University of Pennsylvania, 1899-1902; visiting
physician to Sanatorium for Consumptives, White
Haven, Pennsylvania, and to Tuberculosis Depart-
ment, General Hospital, Philadelphia; assistant
medical director, Henry Phipps Institute, Philadel-
phia. Has travelled extensively in Europe; secretary.
International Congress on Tuberculosis, Washington,
1908. Member of: Philadelphia College of Physicians,
International Anti-tuberculosis Association, Pennsyl-
vania Society for the Prevention of Tuberculosis
(late president), Pennsylvania Historical Society,
American Catholic Historical Society (late chairman
of Library Committee and of Committee on Historical
Research); director of National Association for the
Study and Prevention of Tuberculosis. Collaborator
in "Encyclopedia Americana"; contributor to:
"Booklovers' Magazine"; etc., etc.
ABTICLE: Bryant, John Delay au.
Walsh, Vert Reverend Reginald, o.p., d.d., b. at Dublin, Ireland, 1855. Education: St. Patrick's College, Carlow, and St. Thomas College, Newbridge, Ireland; Minerva, Rome. Entered the Dominican Order 1870; ordained 1878; professor of Scripture, Minerva, Rome, 1879-1881, 1905-1909; professor of philosophy and theology, St. Mary's Prioryj TaUaght, 1881-1891; professor of theology, Dominican scho- lasticates, successively at Graz and Vienna, Austria, 1892-1898; professor of Old Testament exegesis, Maynooth College, 1898-1905; professor of Scripture, CoUegio Angelico, Rome, 1909-1911; professor of Scripture, St. Mary's Priory, TaUaght, 1912- ; canonical visitor of various Dominican houses ; postu- lator of the cause of the Irish Dominican Martyrs. Edited for Leo XIII the works of St. Thomas, in col- laboration with Cardinal Zigliara; contributor to "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Irish Rosary".
ARTICLES: Bobbio, Abbey and Diocese of; Denifle, Heinrich Setjse; Fhiends of God; Jandel, Alexandre- Vincent; Master of the Sacred Palace; O'Daly, Daniel,O.P.
Walsh, Thomas, m.a., ph.n., poet, b. at Brooklyn, New York, 14 October, 1875, son of Michael and Catherine Farrell Walsh. Education: Georgetown University, Washington, D. C; Columbia University, New York City. At various times on the staff of: "Warner's Library of the World's Best Literature", "International Encyclopedia", "New York Globe and Commercial Advertiser", "The Bookman" and (1905-1906) The Catholic Encyclopedia, New York City; poet, lecturer, critic, resident at Brooklyn, New York. Composed and read Dedication Ode to the Prison Ship Martyrs, Brooklyn, 1908, Reunion Poem on Battlefield of Antietam, Maryland, 1910, and Philodemic Poem, UnveiUng of John Carroll Monument, Georgetown, D. C, 1912; medal of honor from Society of Army of the Potomac. Trustee of the Mt. Arlington Library; member of the Columbia University Club; member of the Authors' Club; member of the Royal Academy of Letters, Seville. Author of: "Columbus", class poem, Georgetown University (1892); "The Crusaders", Alumni poem, Georgetown University (1897); "The Prison Ships and Other Poems" (1909); "The Pilgrim Kings" (1916); contributor to: "Scribner's"; "Harper's"; "Century"; "Atlantic Monthly"; "North American Review"; "Bookman"; "Messenger"; "Indepen- dent"; "Churchman"; "Everybody's"; "Lippin- cott's"; "American CathoUc Quarterly Review"; "Rosary"; "Ave Maria"; "American Ecclesiastical Review"; "Pall Mall"; "Poet Lore"; "Bellman"; "America"; "Revista del Rosario" (Bogotit).
ARTICLES: Abbo Cernuus; Abington, Thomas; Abthain; Abucara, Theodore; Abundius; Adam of Murimuth; Adam of Perseigne; Adam of Usk; Adam Scotus; Addas, Disciple OF Manes; Adrian of Castello; Agiles, Raymond d'; Ancona CiHiAco d'; Anderton, James; Anderton, Roger; Anderton, Thomas; Andrea, Giovanni d'; Andreas, Juan; Anfossi, FiLippo; Ange de St. Joseph; Ange de Sainte Rosalie; Anstey, Thomas Chisholm; Archangb de Lyon; Archer, James; Abchinto, Filippo; Arculf.
