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tho, Saint, Pope; Andechs; Andrew Avellino, Saint; , Angela Meeici, Saint; Ansegisus, Saint; Ansegisus, Archbishop OF Sens; Anselm, Saint, Abbot; Anselm of Lucca, The Younger, Saint; Armeluno, Mariano; Attala, Saint; AuLNE Abbey; Austrebertha, Saint; Averbode; Balderio (Baudrt); Baldwin; Benedict Biscop; Bbnno II; Berchtold (Berthold), Blessed; Berthold; Berthold op Henneberg; Berthold of Keichenau; Bertin, Saint; Bertulf, Saint; BiRNBAUM, Heinrich; Boso, Bouillart, Jacques; Bouquet, Martin; Brus, Anton; Bursfeld, The Abbey of; Cæsarius of Heisterbach; C^sarius of Prum; Chardon, Mathias; Chorepi3copi; Christian; Commendatory Abbot; Commen- DONB, Giovanni Francesco; Conrad of Hochstadt (Hosta- den); Conrad of Leonberg (Leontoriub) ; Conrad of Urach; Conrad of Utrecht; Constance; Corker, Maurus; Cortebe, Giovanni Andrea; Coustant, Pierre; Couturier, Louis- Charles; Cracow; Dalberg, Adolphus Von; Diemoth; Diether of Isenberq; Droste-Vibchering, Clemens August von; Durand Ursin; Ebbo; Edesius and Frumentius; Eisen- qrein, Martin; Ems, Congress of; Engelbert (Abbot); Er- THAL, Franz Ludwig von; Erthal, Friedrich Karl Joseph, Freiherr von; Eusebius, Saint, Bishop of Vercelli; Euse- Bius, Saint, Bishop of Samosata; Eustathius, Saint; Eusto- CHiuM, Julia, Saint; Euthymius, Saint; Forster, Frobeniub; Fulbert of Chartres; FOrstenberg, Franz Friedrich Wil- helm von; Gebhard of Constance; Gemblours; G:^nebrard, Gilbert; Gerberon, Gabriel; Gertrude of Aldenberg, Blessed; Gertrude of Hackeborn; Gertrude of Nivelles, Saint; Gil db Albornoz, Alvarez Carillo; Gil of Santarem, Blessed; Gottschalk of Orbais; Gottweig, Abbey of; Greg- ory IX, Pope; Gregory XI, Pope; Gregory XII, Pope; Gregory XIII, Pope; Gregory XIV, Pope; Gregory XV, Pope; Gu^rard, Robert; Guitmund; Gunther of Cologne; Hadewych, Blessed; Haeften, Benedict van; Hatto, Arch- bishop of Mainz; Heiligenkreuz; Heilsbhonn; Heisterbach; H:^linand; Henry of Langenstein; Heribert, Archbishop of Milan; Heribert, Saint, Archbishop of Cologne; Heri- GER OF Lobbes; Hermann of Altach; Hermann of Minden; Hermann of Salza; Herrgott, Marquard; Hervetus, Gen- tian; Hildebert of Lavardin; Hohenbaum van der Mber, Moritz ; Hohenburg ; Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillings- furst, Alexander Leopold; Honorius II, Pope; Honorius III, Pope; Honorius IV, Pope; Hosius, Stanislaus; Hospice; Hugh of Remiremont; Humbert of Romans; In Commendam; Innocent III, Innocent IV, Innocent VII, Innocent X, Inno- cent XI, Innocent XII, Innocent XIII, Popes; Interces- sion, Episcopal; Irnerius; Isidore the Labourer, Saint; Jacob of Juterbogk; Jacobus de Teramo; Jacopo de Vora- gine; John of Segovia; Jordanus of Giano; Joseph's, Saint, Society for Foreign Missions; Julius II, Julius III, Popes; Justin de Jacobis, Blessed; Kaunitz, Wenzel Anton; Keh- REiN, Joseph; Knoelecher, Ignatius; Kreiten, William; La Chaise, Franqois d'Aix de; Lambert of Hebsfeld; Lamy, Francois; Lang, Matthew; Laski (a Lasco), John; Laymann, Paul; Ledochowski, Miecislas Halka; Lemcke, Henry; Leo, XI, Pope; Lucius II, Pope; Lucius