Stuart, Madame Janet Erskinb, b. at Cottes-
more, Rutlandshire, England, November, 1857; d.
at Roehampton, London, 21 October, 1914. Re-
ceived into the Chiirch by Father GaEwey, s.j., 1879;
entered the Society of the Sacred Heart 1882 ; former
superior. Sacred Heart Convent, Roehampton, Lon-
don; former provincial. Society of the Sacred Heart
in England and Ireland; superior general. Society
of the Sacred Heart, resident at Ixelles, Brussels,
Belgium, 1911-1914. Author of: "The Education
of CathoUc Girls" (London, 1911); "The Society
of the Sacred Heart" (London, 1914); pamphlets
for Scottish Catholic Truth Society.
ARTICLES: Galitzin, Elizabeth; Goetz, Marie Josephine; Gramont, Eugenie de; Society op the Sacred Heart.
Stuart, Reverend John Charles, a.b., s.t.l., b. at Dubuque, 14 May, 1876. Education: St. Joseph's College, Dubuque; Grand Seminary, Montreal, Canada; Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1899; pro- fessor of metaphysics and ethics, Dubuque College, Dubuque, 1902-
ARTICLE: Dubuque, Diocese of.
Studart, Gtjilhermb, Baron, m.d., b. at Forta- leza, Brazil, 5 January, 1856, son of John WiUiam Studart, British Vice-Consul at Ceard, and Leonisia de Castro Barboza, and grandson of William Cham- bly Studart and of Mayor Jos4 Joaquin Barboza. Education: CoUege of Ceard and Gymnasium and Medical College, Bahia, Brazil. Married Luisa da Cunha (d. 1898), daughter of Viscount Cauhipe, 1889; created Baron by Leo XIII 1900; at present, vice-president. Institute of Ceard,, Brazil; auxiliary agent at Ceard of the Director of National PubUc Archives; member of the Medical Staff of the Char- ity Hospital, Fortaleza. President of the General Council, Conferences of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Fortaleza; member of: the Institute of Cear^; Academy of Ceard; Literary Society of Ceard; Liter- ary Iracema; Literary Bohemia; Phenix Caixeiral; Congress of Practical Sciences of Fortaleza; Reading Circle of Aracaty; Artistic and Literary Society of Barbalha; Historical and Geographical Institutes of Brazil, Parahyba, Rio Grande do Norte, Bahia, Santa Catharina, and Flumina; Archaeological and Geograph- ical Institute of Pernambuco; Society of Studies of Para; Cearan League of Para; Geographical Societies of Rio Janeiro, Paris, Lisbon, and Havre; American Arcadia; Academy of Letters of Pernambuco; Society of Sciences, Letters and Arts of Campina; Historical Institute of Sao Paulo; Anohieta Academies of Cury- tiba and Friburgo; Society of Medicine and Surgery ot Rio Janeiro; Society of Homens de Letras do Brazil (Rio de Janeiro); Society of Medical Science of Lisbon; British Medical Association of London; BibUographical Society of France; and the National Academy of History of Venezuela; president of the Centre Medico of Ceard,. Author of: "Da Electro- therapia" (Bahia, 1877) ; "Palavras proferidas na festa do tricentenario de Camoes" (Fortaleza, 1880); "His- toria do Ceard,. Familia Castro" (Fortaleza, 1883); "Grammatica Ingleza" (Fortaleza, 1886); "Ele- mentos da Grammatica Ingleza" (Fortaleza, 1888); "Sciencia Medica" (Lisbon, 1889); "Relatorio do Movimento do Centro Litterario" (Presidential Re- port) (Fortaleza, 1890); "O Ceard no tempo de Mi- randa Henriques Lobo da Silva e as Minas dos Cari- ris" (Fortaleza, 1892); "Notas para a historia do Ceard (Lisbon, 1892); "RelaQao dos manuscriptos, originaes e copias, sobre a historia do Ceard que con- stituem a collecgao Dr. Guilherme Studart", Fasc. I (Lisbon, 1892); Fasc. II (Fortaleza, 1896); "Tres mil datas para a historia do Ceara no presente seculo " (Fortaleza, 1894); "Ineditos relatives do levante occorrido na Ribeira do Jaguaribe no tempo de Manoel Francez e do Ouvidor Mendes Machado ' (Fortaleza, 1895); "Documentos para a biographia
do fundador do Ceard," (Fortaleza, 1895); "Datas e
factos para a historia do Ceard: Ceard Colonia"
(Fortaleza, 1896); "Datos e factos para a historia do
Ceard: Ceard Provincia" (Fortaleza. 1896); "Datos
e factos para a historia do Ceard: Ceard Estado", 3
vols. (Fortaleza, 1899); "Historia Portugueza e de
Outras Provincias do Occidente" (Fortaleza, 1903);
"Documentos para a historia do Brasil e especial-
mente a do Ceard", 3 vols. (Fortaleza, 1904, 1909,
1910); "Jesuitas e Jesuitismo" (Fortaleza, 1914);
contributor to: "Revista do Institute do Ceard";
"Revista moderna"; "Revista Lusitana"; "Ceard
Illustrado"; "Revista de Academia Cearense"
ARTICLE : Fortaleza, Diocese of.
