TJribe, Antonio Josi;, ll.d., lawyer, b. at MedelUn,
Colombia, 6 March, 1869. Education: Universities
of Antioquia and Bogota,, Colombia. Professor of
the History of Spanish Literature, University of
Antioquia, 1891-1892; Secretary of Agriculture (1891)
and member of the Assembly (1894), Department of
Antioquia; professor of civH and international law
and of the history of diplomatics (1894^1911) and
rector of the Faculty of Law and PoUtical Science
(1903-1904), University of Bogotd; sub-secretary
(1900), minister (1901) and counsel to the Ministry
(1902-1903) of Foreign Relations, Colombia; minister
of Public Instruction, Colombia, 1903-1904; president
of the Senate (1909) and of the Legislative Commis-
sion (1910), Bogotd; president of the House of
Representatives (1912) and one of the founders of
the American Institute of International Law; member
of the Advisory Legal Committee of the Minister of
Foreign Affairs (1913); honorary president of:
Colombian Academy of Jurisprudence, National
Academy of History, Colombian Academy; corre-
sponding member of: Royal Spanish Academy, Royal
Academy of Jurisprudence and Legislation, Madrid,
Academy of Legislation, Barcelona, various other
European scientific and literary societies; member of
the Geographical Society of Colombia; etc.; president
of the Colombian Superior Council, St. Vincent de
Paul Society; president of the Association of Agents
and Representatives of the Railroads of Colombia.
Author of: "Resena Hist6rica de la Literatura
Castellana" (1891); "C6digo de Minas Colombianos"
(1891-1892); "Estudio sobre las Servidumbres segiin
los C6digos Civil y de Minas de Colombia y la
Legislaci6n general comparada" (1894); "Tratado
de Dereoho Civil Colombiano" (1899); "Anales
Diplomiiticos y Consulares de Colombia" (1900,
1901); "El Reourso de Casaci6n" (1903); "La
Reforma Administrativa" (1903); "Derecho Mercan-
til Colombiano" (1907); "Historia de la Sociedad de
San Vincente de Paul" (1908); "Supremacia Moral
del Pontificado" (1909); "Anales de la Comisi6n
Legislativa" (1910); "Discursos Acad^micos y
Parlamentarios" (1912); "Federico Ozanam, ap6stol
de la i6, ap6stol de la verdad, ap6stol de la Caridad"
(1913); "Nuhdades y Retracto en las Sooiedades de
Minas" (1913) ; "La Instrucci6n PdbMca en Colombia"
(1913); "El Proyecto de C6digo Penal" (1913); "Las
Misi6nes Cat61icas en Colombia" (1913); various
pamphlets; contributor to: "Revue de Droit Inter-
national Public"; "Revue de Droit International
Priv6"; "Revista de Derecho y Legislaoi6n" (Monte-
video) ; principal Colombian periodicals.
ARTICLE: Nueva Pamplona, Diocese of.
TTrquhart, Francis Fobtescub, m.a., b. near Geneva, Switzerland, 1868, son of David Urquhart, former m.p for Stafford. Education: Beaumont College, Old Windsor, and Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, England; Balliol College, Oxford. Lec- turer in history (1895- ) and Fellow (1896- ), Balliol College, Oxford. First CathoUc tutorial Fellow at Oxford since the Reformation; since 1912 member of Consultative Committee of the Board of Education: examiner in Final School of Modern History, Oxford, 1914^ . Contributor to: "The Month"; "Journal of Theological Studies"; "Dublin Review".
ABTICLES: Book of Martths, Foxe's; Chsibtendom; DicETO, Ralph de: Fabtan, Robebt; Florence of Worcester; Gilbert Foliot; Grosseteste, Robert; Herbert of Bosham; Lollards; Magna Carta; Mannying, Robert; Marisco, Adam de; Northmen; Ordericus Vitalis; Roper, William; William of Newbuhgh; Wtclif, John.
Uzielli, Gustavo, b.a., b. at Leghorn, Italy, 29 May, 1839; d. at Florence, Italy, 7 March, 1911. Education: University of Pisa, Italy; further studies in Paris. Fought in three campaigns in the ItaUan Wars of Independence, 1859, 1860, 1866; sub-Ueu- tenant under Garibaldi 1860; professor at the Univer- sity of Modena, Italy, 1877-1880; professor of geology and mineralogy. University of Turin, Italy, 1880-1890; professor of geology, University of Parma, Italy, but frequently on leave and engaged in literary work, Florence, 1890-1911. Awarded a bronze medal for bravery. Battle of October 1, 1860. Hon. member of Society for Geographical and Colonial Research (Florence); hon. member of Geographical Society of Lisbon; member of Hispanic Society of America; Knight of Sts. Maurice and Lazarus. Author of: "La vita e i tempi di Paolo dal Pozzo ToscaneUi" (Rome, 1894); collaborator in "Roccolta Colombiana", Part V (by Professor Uzielli, Vol. I); edited with commentaries and illustrations Bandini, "Vita di Amerigo Vespucci" (Florence, 1898); etc.
ABTICLE: VESpncci, Auebigo.