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Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/59

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Portland 1899-1909; rector of St. Martha's Church, Kennebunkport, Maine, 1909-1914; rector of St Teresa's Church, South Brewer, Maine, 1914^1915 chaplain, St. Clement's House, Boston, 1915- private chamberlain to Pope Pius X. Secretary to Bishop O'Connell, of Portland, on the latter's visit to Japan as Envoy of Pope Pius X to the Mikado, 1905- 1906; decorated by the Mikado. Member of: the Maine Historical Society; the New England Catholic Historical Society; the United States Catholic His- torical Society. Author of: "The Acadians of Madawaska, Maine"; "Governor Kavanagh of Maine". ARTICLE: Kavahaqh, Edwakd.

Condon, Peter, m.a., lawyer, b. in New York, 1 November, 1850. Education: private schools; St. Francis Xavier's College, New York. Married Ellen, daughter of John MoCarten; admitted to the Bar 1872; practising lawyer, resident in New York 1872– . Has acted as counsel for various religious and benevolent associations; trustee and contributor to the United States Catholic Historical Society, Records and Studies; contributor to: "Catholic Fortnightly Review"; "Christian Mother".

ARTICLES: Bedini, Cajetajj; Irish, The (in the United States); Knownothingism.

Conington, Very Reverend Monsignor Edward Henry, d.d., b. in the County Sligo, 22 July, 1853. Education: Maynooth College, Dublin. Ordained 1876; has been at various times curate, president of the Seminary, Achonry, parish priest, vicar-general, and dean of the Chapter; former pastor at Emlefad and Kilmorgan, Ireland; at present, dean of Achonry, vicar forane and pastor of Kiloonduff and Meehck. Domestic prelate, 1914. Occasional contributor to magazines. ARTICLE: Achoney, Diocese of.

Connellan, Patrick Laurence, F.R.S.A.I., K.S.G., journalist, b. at Sligo, Ireland. Education: Glasgow and London. Editorial writer on "The Pilot," Boston, Massachusetts, 1869; Roman correspondent of: "The Pilot" (Boston), 1869–1899 ; the "Freeman's Journal" (Dublin), 1891–  ; the "Baltimore Sun", 1894–1904; the "Boston Herald" (four years); the "Brooklyn Eagle" (three years); various other periodicals in the British Isles, United States, and Australia; resident in Rome. Knight of St. Gregory 1901; pontifical decorations Pro ecclesia et pontifice and Benemerenza. Member of the British and American Archæological Society of Rome; associate of the Society for the Veneration of Martyrs. Collaborator in: "Encyclopaedia Britannica" (9th ed.); contributor to: "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "American Catholic Quarterly Review"; "Catholic World"; "Messenger"; "Journal of the British and American Archæological Society of Rome" ; "Glasgow Herald".

ARTICLES: Archæology, The Commission of Sacred; Audiences, Pontifical.

Connolly, Reverend Arthur Theodore, rector, church of the Blessed Sacrament, Boston, Massachusetts.

ARTICLE: Fitton, James.

Connolly, George Aloysius, a.m., ll.b., lawyer, b. in New York, 18 April, 1873. Education: St. Ignatius College, San Francisco; University of Cali- ifomia. Instructor in Enghsh, Latin, and Greek, St. Ignatius College, San Francisco, 1891-1901; engaged in the practice of law, San Francisco, 1902- ; member of the Board of Supervisors of San Francisco, 1908-1910. Knight of Columbus; has held many important offices in this organization, among others. Grand Knight of San Francisco Council, and State

Deputy of California; has installed Councils in a large ndmber of cities; attended National Conventions of Knights of Columbus, Los Angeles, 1905; New Haven, 1906; Quebec, 1910; his resolutions on Catholic Higher Education adopted at Quebec Convention. ARTICLE: California.

Constantius, Brother (Matthias Maria Graham), p.s.c, a.m., Ph.D., ll.d., b. at St. Louis, 10 January, 1852. Education: St. Joseph's School, St. Louis; scholasticates of the Christian Brothers, Utica and New York; Catholic University, Washing- ton; University of Chicago; further studies in England and France. Entered the order of Christian Brothers 1867; teacher at St. Peter's School, New York. 1872-1877; master of novices, Baltimore, 1878; professor of literature, Manhattan College, New York, 1879; professor of philosophy, Uterature and higher literary criticism. Rock HiU College, Elhcott City, Maryland, 1886-1888; principal. Chris- tian Brothers Academy, Albany, New York, 1889- 1893; professor of philosophy, literature, and higher literary criticism, La Salle College, Philadelphia, and Christian Brothers College, St. Louis, 1893-1913; professor of philosophy, Uterature and higher literary criticism, St. Mary's College, Oakland, California, 1913-1915; professor of philosophy, etc., Rock Hill College, Elhcott City, Maryland, 1916- . Mem- ber of: the American Mathematical Society; the Circolo Matematico di Palermo. Author of: "The Young Christian Teacher Encouraged" (2 ed.); published a series of readers for the Enghsh Schools of Canada; translated in collaboration with Brother Azarias: "Management of Christian Schools"; "Twelve virtues of a Good Master"; translated and revised: "Life of John Baptist de la Salle"; "Manual of Piety " ; collaborator in ' ' Cyclopedia of Education " ; contributor to: "Catholic World"; "American Catho- Uc Quarterly Review" (under name of M. M. Gra- ham); "Western Watchman"; "Church Progress"; "CathoUc University Bulletin"; "Educational Re- view".

ARTICLE: John Baptist de la Salle, Saint.

Conway, Katherine Eleanor, b. at Rochester, New York, daughter of James and Sarah Conway, previously of Liverpool. Education: private, under Bishop Bernard McQuaid; Convents of the Sacred Heart, Rochester, N. Y., and Manhattanville, New York; Miss Nardin's Academy, Buffalo. On the editorial staff of the "Catholic Union and Times", Buffalo, until 1883; successively assistant editor to John Boyle O'Reilly and editor, Boston "Pilot", 1883-1908; editor of the Boston "RepubUc" 1908-

adjunct professor, St. Mary's College, Notre

Dame, Indiana, 1911- . Received the La?tare Medal of Notre Dame University, Indiana, 1907. President of the John Boyle O'Reilly Reading Circle; honorary vice-president of the Children of Mary of the Sacred Heart; member of the Boston Authors' Club. Author of: "On the Sunrise Slope", poems (1881); "Watchwords from John Boyle O'Reilly" (1891); "A Dream of Lilies", poems (1893); "The Family Sitting Room Series", of which 5 vols, have appeared; "A Lady and Her Letters" (1895), "Mak- ing Friends and Keeping Them" (1895), "Questions of Honor in the Christian Life" (1896), "Bettering Ourselves" (1899) and "The Christian Gentle- woman" (1904); "New Footsteps in Well Trodden Ways" (1899); "The Way of the World and Other Wavs", novel (1900); "Lalor's Maples", novel (1901); "In the Footprints of the Good Shepherd" (1907); "The Woman Who Never Did Wrong", short stories (1909); "The Story of a Beautiful Childhood" (1909); collaborator with Clara Erskine Clement in "Christian Symbols and Stories of the Saints" (1886).

ARTICLE: O'Reilly, John Boyls.