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Jabicot, Pauline-Marie; Jonas or Bobbio; Jonas or Orléans; Labadists; Laderchi, James; Lefèvre d'Etaples; Lorenzana, Francisco Antonio de; Lupus, Abbot of Ferrièjres; Maimbourg, Louis; Maxentius, Joannes; Mennonites; Men of Understanding; Methodism; Michelians; Morcelli, Stefano Antonio; Nicholas II; Nicholas III; Nicholas IV, Popes; Orange, Councils of; Paul II, Pope; Pectorius of Autun; Permaneder, Franz Michael; Peter Igneub, Blessed; Petrobrusians; Petrus Alfonsus; Petrus Diaconus; Pius II and VII, Popes; Porphyrius, Saint; Ptolemy the Gnostic; Quierzy, Councils of; Quirini, Angelo Maria; Rader, Matthew; Raynaldi, Odorich; Reformed Church; Renaudot, Eusebius; Rey, Anthony; Rho, Giacomo; Rhodes, Alexandre de; Riffel, Caspar; Ritter, Joseph Ignatius; Robert of Geneva; Rocca, Angelo; Rodriguez, João; Rohault de Fleury; Rohhbacher, René-François; Rostock, Sebastian von; Rudolf of Rüdesheim; Sarabaites; Schwenk-feldians; Sect and Sects; Sibour, Marie-Dominique-Auguste; Simon of Cramaud; Simony; Sirleto, Guglielmo; Sirmond, Jacques; Sixtus III, Saint, Pope; Smalkaldic League; Sophronius, Saint; Suger, Abbot of St. Denis; Sully, Maurice de; Sulpicius Severus; Swedenborgians; Tunkers; Unitarians; Universalists; Waldenses.

Webster, Reverend Douglas Raymund, o.s.b., m.a., b. at Edinburgh, Scotland, 17 June, 1880. Education: Harrow; New College, Oxford. Became a Catholic 1899; entered the Benedictine Order 1902; assistant Classical master (1906- ) and Librarian (1913- ), Downside Abbey, Stratton-on-the-Fosse, England; ordained 1912, army chaplain to the British forces 1915. Contributor to the "Downside Review".

{{smaller|ARTICLES: Carthusian Order; Chartreuse, La Grande; Fontevrault, Order and Abbey of; Grandmont, Abbey and Order of; Grottafersata, Abbey of; Guigues du Chastel; Robert of Arbrissel; Robert of Newminster, Saint; Stephen of Muret, Saint; Sylvester Gozzolini, Saint; Sylvestrines; Swithin, Saint; Urban III, IV, and V, Popes; Vallumbrosan Order; Vitalis, Saint, Martyr; Vitalib of Savigny, Saint; William of Ebelholt, Saint; William of Gellone, Saint; William of Maleval, Saint; William of Norwich, Saint; William the Walloon; Williamites; Wilton Abbey; Wimborne Minster; Windesheim; Winnoc, Saint; Winwallus, Saint; Zurla, Giacinto Placido.

Weimar, Anton, writer, b. at Vienna, Austria, 3 October, 1861. Education: Gymnasium and Univer- sity, Vienna. Editor of the "Reichspost", Vienna, 1894-1897; writer, resident at Vienna. Member of the Board of Directors and President of the Art Section, Austrian Leo Society. Author of: "Prak- tischer Führer auf dem Gebiete der christlichen Kunst Österreichs" (Vienna, 1905); "Die deutsche Presse in Österreich" (Vienna, 1907); "Die Kindheit unseres Kaiser" (Vienna, 1910).

ARTICLE: Periodical Literature, Catholic: Austria.

Welch, Reverend Sidney Read, d.d., ph.d., j.p., b. in Japan, 4 July, 1871. Education: St. Joseph's Academy, Cape Town; Propaganda, Rome. Ordained 1894; attached to the cathedral (at present, ad- ministrator). Cape Town, 1894- ; Justice of the Peace for Cape Division, Cape Colony. Founded Catholic Association of Cape Town, 1897. Member of the South African Society for the Advancement of Science; member of the Academy of Liturgy, Rome. Has contributed to: "Ephemerides Liturgicæ" (Rome); "Catholic Magazine for South Africa"; editor of "Catholic Magazine for South Africa" (since 1908).

ARTICLES: Good Hope, Eastern Vicariate of the Cape of; Good Hope, Western Vicariate of the Cape of; Hotten- tots; Kafirs; Pfanneb, Franz; Santos, Joao dos.

