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Bandora, 1904-1914; chaplain, Bhavnagar Kathia- war, Bombay, India, 1914- . Edited for a short time, with Mr. George de Penha, a monthly paper in English and Maharathi; originator of the Bassein Port Pilgrimage in honor of St. Gonsalo Garcia; initiator of the St. Francis of Assisi Orphanage (Franciscan Brothers), Poinseer, Bombay. Author of: "Life of St. Gonsalo Garcia". ARTICLE: Bassein.

Fidelis, Mother Mart (Kathbrinb Teresa Dunn), b. m New York, 1860. Education: pubhc schools and Normal College, New York. Entered the Ursuline Order 1878; for many years teacher at the Ursuline Mother House, New York; directress (1899- 1911) and superior (1911- ), Mt. St. Ursula, Bedford Park, New York.

ARTICLE: Usbulines, The. '

Finegan, Reverenb Philip Michael, s.j., b. in New York, 16 February, 1869. Education: Old St. Joseph's Parochial Scliool and St. Francis Xavier's CoUege, New York; various Jesuit scholasticates. Entered the Society of Jesus 1885; professor, St. John's College, Fordham, New York, 1889-1890, and Holy Cross College, Worcester, Massachusetts, 1893- 1897; ordained 1900; vice-president and prefect of studies (1902-1904) and professor of logic and metaphysics (1904-1905), Loyola College, Baltimore, Maryland; missionary in the PhiMppine Islands, stationed at the Ateneo, Manila, 1905-1913; chaplain of Bilibid Prison, Manila, 1908-1913; prefect of studies, St. Francis Xavier's College, New York, 1913-1915; professor of rhetoric, Georgetown Univer- sity, Washington, D. C, 1915- . Former editor of the "Little Messenger" (Manila).

ARTICLES: Manila, Archdiocese of; Manila Observa- tort; Philippine Islands; E-izal, Jos^ Meecado; Salazar, Domingo db; SAnchez, Alonzo; Zamboanqa.

Finn, Reverend William Joseph, ll.d. Education: Boston Latin School; New England Conservatory; St. Charles College; Cathohc Univer- sity of America. Ordained 1906. Organist, Boston, 1898-1903; director, PauUst Choristers of Chicago; developed the national and international Propaganda with Paulist Choristers. Awarded "Les Palmes Academiques", Paris, 1912; made "Magister Canto- rum", by Pope Pius X, 1912. Member of: the University Club, Chicago; National Association of Organists, New York; Medievahst Club, Chicago. Author of "Manual of Church Music"; contributor to: "Ecclesiastical Review"; "Catholic World"; and music journals.

ARTICLES: Hatdn, Joseph; Mabcello, Benedetto; Marenzio, Luca.

Finnerty, Reverend John Lawrence, o.p., b. at Albany, New York, 15 May, 1877. Education: public schools and Christian Brothers Academy, Albany, New York. At first engaged in journalism; entered the Dominican Order; formerly stationed at St. Dominie's Convent, Washington, D. C; assistant, St. Antoninus Church, Newark, 1910-1914; stationed at the Convent of St. Louis Bertrand, Louisville, Kentucky, 1914-

ARTICLES: Agnelli, Fba Guglielmo; Andrew of Rhodes.

Fischer, Reverend Joseph, s.j., b. at Quadrath, Rhein, Germany, 19 March, 1858. Education: Gymnasium, Rheine, Westphalia; Universities of Miinster, Munich, Innsbruck, and Vienna; Jesuit scholasticates in Holland, Austria, and England. Entered the Society of Jesus 1881; ordained 1891; professor of geography and history, Stella Matutina College, Feldkirch, 1895- . Discoverer of the maps of Waldseemtiller (of 1507 and 1516) and of Jodocus Hondius (of 1610) in the Castle of Wolf- egg, Wiirttemberg, 1901; as member of the Aus-


