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"Analectes pour servir à l'histoire ecclésiastiquo de la Belgique" (Louvain).

ARTICLES: Louvain, University of; Ram, Pierre Francois Xavier de; Thonissen, Jean-Joseph.

Brassinne, Joseph, Ph.D., litt.D., b. at Liège, 11 January, 1877. Education: Institute of St. Paul and College of St. Servais, Liège; University of Liège. Former under-librarian and (1912- ) librarian, University of Liège. General Secretary of the Twenty-First Congress of the Archaeological and Historical Federation of Belgium, Liège, 1909. Vice- President of the Society of Art and History of the Diocese of Liège. Author of: "Les paroisses de l'ancien concile de Hozémont" (Liège, 1900); "Les paroisses de l'ancien concile de Saint-Remacle à Liège" (Liège, 1904); "Annexes au Catalogue des manuscrits de la Bibliothlque dee l'Université de Liège" (Liège, 1904); "Analecta Leodiensia: Recueil de documents relatifs aux églises de l'ancien diocese de Liège" (Lièege, 1907); "Catalogue des manuscrits légués à la Bibllothèque de l'Université de Liège par le Baron Adrien Wittert" (Liège, 1910); completed and published: Jules Helbig, "L'Art Mosan" (Brus- sels, 1906-1911).

ARTICLE: Liège, Diocese of.

Braun, Reverend Joseph, s.j., writer, b. at Wipperfürth, Prussia, 30 January, 1857. Education: Gymnasia of Wipperfürth and Attendorn ; University of Bonn; Seminary, Roermond, Holland; Jesuit scholasticates of Exaten, Holland, and Ditton Hall, England. Ordained 1881; entered the Society of Jesus 1890; since then writer on subjects connected with ecclesiastical art, archæology, and liturgy; at present resident at Valkenburg, Holland. Has travelled throughout Europe for purposes of research. Hon. member of the Grand-ducal Institute of Lux- emburg; corresponding member of the Royal Archæo- logical Academy of Belgium. Author of: "Die priesterlichen Gewänder des Abendlandes" (1897); "Die pontifikalen Gewander des Abendlandes" (1898); "Vorlagen für Paramentenstickereien" (Ger- man, French, and English) (1902); "Winke für Anfertigung und Verzierung der Paramente" (1904); "Die liturgisohe Gewandung um Occident und Orient " (1907); "Die belgischen Jesuitenku-chen" (1907); "Die kirchenbauten der deutschen Jesuiten", 2 parts (1908, 1910); "Handbuch der Paramentik" (1912); "Spaniens alte Jesuitenkirchen" (1913) ; collaborator in : Herder's " Konversations-lexikon " ; " Encyclopedia Britannica"; contributor to: "Zeitschrift für christ- licheKunst"; "Revue del' art chrétien"; "ChristHche Kunst"; "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach"; "Pastor Bonus".

ARTICLES: Dalmatic; Embroidery, Ecclesiastical; Fanon; Gloves, Episcopal; Gremiale; Hood; Humeral Veil; Mace; Maniple; Manteletta; Manuterge; Mitre; Morse; Mozzetta; Pallium; Pectorals; Rationale; Rochet; San- dals, Episcopal; Stole; Surplice; Tabernacle; Throne; Tiara; Tunic; Vestments; Zuchetto.

Braunsberger, Reverend Otto, s.j., writer, b. at Fiissen, Bavaria, 21 February, 1850. Education: Benedictine Monastery, Metten; German College, Rome; University of Munich. Ordained 1874; assistant priest at Rain (1876-1877) and of St. Mauritius at Augsburg (1877-1878); entered the Society of Jesus 1878; engaged in writing at Exaten, Holland (1887-1899), at Luxemburg (1899-1911) and once more at Exaten (1911- ). Author of: "Der Apostel Barnabas" (Mainz, 1876); "Ent- stehung und erste Entwicklung der Katechismen des seligen Petrus Canisius" (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1893); "Canisius Wallfahrt", prayer-book (Fribourg, Switzerland, 1896; translated into French and Dutch) ; "Beati Petri Canisii S. J. Epistulae et Acta", Vols. I- VI (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1896-1913); "Rückblick auf das katholische Ordenswesen im 19 Jahrhundert" (Freiburg-im-Breisgau, 1901); "Pius V und die deutschen Katholiken" (Freiburg-im-Breis- gau, 1912); contributor to: "Stimmen aus Maria- Laach"; "Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie"; "Historisohes Jahrbuch"; " Theologisch-praktische Quartalschrift"; Literary Supplement to "Kohiische Volkszeitung".