Suau, Reverend Pierre, s.j., d.d., m.a., writer, b. at Pointe d Pitre, West Indies, 7 June, 1861. Edu- cation: St. Mary's College, Toulouse, and Catholic University, Angers, France. Entered the Society of Jesus 1878; ordained 1891; at various times prof es- dor, pubHcist, preacher, and assistant editor of "Etudes", Paris; at present, resident at Toulouse, France. Author of: "Mgr. Alexis Canoz, Premier Ev^quedeTrichinopoly" (Paris); "Les Bienheureux Martyrs de Salcete: Rudolphe Acquaviva et ses compagnons" (Lille); "Une ^me d'ap6tre: le Pere Victor Delpech" (Paris; 2 eds.); "Un J&uite: le P6re Georges Bouteland" (Paris); "Saint Francois de Borgia", Collection des Saints (Paris, 3 eds.); "Histoire de Saint Frangois de Borgia" (Paris); "La mfere Marie de Sens, Emilie d'Oultremont, Baronne d'Hooghvorst" (Paris, 2 eds.); "Le Sacr6 CcBur de J6sus" (Paris; 5 eds.); "La Compagnie de J6sus" (Brussels); "Pages amies: aux coU^giens et leurs maltres" (Paris); " Le Docteur Phobos : moeurs par- lementaires" (Paris; 18 eds.); "Quatre nouvelles" (Brussels); "L'Inde tamoule" (Paris); "L'Espagne, terre d'^pop^e" (Paris; 2 eds.); "La France d Mad- gascar", crownd_ by the French Academy (Paris); contributor to "Etudes".
ARTICLES; Francis Borgia, Saint; Leander of Seville, Saint; Olivaint, Pierre; Peter Claver, Saint; Peter Faber, Blessed.
Sullivan, Reverend Jambs Joseph, s.j., b. at Chicago, Illinois, 13 December, 1858, d. at Kansas City, 9 June, 1916. Education: Holy Family School and St. Ignatius College, Chicago; Woodstock Col- lege, Woodstock, Maryland; College of Ofia, Bur- gos, Spain; St. Michael's College, Angers, France. Entered the Society of Jesus 1877; ordained 1890; professor of philosophy and theology (1891-1908) and dean of Theological and Philosophical Faculties (1898-1908), St. Louis University, St. Louis, Mis- souri; Instructor, Creighton University, Omaha, Ne- braska, 1909-1910; assistant at St. Aloysius Church, Kansas City, Missouri, 1910-1916. Contributor of theological articles to various periodicals. ARTICLES: Annat, FRANgois; Athanasian Creed.
Sullivan, William Clbary, ll.b., lawyer, b. at Washington, D. C, 25 September, 1880. Educa- tion: parochial and public schools. Business High School and Georgetown University, Washington. Practising lawyer 1901- ; instructor in law (1910- ), judge of Practice Court (1911- ), and lec- turer in "Practical Practise" (1912- ), George- town University Law School, Washington; member of the Bar of the Court of Appeals and of the Su- preme Court, District of Columbia, and of the Su- preme Court of the United States. Chairman of Com- mittee which drafted plan of reorganization of Catholic Young Men's National Union, adopted in 1907; or- ganizer of the Literary Society (1902) and of the re- vival of the Dramatic Club, Carroll Institute, Wash- ington; secretary. Catholic Young Men's National Union, 1907-1908; secretary, Carroll Institute, Washington, 1902; former Chairman of the Govern-