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University of France; Catholic University, Washing- ton, D. C. Rector, St. Theresa's Church, New Orleans, Louisiana; rector, Church of the Assumption, Plattenville, Louisiana, 1912- ARTICLE: Sieni, Cybil.

Franz, Hermann, Ph.D., b. at Karlsruhe, Germany, 16 March, 1885. Education: Gymnasium, Karlsruhe; University of Freiburg, Germany. Former teacher. Normal School, Karlsruhe; professor, Normal School, Heidelberg, 1912- . Author of: "Studien zur kirchhchen Reform Josephs II" (Freiburg, 1908); "Alter und Entstehung der Kirchenbiicher" (Heidel- berg, 1912).


Fraser, Right Reverend Robert, d.d., ll.d., b. at Wardhouse, Scotland, 10 August, 1858; d. at Dundee, Scotland, 28 March, 1914. Education: Blair's College, Aberdeen, Scotland; St. Edmund's, Douai, France; Scot's College, Rome. Ordained 1882; professor, Blair's College, 1883-1897; rector, Scot's College, 1897-1913; Bishop of Dunkeld, Scotland, 1913-1914; domestic prelate, 1898; pro- tonotary apostolic, 1904.

ARTICLE: Scot's College.

Freeland, Very Reverend Canon John, b. at Portslade, Sussex, England, 1861. Education: English College, Valladolid, Spain. Ordained 1885; has held the posts of teacher in the Seminary, Northampton, and pastor at Ely, Cambridgeshire; pastor. Church of the Holy Child, Bedford, 1906–; has passed most of his life in study; canon theologian of the diocese of Northampton 1910. Author of "Tales of the Early Church", etc. Contributor to: "Dublin Review"; "Irish Ecclesiastical Record"; "Tablet"; "American Ecclesiastical Review".

Fréri, Right Reverend Monsignor Joseph, D.c.i,., b. in France, 1864. Education: St. Sulpice, Paris; Gregorian University, Minerva, and Sapienza, Rome. Ordained and came to the United States 1887; successively missionary in Arizona and profes- sor of law. Seminary, Boston, 1887-1900; director general for the United States of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith 1900- ; resident in New York. Author of: "The Society for the Propaga- tion of the Faith and Catholic Missions, 1822- 1900"; "The Propaganda"; "Origin and Cause of the Chinese Crisis"; "Facts and Figures"; "A Sister of Charity in China"; "Family and Divorce in Japan".

ARTICLES: Peteh-Louis-Makib Chanel, Blessed; Propa- gation OF THE Faith, The Society for the.

Frisbee, Reverend Samuel Hanna, s.j., a.b., b. at Kinderhook, New York, 19 July, 1840; d. in New York, 19 February, 1907. Education: Yale University; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Mary- land; Louvain University, Belgium. Became a Catholic 1862; entered the Society of Jesus 1863; ordained 1877; at different times professor of chemistry, of physics, and of mechanics at various Jesuit colleges; president, St. Francis Xavier's College, New York, 1880-1885; editor, "Woodstock Letters", 1888-1907.

ARTICLES: Anima Christi; Barry, Paul de; Bellarini, John; Bellecihs, Alo'ysius; Bouhohrs, Dominique; Brignon, John.

Fuentes, Ventura, a.b., m.d., b. in Cuba, 14 September, 1868. Education: College of the City of New York; Columbia University, New York. Teacher for many years; former instructor and, at

present, associate professor of Spanish language and literature. College of the City of New York. Member of the Modern Language Association. Author of several Spanish text-books.

