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Flowers"; "He Is Calling Me"; "Communion Day"; "Madonna Verses on Our Lady and the Saints"; "Behold Your Mother"; "St. Joseph of Jesus and Mary"; "At Home with God"; "Little Angels"; "Among the Blessed"; "Lyra Cordis"; "All Day Long"; "Reasons for Holding the Catholic Faith"; edited: "Relation of the Church to Society" (by Edmund O'Reilly, s.j.); "Sonnets on the Sonnet"; "St. Joseph's Anthology".

ARTICLES: Dromore, Diocese of; O'Hagan, John; O'Reilly, Edmund; Whitty, Ellen; Whitty, Robert; Whitty, Rose.

Russell, Right Reverend Monsignor William T., D.D., LL.D., b. at Baltimore, Maryland, 20 October, 1863. Education: Loyola College, Baltimore, and St. Charles College, ElHcott City, Maryland; Ameri- can College, Rome; St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore; CathoHc University, Washington. Ordained 1889; pastorj Hyattsville, Maryland, 1889-1893; secretary to Cardinal Gibbons, Baltimore, 1893-1907; irre- movable rector, St. Patrick's Church, Washington, 1907- . Founded the League of the Good Shepherd; inaugurated the "Pan-American Thanks- fiving Day". Member of the Maryland Historical ociety. Author of "Maryland, the Land of Sanctu- ary" (Baltimore, 1911).

ARTICLE: Baltimore, Archdiocese of.

Ryan, Reverend Edwin, d.d., b. in New York, 1883. Education: College of St. Francis Xavier, New York; St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie; Catholic University, Washington, D. C.; Apollinare, Rome; University of Munich. Ordained 1906; professor of modern history, St. Joseph's Seminary, Dunwoodie, New York, 1910-

ARTICLE: Belzoni, Giambattista.

Ryan, Very Reverend James J., j.c.b., president and professor of Church history, St. Patrick's College, Thurles, Ireland.

ARTICLES: Ardagh; Ardbraccan; Cashel.

Ryan, Reverend John Augustine, d.d., b. at Vermillion, Minnesota, 25 May, 1869. Education: pubUc schools, Minnesota; St. Thomas CoUege and St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul; Catholic University, Washington, D. C. Ordained 1898; professor of moral theology, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, 1902- 1915, professor of sociology and economics, CathoHc University, Washington, D. C, 1915- ; authority on social and labor questions; lecturer. Member of: American Economic Association, American Associa- tion for Labor Legislation, Minnesota Academy of Social Sciences, etc. Author of: "A Living Wage"; "The Church and Interest Taking"; "Social Reform by Legislation"; "Francisco Ferrer: Criminal Con- spirator"; "Alleged SociaUsm of the Church Fathers"; pamphlets on social questions; contributor to: "Everybody's Magazine" (opponent of Morris Hillquit in a series of social articles); various other periodicals.

ARTICLES: Association, Right op Voluntary; Biel, Gabriel; Cenalis, Robert; Ciboule, Robert; Charity and Charities; Collectivism; Communism; Compensation; Con- ciliation, Industrial ; Family; Foundling Asylums; Homes; Illegitimacy; Individualism; Insanity; Labour and Labour Legislation; Labour Unions, Moral Aspect of; Marriage, History of; Monopoly, Moral Aspects of; Population Theories; Poverty and Pauperism; Rerum Nov arum; So- cialistic Communities.

Ryan, Reverend Michael James, Ph.D., d.d., b. in Newfoundland, 16 April, 1863. Education: St. Bonaventure's College, St. Johns, Newfoundland; matriculated London University; Irish College, Rome. Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1886; has filled the posts of professor at St. Bonaventure's College, and assistant at the cathedral, St. Johns, Newfoundland; professor of logic, ontology, and the history of philosophy, St. Bernard's Seminary (1899- ), and examiner of the Clergy (1910- ), Rochester, New York; professor of theology, St. Augustine's Seminary, Toronto, Canada, 1913- . Catholic representa- tive, council of Higher Education, St. Johns, New- foundland; member of Committee on Philosophical Books for Students, Catholic Educational Congress, 1912. Author of: "De Doctrina S. Joannis Evangel- istae circa Baptismi Sacramentum " (Rochester, 1908); collaborator in Hastings, "Encyclopedia of Religion and Ethics" (by Dr. Ryan: Coleridge); contributor to: "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Catholic University Bulletin"; "Seven Hills".

ARTICLES: Certitude; Character (in Catholic Theol- ogy) ; Epicureanism.

Ryan, Reverend Patrick A., s.j.

ARTICLE: Universities: United States — Loyola Univer- sity, New Orleans.

Ryan, Reverend Patrick W. F., s.j., writer, b. at Orwell Estate, Gampola, Ceylon, 17 February, 1866. Education: Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England; St. Beuno's College, St. Asaph, Wales. Entered the Society of Jesus 1885; former professor at Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England, at St. Aloysius College, Glasgow, Scotland, and at Wimbledon College, London; ordained 1897; for a few years engaged in parish work; has been engaged in research work at various libraries and archives on subjects connected with the English Martyrs; at present, assistant at Church of Saints Michael and John the Evangelist, Clitheroe, England. Contributor to: Catholic Record Society publications; "Analecta Bollandiana"

ARTICLES: Abbot, Henry; Adams, John, Venerable; Almond, John, Venerable; Amias, John, Venerable; Anderton, Robert, Venerable; Andleby, William, Venerable; Ashley, Ralph, Venerable; Ashton, Roger, Venerable; Atkinson, Thomas, Venerable; Beuno, Saint; Broughton, Richard; Canute IV, Saint; Clifford, William; Coffin, Edward; Constable, John; Coombes, William Henry; Corbie, Ambrose and Ralph; Cresswell, Joseph; Curr, Joseph; Edmund Arrowsmith, Venerable; Elphege, Saint; Ethelbert, Saint (King of the East Angles); Ethelwold, Saint; Rigby, Nicholas; Ritter, Henry; Thomas Alfield, Venerable; Thomas Cottam, Blessed.

Ryan, Thomas P., c.p.a., b. in New York, October, 1859; d. at Yonkers, 24 December, 1907, son of Abel and Catherine (Hill) Ryan. Education: parochial schools and De La SaUe Institute, New York. Married Mary Frances Jennings, 1889; throughout his career, active in the development of the profession of pubUc accountancy, having professional engage- ments in many of the larger cities of the United States and also in Europe. Member-at-large of The American Association of PubUc Accountants; director, and vice-president, 1906-1907, New York State Society of Certified Public Accountants; member of the board of directors of: The CathoUc Encyclopedia; the Virginia and North Carohna Wheel Co.; St. Mary's Wheel and Spoke Co.; Cook and Bernheimer Co.; member of: the Transportation Club; CathoUc Club; Fabian Union, New York City; the Elks; the Knights of Columbus, Yonkers. Contributor to the "Journal of Accountancy".

Ryan, Reverend Wilfrid J., s.j., p.g.s., b. near Melbourne, AustraUa, 30 September, 1878. Educa- tion: St. Patrick's College, St. Francis Xavier's College, Melbourne University, Melbourne; Loyola House, Sydney; St. Mary's Hall, Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England; Jesuit scholasticate, Milltown Park, Dublin, Ireland; National University of Ireland; University of Innsbruck, Austria. Entered the Society of Jesus 1895; professor of mathematics, Latin, and EngUsh, Jesuit College, Sydney, Australia, 1901-1906; ordained 1912; at present, assistant, Riverview College Observatory, Sydney. Former secretary of Old Boys' Union, St. Francis Xavier's College, Melbourne; discoverer of the first definite