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present engaged in the practice of law; resident in St. Louis, Mo.

ARTICLE: Missouri.

Cormack, Reverend George, i.e., b. at Aber- deen, Scotland, 23 April, 1848. Education: Blairs College, Aberdeen; Scots College, Valladolid, Spain; Rosminian scholasticates, Domodossola and Stresa, Italy. Entered the Institute of Charity; professed 1870; ordained 1875; attached to St. Mary's, Lough- borough, 1877-1879; to St. Peter's, Cardiff, with one year's absence, 1879-1901; editor of "St. Peter's Chair" 1887-1899; headmaster, St. Joseph's High School, Cardiff, 1881-1883; rector, St. Peter's, Cardiff, 1899-1901; at St. Etheldreda's, London, 1901-1909; at present chaplain to the Sisters of Providence, Loughborough, England. Has travelled in the Holy Land for the purpose of gospel study; founder of the magazine "St. Peter's Chair". Author of: "Our Lord on Earth"; "Our Lord in the Gospels"; "Life of St. Machar"; "Father Gentili, i.e."; first versifier in English of the French legend "Our Lady's Tum- bler" ; re-edited Keenan's "Controversial Catechism".

ARTICLE: Rosmini and Rosminianism.

Cossio, Vert Reverend Monsignor ALtriGi, D.D., S.S.D., J.U.D., b. at Cividale del FriuU, Italy, 1874. Education: Seminary, Udine, Italy; Univer- sity of Padua under Alessi; University of Freiburg, Baden, Germany, accompanied by a letter of recom- mendation from Cardinal Sarto, afterwards Pope Pius X, under Kraus, Hoberg, and Heiner; further studies at Tubingen, Stuttgart, and Fribourg, Switzerland, under Weiss, Berthier, and Stephens. Ordained 1897; at various times missionary to Itahans in different parts of Europe; hbrarian of St. Bede's College, Manchester, England; Dante Society lecturer, Victoria University, Manchester; professor of Christian archaeology and the history of art, UphoUand College, Walthew Park, England; lecturer before the Dante Societies of Dublin, Liverpool, Manchester, and Queen's College, London; Apostolic visitor for the Seminaries of Sardinia; formerly official of the Sacred Congregation of the Consistory, Rome; ApostoUc visitor to the Seminary, Tivoli, Italy, 1913, at present, auditor of the Apostolic Delegation to the United States ; resident in Washington, D. C. Visited the Universities of Bonn, Berlin, Kiel, Copenhagen, Lund, Upsala, and Munich for purposes of literary research. Author of: "Cardinal Cajetan"; "The Vita Nuova of Dante"; "The ArchEcology of Art in Dante"; "The Doctrine of Art in Dante"; "Art in Dante and his Artistic Preparation"; "The Laudi MS. of Manchester"; "Virgil"; "St. Peter in Rome"; essays on Italian, Classic, Irish, and Romance litera- tures; pubhshed a new edition of alt the works of Dante; contributor to: "The Antiquary"; "II Giomale dantesco"; French and German periodicals.

ABTICLES : Paulenus II, Pathiarch of Aquileia; Titulus.

Cotter, Reverend Anthony Charles, s.j., b. at Ainried, Bavaria, Germany, 21 September, 1879. Education: Gymnasium, Freising, Germany; Jesuit scholasticates, Prairie-du-Chien, Wisconsin, and Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1899; professor at Canisius College, Buffalo, New York, 1905-1910; ordained 1913; professor of philosophy, Woodstock College, Woodstock, Md., 1916- . Author of "Latin Exercise Book".

ARTICLES: Stattler, Benedict; Tamburini, Michelan- gelo; Tanner, Adam; Tanner, Matthias; Wells in Sckiptube; Weninger, Francis Xavier.

Cotter, Reverend James M., s.j., Manresa Institute, Keyser Island, South Norwalk, Connecticut. ARTICLE: Barreira, Balthasar.