Weld, Everard A., Grassmere, England.

ARTICLE: Weld, Frederick Aloysius.

Weld-Blundell, Reverend Edward Benedict, O.S.B. , b. at Ince BlundeU, Lancashire, England, 4 November, 1856. Education: Stonyhurst College, Blackburn, and St. Michael's Abbey, Belmont, England; St. Benedict's Abbey, Fort Augustus, Scotland. Entered the Benedictine Order 1877; ordained 1883; at one time professor of humanities and formerly (ten years) in charge of the young religious, St. Benedict's Abbey, Fort Augustus; for a number of years engaged in parish work; chaplain. Stanbrook Abbey, Worcester, 1906- . Edited: Baker, "Contemplative Prayer"; "Life and Writings of Dame Gertrude More"; Brother Ricerius of Marchia, "Speedy Way to Perfection"; contributor to: "Downside Review"; "Cathohc Fireside".

ARTICLES: More, Helen (Dame Gertrude); Stanbrook Abbey.

Welsh, Reverend Martin Stanislaus, o.p., B.A., s.T.Lect., J. CD., b. at Cambridge, Mass., 4 June, 1876. Education : Shepard Grammar School and Eng- lish High School, Cambridge, and Boston College, Boston, Massachusetts, various Dominican scholasti- cates; Minerva, Rome. Professed in the Dominican Order 1902; ordained 1906; professor of science and Greek, St. Patrick's (since 1912, Aquinas) College, Columbus, Ohio, 1909- . Spent three years in Europe in study and travel. Contributor to "Rosary Magazine" and other periodicals.

ARTICLES: Aduarte, Diego Francisco.

West, Albert Benjamin, a.m., ll.b., lawyer, b. at Providence, Rhode Island, 21 January, 1883. Ed- ucation: Classical High School and Brown Univer- sity, Providence; Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts. Practising lawyer, Providence, 1907- ; admitted to United States Circuit Court 1911; member Rhode Island Legislature from Eighth Representative District, 1911, 1912.

ARTICLE: Rhode Island.

Westlake, Nathaniel Hubert John, p.s.a., painter, designer and writer, b. at Romsey, England, son of John Westlake. Became a Cathohc 1857; married Frances Lloyd; former Chairman of the Board of Guardians, St. Giles's and St. George's Parishes, Bloomsbury, and former Manager and Chairman of the Central Sick Asylums, Cleveland Street and Hendon, London; Borough Councillor, Holborn, London; painter, designer, and writer, resi- dent in London. Has frequently exhibited at the Royal Academy, Arts and Crafts, etc.; paintings in St. John's Church at Richmond, cathedral at Ports- mouth, St. Thomas's Church at St. Leonard's, St. Augustine's Church at Tunbridge Wells, England; Bute Memorial Chapel, Cardiff Castle, Wales; Chapel, Maynooth College, Ireland; has designed glass for St. Paul's Cathedral, London; Cathedrals of Peterborough and Worcester, England; Gate of Heaven Church, South Boston, Massachusetts; painted the Stations at St. Francis's Church, Netting Hill, London; designed Salviati's mosaic of Blessed James of Ulm, South Kensington Museum, London; did the Apse Mosaic, Newman Memorial Church, Birmingham, England; has collaborated with many famous architects. One of the original committee. Arts and Crafts Society; member of British and American Archaeological Society of Rome; member British Archaeological Society of London; member of the International Association of Fine Arts. Author of: "OutUnes of the History of Design in Mural Painting", 3 vols.; "History of Painted Glass", 4 vols.; "True Portraiture of St. Francis"; "Sketches at Mahnes Exhibition"; edited: Reproduction of Royal Manuscripts, 2BVII, British Museum; "Queen Mary's Psalter", XIV Century Manuscript; con- tributor of articles and illustrations to: "Archaclogia"; "Magazine of Art"; "Art Journal"; "Journal of the Royal British Institute of Architects", etc.

ARTICLE: Mosaics.

Whitfield, Reverend Joseph Louis, m.a., b. in London, 16 December, 1876. Education: Friars' Grammar Schools, Stratford and Forest Gate, Lon- don; St. Edmund's College, Ware, and Oscott College, Birmingham, England; Cambridge University. Or- dained 1904; natural science master (1904^1906) and procurator (1906-1908), St. Edmund's CoUege,