ARTICLE: Peter Canisius, Blessed.

Breen, Reverend Andrew Edward, Ph.D., d.d., b. at Amity, Allegany County, New York, 15 June, 1863. Education: St. Agnes Parochial School and Avon Union School, Avon, New York; St. Andrew's Preparatory Seminary, Rochester; Propaganda, Rome; St. Stephen's Biblical School, Jerusalem. Ordained 1893; professor of Holy Scripture and Hebrew, St. Bernard's Seminary, Rochester, New York; at present rector of St, Patrick's Church, Mt. Morris, New York. Author of: "A General Intro- duction to Holy Scripture" (Rochester, 1897), 2 eds.; "A Harmonized Exposition of the Four Gospels", 4 vols. (Rochester, 1899-1903), 2 eds.; "A Diary of My Life in the Holy Land" (Rochester, 1907).

ARTICLES: Acts of the Apostles; Aseneth; Aser; Asion- gaber; Asmodeus; Bethania; Bethany; Bethany Beyond the Jordan.

Breen, Reverend Michael Joseph, b. at Coo- raclare, Co. Clare, 1861. Education: Diocesan Col- lege, Ennis, Ireland; Maynooth; Irish College, Rome; St. Sulpice, Paris. Ordained 1886; former curate at Quin, Co. Clare; rector at Dysart, Co. Clare, 1912- . Takes deep interest in the promotion of agriculture; frequently attends Technical Con- gresses of the Department of Agriculture and Tech- nical Instruction.

ARTICLE: Killaloe, Diocese of.

Brehier, Emilb, litt.D., b. 12 April, 1876. Edu- cation: University of Rennes. Master of Philo- sophical Conferences, University of Rennes, 1910- 1912 ; professor of philosophy. University of Bordeaux, 1912-1914; sub-lieutenant, 344th, Infantry Regiment, 1914- ; knight of the Légion d'Honneur. Author of: "Les idées philosophiques et religieuses de Philon d'Alexandrie" (Paris, 1908); "Chrysippe" (Paris, 1910); "Schelling" (Paris, 1912).

ARTICLES: Philo Judæus; Stoics and Stoic Philosophy.

Bréhier, Louis René, litt.D., b. at Brest, France, 5 August, 1868. Education: University of Paris. Professor at the University of Paris 1899- ; at present professor of ancient and medieval history and geography. Read a paper on "Les colonies d'Orientaux en Occident au commence- ment du Moyen Age" at the Thirteenth Congress of Orientahsts, Hamburg, 1902; commissioned by the Ministry of Public Instruction to study Byzantine sculpture at Venice, Ravenna, Athens, and Constan- tinople, 1910 and 1912. Two of his works crowned by the Institut de France. Author of: "Le schisme Oriental du XI sidcle" (Paris, 1899); "De Græcorum judiciorum origine" (Paris, 1899); "L'Egypte de 1798 à 1900", Prix Audiffred, Academy of Moral and Political Sciences (Paris, 1901); "Les origines du Crucifix dans I'art religieux" (Paris, 1903); "La querelle des images" (Paris, 1904); "Les basiliques chrétiennes", Prix Ch. Blanc, French Academy (Paris, 1906); "Les églises byzantines" (Paris, 1906); "Les églises romanes" (Paris, 1906); "Les églses gothiques" (Paris, 1906); "L'Eglise et I'Orient. Les Croisades" (Paris, 1907); "Clermont-Ferrand, Royat, le Puy-de-D6me", in collaboration with M. Des- devises du Dezert (Paris, 1911); "L'Auvergne (Les Provinces Francaises, Paris, 1912); "Une Œuvre Frangaise. La Cathedrale de Rheims" (Paris, 1916) : collaborator in: " Dictionnaire d'Apologétique" of the Abbé Jouguet; "Dictionnaire de Biographie et d'Histoire Ecclésiatique" of Mgr. Baudrillart (in