Coudert, Most Reverend Antont, o.m.i., d.d., Archbishop of Colombo, Ceylon, b. at Manglieu,

France, 19 March, 1861. Education: College of Billom and Seminary of Montferrand, France. Ordained and entered the order of Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1886; missionary, archdiocese of Colombo, Ceylon, 1886-1898; Coadjutor Bishop with right of succession 1898-1905; Archbishop of Colombo 1905- ARTICLE: Colombo.

Courson, Barbara Frances Mart Neave de (CoMTESSE Roger de CotrBSON), writer, b.^ at Naples, Italy, 1849, of EngHsh parents. Education: Convent of the Sacred Heart, Amiens, France. Married to the Comte de Courson 1886; writer, interested chiefly in the Revolution period of French history and in the persecution of EngUsh Catholics under EUzabeth and the Stuarts; resident in Paris. Member of the Lyceum Club of Paris. Author of: "The Jesuits, Their Foundation and History" (.London, 1879); "Quatre portraits de femmes" f Paris, 1895); "La persecution des Catholiques" (Paris, 1898); the last two crowned by the French Academy; pamphlets for the Catholic Truth Society; contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "The Month"; "The Guardian"; "The PaU Mall Magazine"; "Catholic Fireside"; "Cathohc World"; "Ave Maria"; "East and West"; "Modern Review"; "Revue des Deux Mondes"; "Correspondant"; "Revue Hebdomadaire " ; "Revue G6n6rale"; "Revue Mame"; "Contemporains".

ARTICLES: Commune, Martyrs of the Paris.

Coyle, MoiRA K. (Mrs. Thomas Kennedt).

ARTICLES: Bismarck, Diocese of; Cali, Diocese of; Fiji, Vicariate Apostolic of; Kearney, Diocese of; Kottayam, Vicariate Apostolic of; Porto Alegre, Archdiocese of; Streber, Hermann; Zita's Home for Friendless Women.

Cram, Ralph Adams, Litt.D., architect, b. at Hampton Falls, New Hampshire, 16 December, 1863. Education: Westford Academy, Westford, Massachu- setts; high school, Exeter, New Hampshire. Art critic, "Boston Transcript", 1885-1887; practising architect, member of the firm of Cram, Goodhue, and Ferguson, of Boston and New York (originally Cram and Wentworth, and later Cram, Wentworth, and Goodhue), 1887- ; editor, "Christian Art", 1907- 1909; chairman of the Committee on Education, American Institute of Architects, 1907- ; super- vising architect of Princeton University; lecturer in architecture. Harvard University. Founder of, "Christian Art"; architect (with firm) of the new Mihtary Academy, West Point, and of St. Thomas's Episcopal Church, New York, etc. Fellow and past vice-president, American Institute of Architects; fellow and past president, Boston Society of Archi- tects; feUow of: the North British Academy of Art: the Royal Geographical Society, London; vice-presi- dent of the American Federation of Arts; member of; the Architectural Association of London; the Archi- tectural Club; the Copley Society; the Boston Authors' Club; the Architectural League of New York; the New York Historical Society; honorary member of the Detroit Society of Fine Arts; member and . one of the governors of the Puritan Club of Boston. Author of: "The Decadent" (out of print); "Black Spirits and White" (out of print); "Church Building" (Boston, 1901; 2nd ed. 1914); "The Ruined Abbeys of Great Britain" (New York, 1906); "Impressions of Japanese Architecture and the Alhed Arts" (New York, 1906); "The Gothic Quest" (New York, 1907); "ExcaHbur" (Boston, 1908); "American Country Houses of Today" (New York, 1913); "Ministry of Art" (New York, 1914); "Heart of Europe" (New York, 1915); contributor to: "The Century _ Magazine"; "The Atlantic Monthly"; "Catholic World"; various architectural magazines.

ARTICLES: Gothic Architecture; Narthex; Nave; Niche; Palladio, Andrea.