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Bacchus, Reverend Francis Joseph, B.A., Oratorian, b. at Leamington, Warwickshire, England, 1860. Education: The Oratory School, Birmingham, England, under Cardinal Newman. Joined the Birmingham Oratory 1881; ordained 1888; at present stationed at The Oratory, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England. Contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "Weekly Register".

ARTICLES: Eusebius, Chronicle of; Eusebius of Cæsarea; Macarius, Saint; Macarius of Antioch; Mennas, Patriarch of Constantinople; Monasticism, Eastern, Before Chalcedon; Pachomius, Saint; Pammachius, Saint; Pamphilus of Cæsarea, Saint; Pantænus; Paul the Hermit, Saint; Paul the Simple, Saint; Peter of Alexandria, Saint; Philastrius, Saint; Pionius, Saint; Polycarp, Saint; Possidius, Saint; Proclus, Saint; Prosper of Aquitaine, Tiro; Rabbulas; Rhodo; Rufinus Tyrannius; Ryder, Henry Ignatius Dudley; Sophronius; Symmachus the Ebionite; Synesius of Cyrene; Theodorus Lector; Theonas, Bishop of Alexandria; Theophilus, Bishop of Antioch; Three Chapters; Titus, Bishop of Bostra.

Bagshawe, Most Reverend Edward Gilpin, D.D., B.A., b. in London, 12 January, 1829; d. 6 February, 1915. Education: school at Hampstead and University College School, London; matriculation honors, London University; St. Mary's College, Oscott, Birmingham. Member of the London Oratory, 1849–1874, being under Father Faber for fourteen years; ordained by Cardinal Wiseman 1852; consecrated Bishop of Nottingham by Cardinal Manning; assisted by Bishops Amherst and Vaughan, 1874; resigned his see 1901; chaplain of the Sisters of the Little Company of Mary, Gunnersbury House, Hounslow, 1901–1915. Titular Bishop of Hypæpa 1902; titular Archbishop of Seleucia Trachea 1904. Author of: "Notes on Christian Doctrine" (lectures at the Training School, Hammersmith); "The Psalms and Canticles in English Verse"; "Doctrinal Poems"; "The Breviary Hymns and Missal Sequences in English Verse"; "Devotional Hymns"; (Pamphlets:) "Justice and Mercy to the Poor the True Political Economy"; "The Monstrous Evils of English Rule in Ireland, especially since the Union"; "The True Principles of Letting Land".

ARTICLE: Joseph, Sisters of Saint, of Peace.

Bainvel, Reverend Jean Vincent, S.J., LL.L., b. at Plougoumelen, Morbihan, Prance, 4 August, 1858. Education: College of St. Francis Xavier, Vannes; schools of St. Aubin and Catholic University, Angers; Jesuit scholasticate at Jersey. Entered the Society of Jesus 1877; professor at the Jesuit juniorate at Aberdovey, Wales and Slough, near Windsor, England, 1883–1890; ordained 1889; professor of theology (1896–1899) and of philosophy (1899–1900), Jesuit scholasticate, Jersey; professor of fundamental theology. Catholic Institute, Paris, 1900– . Author of: (works written while teaching in the Jesuit juniorate) "Prosodie latine"; "Métrique latine"; "Causeries pédagogiques" (Paris); "Exercices de vers latins" (Tours); (other works) "Les contresens bibliques des prédicateurs" (Paris, 1895; 2 ed. 1906); "La foi et l'acte de foi" (Paris, 1898; 2 ed. 1908); "Saint Jean-Baptiste de la Salle" (Paris, 1901); "Nature et surnaturel" (Paris, 1903; 3 ed. 1910); "La dévotion au Sacré Cœur" (Paris, 1906; 2 ed. with additions 1911; 4 ed. 1917); "Hors de I'Eglise pas de Salut" pamphlet, (Paris, 1913); "La Vie intime du catholique" (Paris, 1914; 4 ed. 1916); (Latin works, summary of his course at the Catholic Institute, Paris) "De magisterio vivo et traditione" (Paris, 1905); "De scriptura sacra" (Paris, 1909); "De vera religione et apologetica" (Paris, 1914); collaborator in: "Un Siècle" (by Father Bainvel: "Le dogme et la pensée catholique au XIX siècle") (Paris, 1900); "Dictionnaire de théologie", Vacant-Mangenot; "Dictionnaire apologétique", Jaugey-d'Alès; co-director, with his colleagues the professor of theology at the Catholic Institute, Paris, of a "collection" entitled "La Bibliothèque de théologie historique"; edited for this collection "La théologie au XIX siècle", posthumous work of the Abbé Bellamy (Paris, 1904); contributor to "Etudes"; "Polybiblion"; "Revue pratique d'apologétique", Bruxelles; "Revue de Philosophie"; "Enseignement chrétien" (writing on pedagogic matters); "Messager du Cœur de Jesus"; etc., etc.

ARTICLES: Heart of Jesus, Devotion to the; Heart of Mary, Devotion to the; Tradition.

Balestri, Reverend Giuseppe, O.S.A., S.T.D., b. at Sasseta, Italy, 2 December, 1866. Education: Augustinian College of St. Monica, St. Apollinaris, and the Royal University, Rome. Ordained 1889; has held the posts of professor of philosophy, of mathematics, of dogmatic theology, of Sacred Scripture, of Greek and Oriental languages, 1892–1908; rector of St. Monica's College, Rome, 1908–1910; at present consultor on the Pontifical Biblical Commission, resident in Florence. Author of Vol. III (Novum Testamentum) of "SS. Bibliorum fragmenta Copto-Sahidica Musei Borgiani" (Rome, 1904); co-editor with Dr. Henry Hyvernat of "Acta Martyrum I" (Corpus scriptorum christianorum Orientalium: Scriptores Coptici: Series III: Vol. I) (Paris, 1907); contributor to: "Bessarione"; "Revue Biblique".

ARTICLES: Ciasca, Agostino, Cardinal; Cyrus and John, Saints.

Balette, Reverend Justin, b. at Arcizac-ès-Angles, Hautes Pyrénées, France, 3 November, 1852. Education: schools of Lourdes and Lézignan; Preparatory Seminary of St. Pé; Seminary of Tarbes; Seminary of Foreign Missions, Paris. Ordained and sent as a missionary to Japan, 1877; professor at the Preparatory Seminary, Tokio, 1877–1878; stationed at Hakodate 1878–1880; at Niigata 1880–1884; at Tokio 1885–1905; censor of religious books printed in Japanese 1906; stationed at Mito 1907; at Toyama 1907–1908; at present engaged in compiling a Japanese-French dictionary. During his missionary life in Japan, his mission has been three times destroyed by fire, the second time as a result of the Treaty of Portsmouth (1905). Member of the Commission charged with the translation of the Bible into Japanese (1887), which work, however, was never completed; member of the Commission appointed for the translation of religious phraseology into Japanese (1891).