Walsh, Thomas J., ll.b., b. at Two Rivers,
Wisconsin, 12 June, 1859. Education: public and
high school, and Wisconsin University, Madison,
Wisconsin. Former high school principal; admitted
to the. Bar 1884; practising lawyer, formerly at
Redfield, South Dakota, and, at present (1891- ),
at Helena, Montana; United States Senator from
Montana 1913- . Delegate to National Demo-
cratic Convention (member of sub-committee on
platform), Denver, Colorado, 1908. President of the
Library Board, Helena, Montana; member National
Geographical Society; member of the American Bar
Association; Knight of Columbus.
ARTICLE: Montana.
Walter, Reverend Alotsius John Mart, c.ss.r., b. at Amsterdam, Holland, 5 November, 1859. Education: Redemptorist College, Roermond, and Redemptorist scholasticate, Wittem, Holland. Pro- fessed in the Redemptorist Order 1876; ordained 1882; former professor at the Redemptorist College, Roermond, and Redemptorist scholasticate, Wittem, HoDand; choirmaster and organist at various Re- demptorist houses; stationed at Sant' Alfonso, Rome, at first engaged in writing and afterwards one of the private secretaries of Father Raus, General of the Redemptorists, 1889-1909; professor of dogmatic theology and choirmaster, St. Mary's College, Kinnoull, Perth, Scotland, 1909-1911; stationed at Sant' Alfonso, Rome, 1911- . Translated from Italian into Latin dogmatic works of St. Alphonsus.
ARTICLES: Pitoni, Joseph; Rameatj, Jean-Philippe; Rossini, Gioacchino; Scarlatti, Alessandro; Schelble, Johann Nepomuk; Steffani, Agostino.
Wang, Reverend Erik A., b. at Kongsvinger, Norway, 29 August, 1859, of Lutheran parents. Ed- ucation: Catholic schools in Denmark, Norway, Faroe Islands and Belgium; Propaganda, Rome. Became a Catholic in childhood; ordained 1882; curate (1882-1883) and rector (1886-1899), St. Olaf's Church, Christiania, Norway; rector at Trom- s6, Norway, 1883-1884; accompanied the prefect ApostoUc of Norway, Reverend B. Bernard, to the mission stations at Hammerfest and Alten, 1884; preacher and assistant to Dean Hagemann, Hammer- fest, 1885' coadjutor to the prefect ApostoHc (1885- 1886) and secretary to Monsignor Fallize, the new prefect Apostolic (1887), resident at Christiania; for a time rector of St. Halvard's Church, Christiania; member of the Council, Prefecture Apostolic of Nor- way, 1890; rector (at present of St. Paul's Church), Bergen, Norway, 1899- ; director of the Sisters of St. Francis Xavier, Bergen, 1900- ; dean of Western Norway. As missionary, founder of numer- ous CathoUc stations and churches. Editor of "St. Olav" (Christiania), 1895; contributor to the press. ARTICLES: Arason, J6n; Arni Thorlaksbon; Asgaabd; Bengtsson, J6ns.
Ward, Right Reverend Bernard, F.R.nist.ss., titular Bishop of Lydda, b. at Old HaU, Hertford- shire, England, 4 Feb., 1857, son of WiUiam George Ward. Education: St. Edmund's College, Ware; Oscott CoUege, Birmingham, England. Ordained 1882; prefect, St. Edmund's CoUege, Ware, 1882- 1885; pastor at WUlesden, near London, founding mission and building temporary church and perma- nent school, 1886-1889; professor, Oscott CoUege, Birmingham, 1889-1890; vice-president (1890-1893) and president (1893- ), St. Edmund's CoUege, Ware; domestic prelate 1895; canon of Westminster 1903; ApostoUc administrator of the newly erected diocese formed by the separation of Essexshire from the Archdiocese of Westminster, and appointed titular Bishop of Lydda, 22 March, 1917. Member of the Archseological Society of France. Author of: "History of St. Edmund's College" (1893); "Com- mentary on St. Luke's Gospel" (1897); "Life of St.