trian Institute of Historical Studies, visited in the interests of cartographical research the libraries of Italy, France, and England, 1903-1904, 1909-1910. Member of the Geographical Society (Vienna). Author of: "Die Beziehung^n Kaiser Rudolfs II zu Erzherzog Matthias bis zum Vertrage von Lieben (1608) " (Prize Essay, University of Innsbruck, 1894) ; "Der sogenannte Sohott wiener Vertrag vom Jahre 1600" (Report of the Fourth Cathohc International Scientific Congress, 1897); "Der Linzer..Tag vom Jahre 1605 in seiner Bedeutung flir die Osterreich- isoheHaus-undReichsgeschichte" (Feldkirch, 1898); "Die Entdeckungen der Normannen in America" (Freiburg, 1902" Enghsh translation by Soulsby, London, 1903); Die alteste Karte mit dem Namen America A.D. 1507, und die Carta Marina aus dem Jahre 1516 des M. WaldseemilUer" (German and English eds., Innsbruck, 1903) ; " Map of the World by Jodocus Hondius, 1611" (in collaboration with Edw. Stevenson) (New York, 1907); "Introduction of the CosmographisB Introductio of Martin Waldseemliller " (in collaboration with von Wieser) (New York, 1907); "Der 'deutsche Ptolemaus' um 1490" (Strassburg, 1910); collaborator in: "Jahrbuch des historischen Vereins von Liechtenstein" (by Father Fischer: "Die alteste Karte von Fiirstentum Liechtenstein") (1910) ; contributor to: "Innsbrucker theologische Zeit- schrift"; "Innsbrucker Fernandeums Zeitschrif t " ; "Historical Records and Studies" (New York); "Gottinger Gelehrte Anzeigen"; "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach".

ARTICLES: America, Pre-Columbian Discovert of; Clavus Claudius; Fillastre, Guillattme; Nicolaus Ger- MANus; Ortelius (Oertel), Abraham; Waldseemuller, Martin.

Fischer-Colbrie, Right Rbvubend Atjgtjstin, D.D., Bishop of Kassa, Hungary, b. at ZeUz, Hungary, 16 October, 1863. Education: Colleges of Krems- milnster, Pressburg, and Gran; University of Vienna. Ordained 1886; master of ceremonies and notary to the Archbishop of Gran 1888-1890; court chaplain, Vienna, 1890-1900; canon of Gran 1900-1905; Auxiliary Bishop of Kassa and titular Bishop of Domitiopolis 1905-1907; Bishop of Kassa 1907- ; member of the Hungarian House of Magnates. Author of: "De eriterio interno positivo divinse originis Christianse religionis" (1891); "Hora Euoharistica" (1892; 4th ed. 1899); "De philosophia cultura?" (1903).

ARTICLE: Cassovia, Diocebe of.

Fisher, Reverend John Harding, s.j., b.a., b. at Brooklyn, New York, 9 December, 1875. Education: St. John's College, Fordham, New York; Columbia University; Johns Hopkins University; Jesuit scholasticates in England and the United States. Entered the Society of Jesus 1896; has held the post of teacher, Boston College, Boston, Massa- chusetts, Loyola School, New York, and Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Ordained 1910; at present, associate editor of "America", resident in New York.

ARTICLES: Cursing; Delrio, Martin Anton; Jouin, Louie; Keller, Jacob; Libbratore, Matteo; Lohner, Tobias; Lugo, Francisco de; Mart Anne db Paeedes, Blessed; Medaille, Jean-Paul.

Fita y Colome, Reverend Fidel, s.j., director of the Royal Academy of Madrid, Spain.

ARTICLES: Compostela; Eulalia of Barcelona, Saint; EuLOGius OF Cordova, Saint; Evora; Funchal; Granada; Guard A.

Fitzgerald, Vert Reverend Edward Gregort, O.P., s.T.Leot. Education: St. John's College, Wash- ington, D. C. ; St. Joseph's CoUege, Somerset, Ohio; International Biblical School of Dominican Fathers, Jerusalem, Palestine. Ordained 1898; professor of Sacred Scripture, Washington, D. C., 1901-1910;