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Page:The Catholic encyclopedia and its makers.djvu/95

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the Hispanic Society of America; member Royal Spanish Academy, Madrid; vice-president Modern Language Association of America. Author of: "Old Spanish Sibilants" (Boston, 1900); "Spanish Com- position" (Boston, 1901); "Spanish Anthology" (New York, 1901); "Spanish Grammar" (Boston, 1904); "Romances of Chivalry in Italian Verse (New York, 1905; new ed. 1906); "Old Spanish Readings" (Boston, 1906); edited: "Selections from Don Quixote", with annotations; various Spanish and Itahan texts for Heath & Co., Ginn & Co., and Holt & Co.; contributor to: publications of Modern Languages Association of America; "Modern Lan- guage Notes"; "Romanic Review"; "Romania" (Paris).

ARTICLES: Caldas-Bakbosa, Domingos; Calderon de la Barca, Pedro; Camoes, Luis Vaz de; Capponi, Gino, Count; Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de; Ferreiha, Antonio; FiLiCAJA, Vincenzo de; Folengo, Teofilo; Gallego, Juan NiCASio; Garcilasbo de la Vega; Giraldi, Giovanni Bat- tista; Giusti, Giuseppe; Goldoni, Carlo; Gomes De Amorim, Francisco; Gonzalo de Berceo; Gozzi, Carlo; GuzmXn, Fernando Perez db; Herculano de Carvalho b Araujo, Alejandro; Herrera, Fernando de; Iglesias de la Casa, Jos^; JAuREGul, Juan de; Jovellanos, Caspar Melchor de; Lope de Vega Carpio, Felix; March, Auzias; Marengo, Carlo and Leopold; Mena, Juan de; Menzini, Benedetto; Metastasio, Pietro; Morales, Ambrosio; Ojeda, Alonso de; Parini, Giuseppe; Pellico, Silvio; Petrarch, Francesco; Pindemonte, Ippolito; Porta, Carlo; Pulci, Luigi; Redi, Francesco; Rodrigues Ferreira, Alexandre; Selgas t Carrasco, Jos^; Spanish Language and Literature; Spanish- American Literature; Tasboni, Alessandro; Tebaldeo, Antonio; Tiraboschi, Girolamo; Trissino, Giangiorgio; Trubba, Antonio db; Vbrdaquer, Jacinto; Vicente, Gil.

Forget, Vert Reverend Canon Jacques, s.t.d., b. at Chiny, Belgium, 6 January, 18.52. Education: seminaries of Bastogne and Namur, and University of Louvain, Belgium; studied Semitic languages in Rome, Beirut, Syria, and University of Berlin. Ordained 1876; professor of Arabic language and hterature (1885- ) and of dogmatic theology and Syriac (1886- ), Louvain University, Belgium; president (and founder) of the African Seminary, for missionaries to the Congo, 1886-1889; honorary canon of the cathedral of Namur. Participated in the International Congress of CathoUc Scholars, Brussels, 1895; International Congress of Orientalists, Algiers, 1905; International Congress of Apologetics, Vich, 1910; Officer of the Order of Leopold; decoration Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice. Member of the Council and Administrative Board, Royal Library, Brussels. Author of: "De vita et scriptis Aphraatis" (Louvain, 1882); "Le Liban" (Louvain, 1887); "Ibn Sina, le livre des th^oremes et des avertissements", Arabic text (Levden, 1892); "Les missions sous le Pontificat de L^on XIII" (Brussels, 1888); "Principes de philosophia morale" (Louvain, 1906); "Le concile du Vatican" (Louvain, 1906); "Les conciles oecum^ni- ques" (Louvain, 1910); "Sjmaxarium Alexandrinum" (in Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium), Arabic text, 2 vols. (Beirut, 1909, 1911); "La valeur historique du quatriSme ^vangile" (Brussels, 1911); director of the Arabic Section, "Corpus scriptorum christianorum orientalium"; collaborator in: Jaugey, "Dictionnaire apolog^tique"; Vacant-Mangenot, "Dictionnaire de th^ologie catholique"; d'A16s, "Dic- tionnaire apolog^tique de la foi catholique"; con- tributor to: "La controverse et le contemporain": "La science cathohque"; "Revue n^o-scolastique"; "Revue d'histoire eccl&iastique"; "Revue sociale cathohque " ; " Le Moyen Age " ; "La Revue g^n^rale" ; "Revue des sciences eccl^siatiques et la science catholique"; "Revue cathohque des revues"; "Re- vue apolog6tique"; "Revue bibliographique beige"; "Revue de I'ordre des Pr6montrls"; "Le Musfon".

ARTICLES: Holt Ghost; Jansenius and Jansenism; Melcherb, Paul, Cardinal; Nicole, Pierre; Precipiano,


TESTBrN, Josse; Schism.

