Review"; "Annales de Philosophie Chr^tienne"; "Rassegne Nazionale"; "Revue mensuelle d'astrono- mie"; "Journal t^l^graphique " ; "Levant Herald"; "Revue Catholique des Revues"; "Bessarione"; "Analele" (Rumanian Meteorological Institute); "Revue g^n^rale des sciences".
ARTICLE: Bahnabites.
Toner, Reverend Patrick Joseph, d.d., b. at Ballymacnab, Co. Armagh, Ireland, 15 March, 1874. Education: National School, Ballymacnab; St. Patrick's College, Armagh, and Maynooth College (Dunboyne student), Co. Kildare, Ireland. Ordained 1897; professor of dogmatic theology, St. Paul Seminary, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1899-1904; professor of dogmatic theology, Maynooth College, 1904-1914; at present at Mountain Lodge, Newry, Ireland. Author of: "Dissertatio historioo-theologica de lapsu et peccato originali", dissertation for doctorate (DubUn, 1904); co-editor (and co-foimder, 1906), "Irish Theological Quarterly".
ARTICLES: Communion Under Both Kinds; Dead, Prayers for the; Eschatology; Exorcism; Extreme Unction; Gahan, William; God; Infallibility ; Limbo.
Toohey, Reverend John J., s.j.,- b.a., b. at Newark, New Jersey, 8 July, 1873. Education: St. Francis Xavier's College, New York City; Wood- stock College, Woodstock, Maryland; University of Innsbruck, Austria. Entered the Society of Jesus 1895; professor of Latin and Greek, St. John's CoUege, Fordham, New York, 1897-1898, and Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland, 1902-1906; ordained 1909; professor of Latin and Greek, Wood- stock College, Woodstock, Maryland, 1910-1911; professor of Latin, Greek, and EngUsh, Georgetown University, Washington, 1911-1912; stationed at St. Andrew-on-Hudson, Poughkeepsie, New York, 1912; at present professor of logic and metaphysics, under- graduate school, Georgetown University, Washington, D. C. Author of: "An Indexed Synopsis of the 'Grammar of Assent' "; has contributed to: "Irish Theological Quarterly"; articles on "Newman and Modernism" in "The Tablet", in answer to Tyrrell's "Condemnation of Newman" in "The Guardian".
ARTICLE: Kleutgen, Josef Wilhelm Karl.
Toscano, Reverend Julian, b. at Tucumin, Argentina. Education: Tucumdn. Former rector at Cafagute, Argentina (21 years); at present, vicar- general (1898- ) and dean of the Cathedral Chapter, diocese of Salta, Argentina. Author of: "El primitive obispado de Tucumd,n y la iglesia de Salta"; "De America a Oriente"; "A trav6s de Europa"; etc.; has contributed to various periodicals. ARTICLE: Salta, Diocese of.
Tourscher, Reverend Francis Edward, o.s.a., M.A., S.T.M., b. at Dushore, Pa., 10 May, 1870. Education: private, public, and parochial schools, Dushore; St. Thomas's College, ViUanova. Entered the Augustinian Order 1894; ordained 1898; for many years professor of theological sciences; regent of studies for American Province, Augustinian Order, 1903- ; professor of Sacred Scripture, dogmatic theology, moral theology and ethics, St. Thomas's CoUege, ViUanova. Won degree of regent by examination before commission appointed by General of the Augustinians, 1903.
ARTICLES: Bruel, Joachim; Henry of Friemak; Nobis, Henry; Paulus Venetus; Veie, Theodorio.
Trabert, Wilhelm, Ph.D., b. at Frankenberg, Hesse, Germany, 17 September, 1863. Education: pubUc school. Gymnasium, and University, Vienna. Former assistant and associate director, Central Institute of Meteorology, Vienna; professor of cosmic physics. University of Innsbruck, Austria, 1902-1910, and University of Vienna, 1910- ; director of the
Central Institute for Meteorology and Geodynamics,
Vienna, 1909- . Corresponding member of the
Academy of Sciences of Vienna; corresponding
member of the German Meteorological Society;
secretary of the Austrian Meteorological Society;
member of the Imperial German Leopoldine Academy
of NaturaHsts. Author of: " Meteorologie " (1896;
3rd ed. 1909); "Meteorologie und KUmatologie"
(1905); "Lehrbuch des kosmischen Physik" (1911).
ARTICLE: Fesnteb, Josef Mahia.
Tracy, Frank M., b.a., ll.b., b. at West Coving- ton, Kentucky, 6 May, 1872. Education: parochial schools, Covington; St. Xavier's College and Cincin- nati Law School, Cincinnati, Ohio. Practising lawyer, Covington, 1894^ ; member of the Kentucky Legislature 1898 ; county attorney, Kenton County, Kentucky, 1902-1910; circuit judge, Kenton County, 1910- . Member of the St. Xavier Alumni Association. ARTICLE: Kentucky.
Tracy, Reverend Joseph Vincent, d.d., b. at MountmelUck, Ireland, 26 August, 1860, son of Edward Tracy, of Cashel, Ireland. Education: public schools and Boston College, Boston; Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts; St. Joseph's Seminary, Troy, New York; St. John's Seminary, Brighton, Boston. Ordained 1886; engaged in the cure of souls in Florida and Minnesota 1886-1889; assistant. Church of the Precious Blood, Hyde Park, Massachusetts, 1889; professor of Holy Scripture, St. Mary's Seminary, Baltimore, Maryland, 1889- 1898; professor of New Testament exegesis, St. John's Seminary, and director of the Society for the Propa- gation of the Faith, Brighton, Boston, 1898-1903; rector, St. Anthony's Church, AUston, Boston, 1903- 1907; permanent rector, St. ColumbkiU's Church, Brighton, Boston, 1907- . Takes an active part in the work in behalf of CathoUc missions; made missionary ApostoUc by Leo XIII, 1903; organized branches of Society for the Propagation of the Faith in more than one hundred parishes; collected $84,000 for missions in less than five years. Contributor to: "American CathoUc Quarterly Review"; "Americali Ecclesiastical Review"; "CathoUc World"; "Sacred Heart Review". ARTICLE: Cheveeus, Jean-Louis Lefebvre de.
Tristram, Reverend Henry, b.a., p.orat. Education: Universities of Oxford and London. Entered the Oratory; at present, master at the Oratory School, Edgbaston, Birmingham, England.
ARTICLE: Lejeune, Jean.
Trobec, Right Reverend Jambs, d.d., b. at BelUchgraz, Carniola, Austria, 10 July, 1838. Edu- cation: Laibach, Austria; St. Vincent's CoUege, Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. Ordained 1865; assistant rector at BeUe Prairie (1865-1866), rector at Wabasha (1866-1887), and rector (and organizer), St. Agnes Church, St. Paul (1887-1897), Minnesota; Bishop of St. Cloud, Minnesota, 1897; resigned 1914; appointed titular bishop of Lycopolis.
ARTICLE: St. Cloud, Diocese of.
Troy, Robert P., ll.b., a.m., lawyer, b. at San Francisco, California, 10 May, 1869. Education: Christian Brothers College, San Francisco; George- town University, Washington, D. C. Officer of the United States Senate in the Secretary's Office, 1893- 1899; special envoy to Rome to convey sympathy of San Francisco, at the time of the Messina earthquake, 1909; Park Commissioner (honorary), San Francisco, 1910; at present, resident and practising lawyer at San Francisco. President of the CaUfornia Chapter, American Irish Historical Society; Knights of St. Patrick of San Francisco. CoUaborator in "Journal