ARTICLES: Autos Sacramentales; Balbuena, Bernard de; Barbosa-Maqhado, Ignacio; Brazil, The United States of; Caballeho, FernXn; Cabtillbjo, Crist6bal de; Castro y Bellvis, Guillen de; Chanca, Diego Alvarez; Cid, El; Cruz, Ram6n de la; Cuba; Cueva, Juan de la; De Soto, Hernando; DIaz del Castillo, Bernal; DfAZ de Solis, Juan; Encina (Enzina), Juan de la; Enciso, Diego Xim]6nez; En- ciso, MartIn FernAndez de; Ercilla y Zuniga, Alonso d'; EspiNEL, Vicente; Espinosa, Alonso de; FernAndez db Pa- LENCiA, Diego; Feyj6o y Montenegro, Benito Jer6nimo; Figueroa, Francisco de; Florez, Enrique; Garcilasso de la Vega (the Inca) ; Lafuente y Zamalloa, Modesto; Medrano, Francisco; MEL]fiNDEZ Vald^s, Juan; Mendana de Neyra, Alvaro de; Mendoza, Diego Hurtado de; Montemayob (Montem6r), Jorge de; MoratIn, Leandro FernAndez de; MoRETO Y Cabana, AuGUSTfN; Navarrete, Martin FernAn- dez de; P^rez de Hita; Pinto, Fernao Mendes; Ponce de Le6n, Juan; Rojas y Zorrilla, Francisco de; Ruiz de Alarc6n Y Mendoza, Juan de; San Salvador; T^llez, Gabriel; Torres, Naharro Bartolom^ de; Ulloa, Antonio de.

Furey, John, b. at Brooklyn, New York, 6 January, 1836, son of James and Ehzabeth Stewart Furey. Education: pubhc and private schools, Brooklyn. Clerk in the U. S. Treasury Department (Register's Office), Washington, D. C, 1862; acting assistant paymaster, U. S. Navy, 1863; on the "Monticello" under Lieutenants Gushing and Gorringe 186.3-1865; passed assistant paymaster 1866; married Margaret M. Merrick (d. 1900), 1866; on the "Yucca", Gulf Squadron, 1866-1867; on the "Quinnebaug", South Atlantic Station, 1867-1870; paymaster 1871; at the Naval Academy 1871-1874; on the " Monongahela", South Atlantic Station, 1874-1876; special inspector of provisions and clothing. Navy Yard, New York, 1877-1880; on the training ship "New Hampshire" 1881-1884; on the "Quinnebaug", European Station, 1885-1889; on the receiving ship "Vermont", Navy Yard, New York, 1889-1893; stationed at the Navy Yard, New York, 1893-1894; on the "Columbia" 1894; during Spanish War in charge of accounts of auxiliary vessels, yachts, tugs, etc., Navy Yard, New York, 1898; pay inspector 1906; retired on account of physical disability incidental to the service; resident in Brooklyn. Active service in Civil War; signal officer in both engagements at Ft. Fisher; took possession of Ft. Caswell, Battery Campbell, and Smithville, holding them until the arrival of the Federal Army. Member of: the New York Com- mandery Mihtary Order of Loyal Legion of the United States; the National Geographical Society; the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick, the Catholic Benevolent Legion; the Catholic Club; the International CathoUc Truth Society; the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.

ARTICLES: Barry, John; Grasse, Franqois-Josbph-Paul.

Furlong Cardiff, Reverend William John, s.j., b. at Villa Constituci6n, Argentina, 21 June, 1889. Education: St. Bartholomew's College, Rosario, and College of the Immaculate Conception, Santa Fe, Argentina; Colegio Maximo de Jesiis, Tortosa, Spain; Woodstock College, Woodstock, Maryland. Entered the Society of Jesus 1903; at Woodstock College, Woodstock, 1910-1913; stationed in Argentina 1913-

at present, professor of Spanish hterature and

Argentinian History, Salvador CoUege, Buenos Aires. Corresponding member Spanish American Atheneum, Washington, D. C. Author of "Geografla Argen- tina" (Buenos Aires, 1917); collaborator in "Enciclo- pedia Espasa" (Barcelona); contributor to Spanish, American, and Argentinian reviews.

ARTICLES: Alarc'6n, Pedro Antonio db; Andres, Juan; CuYO, Virgin of; Lossada, Luis de; Men^ndez y Pelayo* Marcelino; Rioja, Francisco de; Saavedra t Fajardo, Diego db; Vbruela (monastery).