Fortescue, Reverend Adrian, Ph.D., d.d., b. 1874. Education: Scots' College, Rome; Innsbruck University. Ordained 1898; successively curate at the German Church, London, rector at Ongar, and rector at Maldon, 1898-1907; rector, St. Hugh's Church, Letchworth, 1907- . Author of: "The Orthodox Eastern Church"; "The Greek Fathers"; "Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom"; "The Mass, a Study of the Roman Liturgy"; "The Lesser Eastern Churches"; pamphlets for Cathohc Truth Society Series; collaborator in "Encyclopedia of ReUgion and Ethics".

ARTICLES: Alexandrine Liturgy; Antiochene Liturgy; Aquileian Rite; Canon op the Mass; Collect; Communion- Antiphon; Concelebration; Confiteor; Constantinople, The Rite of; Cowl; Denziqer, Heinrich Joseph Dominicus; Doxology; Durandus, William; Durandub, William, the Younger; Durham Rite; Eastern Churches; Elias of Jerusalem, Bishop; Eparchy; Ephesus, The Seven Sleepers of; Ephraim of Antioch; Epiklesis; Epiphaniub of Constan- tinople; Ethehianus, Hugh and Leo; Euchologion; Eudocia; Euphemiub of Constantinople; Eusebius of DoRYLasUM, Bishop; Eustathius op Sebabte; Eutychius, Melchite Patri- arch OF Alexandria; Eutychius I, Patriarch of Constan- tinople; Exarch; Gennadius II, Patriarch of Constanti- nople; Gennadius of Marseilles; George Hamartolus; Georgius Syncellus; Gloria in Excelsis Deo; Gospel in the Liturgy; Gradual; Greece; Greek Rites; Gregory THE Illuminator; Henoticon; Hesychasm; Holy Synod; Iconoclabm; Images, Veneration of; Introit; Isidore of Thessalonica; Ite Missa est; Jerusalem, part II and IV; Jerusalem, Liturgy of; John of Antioch (4); John Scho- LASTicus; John Talaia; John the Faster; Julius Africanus; Justinian I, Roman Emperor; Kyrie Eleison; Latin Church; Lavabo; Lector; Leo Diaconus; Leontics of Byzantinus; Lessons in the Liturgy; Libera me; Libera nob; Libehatus op Carthage; Liturgical Books; Liturgy; Lumen Chribti; Marcellinus Comes; Marcian, Roman Emperor; Marcus DiADOCHUs; Marcus Eremita; Mass, Chapter and Con- ventual; Mass, Liturgy of the; Mass, Nuptial; Maurice (Mauricius), Roman Emperor; Melchites; Menaion; Meta- phrastes, Symeon; Methodius I; Metrophanes of Symrna; Michael Cerularius; Monasticism, Eastern; Nectarius, Patriarch of Constantinople; Nikon, Patriarch of Mos- cow; NiLus, Saint; Nilus the Younger; Nonnius, of Panop- olis; Oecumeniub, Bishop of Tricca; Offertory; Orate Fratres; Orbmus; Orientius; Ohsisius; Orthodox Church; Orthodoxy, Feast (or Sunday) of; Palladius; Patriarch AND Patriarchate; Paulicians; Peter Mongus; Photius OF Constantinople; Pobtcommunion; Preface; Protopopes; PsBLLus, Michael; Rites; Ritual; Roman Rite, The; Sanctus; Schism, Eastern; Secret; Suidas; Synaxahio; Synaxis; Syrian Rite, West; Thbodosius I, Roman Em- peror; TicoNius; Votive Mass.

Fortier, Alc^e, litt.D., b. in St. James Parish, Louisiana, 5 June, 1856, son of Florent Fortier and Edwige Aime, niece of Governor Roman of Louisiana. Education: University of Virginia; further studies in Paris. Held the posts successively of teacher in the high school. New Orleans, and principal of the Preparatory Department, University of Louisiana; married Marie Lanauze, niece of M. F6raud-Giraud, of Paris, 1881; professor of French, University of Louisiana, 1883; re-elected to this post when the university became Tulane University; professor of Romance languages (1894- ); and dean of the Graduate Department (1913- ), Tulane Univer- sity. Member of the Louisiana State Board of Education, 1888-1896; has lectured extensively on the history and Uteratiu-e of France and of Louisiana; during summer sessions, has been member of the faculty of the Universities of Chicago, Cahfornia, Tennessee, Kansas, Colorado, and Wisconsin, and Harvard University; former member of the Advisory Council of the Warren Library of the World's Best Literature; chairman of the History Jury and member of the Congress of Arts and Sciences, World's Fair, 1904; delegate from Louisiana to Mobile Tercenten- ary, 1911, and First Congress of the French Language, Canada, 1912; chairman of the Committee of Louisi- ana Historical Society in charge of State Centenary celebration, 1912; former corresponding secretary of the New Orleans Academy of Sciences ; has been vice president of the American Dialect Society; former president of the Civil Service Commission, New Orleans; of the Louisiana State Museum; of the