordained 1901; professor of philosophy (1904-1910) and of moral theology (1910- ), Immaculate Conception Col- lege, Washington.

ARTICLES : Abthub, James; Sin; Vallgornera, Thomas de; Venttjrino of Bebgamo.

O'Neil, Reverend Leo Francis, a.b., s.t.l., b. at Boston, Massachusetts, 29 June, 1878. Educa- tion: Latin School and Boston College, Boston, and St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Massachusetts; Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained 1901; for a number of years assistant at St. Cecilia's Church, Boston; professor of Scripture and Hebrew, St. John's Seminary, Brighton, 1911- . Author of "History of Original Sin in the First Three Cen- turies", thesis for licentiate (1903).

ARTICLES: Ballebini, Giholamo and Pietro; Bona, Gio- vanni; Caramubl y Lodkowitz, Juan; Cardenas, Juan; Champs, Etienne AqaIid De.

O'Neill, Reverend Andrew J., m.a., b. at St. John, New Brunswick, 16 January, 1870. Education: St. Joseph's College, New Brunswick; Laval Univer- sity, Quebec, Canada. Ordained 1892; assistant, cathedral, St. John, New Brunswick, 1892-1902; pastor, St. John's Church, Silver Falls, 1902-

ARTICLE: St. John, Diocese of.

O'Neill, Reverend Arthur Barry, c.s.c, m.a., b. at St. George, New Brunswick, 1 September, 1858. Education: Catholic schools, St. George; St. Joseph's College, Memramcook, New Brunswick. Former Enghsh secretary (and intimate friend) of Father Camille Lefebvre; entered the Congregation of the Holy Cross 1877; ordained 1882; engaged in teaching 1874-1904; prefect of studies, St. Joseph's College, Memramcook, 1882-1888, 1892-1904; professor of rhetoric, Notre Dame University, Indiana, 1890- 1892; editorial contributor (1890-1904) and associate editor (1904^ ) of "The Ave Maria", Notre Dame, Indiana. Author of: "Between Whiles" (1899); "Trying a FaU with Obesity" (1906); "The Cross and the Flag" (1908); numerous poems in honor of the Blessed Virgin; contributor to: "Ameri- can Ecclesiastical Review"; "Catholic World"; "The Rosary"; "Donahoe's Magazine"; "The New Freeman".

ARTICLES: Holt Cboss, Congregation of the; Lefebvee Camille; Le Loutbe, Louis-Joseph; Univebsities: Canada — Univebsity of St. Joseph's College.

O'Neill, Hugh, a.b., ll.m., lawyer, b. in Co. Derry, Ireland, 5 October, 1867, son of Hugh and Ann Smyth O'Neill. Education: schools in Ireland; University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana. Admitted to the Bar of the Supreme Court of Indiana 1892, to the Supreme Court of Ilhnois 1893, to the Federal Courts 1894; married Regina O'Malley, of Cresco, Iowa, 1898; has held the post of lecturer at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, and at the Lincoln Law School, Chicago, Illinois; at present practising lawyer (firm of Bastrup and O'Neill), resident at Chicago. Member of: the American Bar Association; the Chicago Bar Association; the Notre Dame Alumni; the Hamilton, Charlevoix, and Irish Fellowship Clubs. Author of a series of dis- courses on "American Courts", "Enghsh Courts", and "French Courts": numerous writings and speeches on socialism, labor, oratory, law.

ARTICLE: Illinois.

O'Neill, Reverend James David, A.M., B.T.D., rector. Church of the Immaculate Conception, Highland Park, Illinois.

ARTICLES: Abstinence; Alms and Almsgiving; Black Fast, The; Clandestinity; Concursus; Consent (in Canon Law); Escobar y Mendoza, Antonio; Falsity; Familiars; Fast.

Orban, Reverend Alexis Jules Theodore, S.S., M.A., D.D., b. at Cerseuil, Marne, France, 22 November, 1850. Education: primary schools, Cer- seuil; Preparatory and Grand Seminaries, Reims, France; Seminary of St. Sulpice, Paris. Entered the Congregation of St. Sulpice 1876; ordained 1876; professor of natural sciences. Seminary of Montreal, Canada, 1876-1888; hbrarian of the Catholic Univer- sity, Washington, D. C, 1889-1896; auditor and secretary to the Apostolic Delegate, Cardinal SatoUi, 1893-1896; professor of philosophy, St. Sulpice, Paris, 1896-1905; named auditor of the Apostolic Delegation to Cuba and Porto Rico under Arch- bishop Chapelle, but never served owing to death of Archbishop, 1905; spiritual director of the Seminary, Frascati, Italy, 1905-1910; at present, stationed at Andecy, Marne, France. Member of the Society of