III, Pope; Ludmilla, Saint; Magnus, Saint; Malagrida, Gabriel; Mallinckrodt, Pauline; Marajst, Prudentius; Marbodius, Bishop of Rennes; Marcellus II, Pope; Mahius Mercatoh; Martin IV, Pope; Martin V, Pope; Martin of Braga, Saint; Mary de Cervel- lione; Matilda, Saint; Maximilian (Martyrs); Maximinus, Saint; Maximus of Turin, Saint; Mayor, John; Mayr, Beda; Mechtild of Magdeburg; MI:ge, Antoine Joseph; Mendoza, Francisco Sarmiento de; Mendoza, Pedro Gonzales de; Mezger, Francis, Joseph, and Paul; Michael de Sanctis, Saint; Milic, Jan; Mir^us (Le Mire), Aueert; Mittarelli, Nicola Giacomo; Molina, Antonio de; Molitor, Wilhelm; MoscHus, Johannes; Mundwiler, Fintan; Muzzarelli, Al- fonso; Nicholas Justiniani, Blessed; Nicholas of Flue, Blessed; Nicholas of Myra, Saint; Nirschl, Joseph; Nonon- tola; Notburga, Saint; Odo of Glanfeuil; Oettingen; Oil OP Saints; Olesnicki, Zbigniew; Oliva; Orlandini, Niccol6; Orval; Othmar, Saint; Ottobeuren; Our Lady of the Snow, Feast of; Pagi, Antoine; Palafox y Mendoza, Juan de; Panvinio, Onofrio; Peter Cellensis; Peter Fullo; Petit- DiDiER, Matthieu; Pierius; Pilgrim; Pinna da Encarnacao, Mattheus; Pitra, JEAN-BAPTiSTE-FRANgois; Pius VI and IX, Popes; Prior; Prioress; Priory; Prudentius, Galindo; Rab anus, Maurus M agnentius ; Ratisbonne, Maria Al- phonse; Ratramnus; Reding, Augustine; Regale, Droit de; Reims, Synods of; Rites: Benedictine; Rouen, Synods of; Sabbas, Saint; Saint Benedict, Medal of; Sarpi, Paolo; ScHENKL, Maurus von; Schenute; Schollineb, Hermann; Schottenkloster; Schram, Dominic; Schwane, Joseph; Seven Robbers ; Sfondrati, Celebtino ; Sixtus I, Saint, Pope; Sixtus II, Saint, Pope; Sixtus V, Pope; Smahagdus, Ardo; Spinola, Christopher Royas de; Spondanub, Henri; Stadler, John Evangelist; Stefaneschi, Giacomo (5aetani; Stephen, Saint; Stephen of Tournai; Steuco, Agostino; Symphorosa, Saint; Syncelli; Telesphorus of Cosenza; Tencin, PiERRE-GuiRiN de; Theophanes, Kerambus; Thun- dering Legion; Torquemada, Tom As de; Toubnon, Charles- Thomas Maillard de; Toutt^e, Antoine- Augustine ; Tschu- piCK, John Nepomuk; Uhtred; Unigenitub; Universities: United States — Saint John's University; Urban VII, Pope; Urban VIII, Pope; Vallarsi, Dominic; Vergerio, Pier Paolo, The Elder; Vering, Friedrich Heinrich; Victor II, Pope; Victor, Bishop of Tunnunum; Vincent, Saint; Vineam Dom- ini; Walter, Ferdinand; Wabtenberg, Franz Wilhelm, Count von; Weingarten, Monastery of; Weib, Nicolaus von; Weissenau, Monastery of; Werden; Wessenberq, Ionaz Heinrich von; Wessobhunn; Wettingen-Mehrerau, Abbactnullius op; Wetzer, Heinrich Joseph; Wibald; Wiener-Neubtadt, Diocese of; Wilgefortis; William, Blessed; William, Abbot of Marmoutiers; William, Abbot OF Saint-B:^nigne; William of Shoreham; William of Turbe- ville; Windischmann, Friedrich Heinrich Hugo; Wittmann, George Michael; Wt>RZBURG, Abbeys at; Zabarblla, Fran- cesco; Zaccaria, Francesco Antonio; Zallinger zum Thubn, Jacob Anton; Zallwein, Gregor; Zanoerle, Roman Sebas- tian; Zasius, Ulric; Ziegelbauer, Magnoald; Ziegler, Gre- goeius Thomas; Zimmer, Patrick Benedict; Zingerle, Pius; Zonaras, John.

Otten, Joseph, b. at Eys-Wittem, Holland, 1852. Education: schools of Eys-Wittem; Royal Conservatory, Liege, Belgium; Aix-la-Chapelle and Berlin (under Becker), Germany. Has filled the posts of organist at Beauport and at the church of St. John the Baptist, Quebec, Canada; conductor (and founder), St. Louis Choral Symphony Society, St. Louis, Missouri, 1885-1900; organist and choirmaster, St. Paul's Cathedral, Pittsburg, 1900-. Promoter of church music reform. Has contributed to the "Catholic Fortnightly Review".

ARTICLES: Adeste Fideles; Ambros, August Wilhelm; Ambrosian Chant; Antiphon; Aurora Lucis Rutilat; Baini, Abbate Giuseppe; Berlioz, Hector; Berno (Abbot of Reichenau); Byrd, William, Canon; Carissimi, Giacomo; Casali, Giovanni Battista; Cassiodorus (Influence of, on Church Music); Charlemagne (and Church Music); Cherubini, Maria Luigi Carlo Zenobio Salvatore; Choron, Alexandre-Etienne; Clemens non Papa (Jacques Clement); Colonna, Giovanni Paolo; Counterpoint; Coussemaker, Charles-Edmond-Henride; Croce, Giovanni; Deprès, Josquin; Gounod, Charles-François; Guido of Arezzo; Haberl, Francis Xavier; Harmony; Haydn, Johann Michael; Hucbald of St.-Amand; Lassus, Orlandus de; Mohr, Joseph; Morales, Christóbal; Mozart, Johann Chrysostomus Wolfgang Amadeus; Musical Instruments in Church Services; Okeghem, Jean d'; Oratorio; Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da; Passion Music; Pergolesi, Giovanni Battista; Petrucci, Ottavio dei; Philips, Peter; Piel, Peter; Rheinberger, Joseph Gabriel; Rueckers, Family of; Sistine Choir; Song, Religious; Tartini, Giuseppe; Van Beethoven, Ludwig; Vogler, George Joseph; Weber, Karl Maria Friedrich Ernst von; Willaert, Adrian; Wingham, Thomas; Witt, Francis Xavier.

Otten, Susan Tracy Miller (Mrs. Joseph Otten), writer. Education: Mrs. Piatt's School for Girls, TJtica, New York; Miss Brook's School for GirlSj St. Louis, Missouri. Became a Catholic 1893; married Joseph Otten 1893; formerly resident at St. Louis; at present, resident at Pittsburg, Pennsyl- vania. Author of translations and book-reviews for Catholic periodicals.

ARTICLES: Hello, Ernest; Jean-Baptist-Marie Vianney, Blessed.

Oussani, Reverend Gabriel, Ph.D., b. at Bagdad, Asiatic Turkey, 1 August, 1875. Education: Patriarchal Seminary, Mossul, Asiatic Turkey; Propaganda, Rome; further studies in Paris; Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, under Dr. Paul Haupt. Ordained priest of the Chaldean Rite and came to New York 1900; Fellow in Semitic Languages, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1901-1904; professor of Hebrew, ancient history, and Italian, Cathedral College, New York, and lecturer on Biblical and Oriental history and archseology, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York, 1904-1907; professor of early Church history, Old Testament history and patrology, and hbrarian, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, 1907- Has visited the ruins of Assyria and Babylonia and travelled in the Levant for purposes of research. Member of: the New York Oriental Club; American Oriental Society; the Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis, Contributor to: "Journal of American Oriental Society"; "Journal of Society of Biblical Literature and Exegesis"; "Johns Hopkins University Circulars"; "Open Court" (Chicago); "New York Review".

ARTICLES: Amraphel; Arabia; Asia; Assemani; Assur; Assyria; Bar-kepha, Moses; Biblical Antiquities; Islam; Jubilee, Year of (Hebrew); Jubilees, Book of; Koran; Mecca; Mohammed and Mohammedanism; Moses of Chorene; Persia; Phœnicia; Solomon; Syria.

Owen, Thomas McAdory, LL.D., lawyer, author, b. at Jonesboro, Alabama, 15 December, 1866, son