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because she loved thee much, still greater crimes will be remitted to me, because thou hast infinitely loved me, a wretched creature. O adorable Jesus, in thy love and mercy I firmly trust; deign, then, to do for me what is altogether above my strength and capacity; purify my soul, and prepare it for the reception of thy life-giving sacrament.


I BELIEVE, O my God, every article proposed by thy holy Catholic Church to my belief; and through thy grace I am disposed to die rather than relinquish the precious gift of faith, which elevates me to the adoption of the sons of God, and makes me heir and joint-heir with Jesus Christ. (Rom. viii. 15-17.) I believe: O divine Lord, penetrate my heart and soul with the entire import of these short but comprehensive words, and let them produce one of those prodigies of grace and conversion which so often followed from similar confessions. I believe all thou hast revealed, without exception or reserve; for thou hast the words of eternal life, and thou art likewise the way and the truth. (John xiv. 6 ) On thy unerring word I also most firmly believe that thou art really present in the august sacrament of which I am about to participate. Oh, what miracles are contained in this sacred and ever-adorable mystery! Incomprehensible as they are, I believe them all; I adore thy omnipotence, which is a sufficient pledge of their possibility; and thy boundless love proves to me, in an endearing manner, that they are real. Were my faith as animated as I hope it is sincere, my heart would be inflamed at the near approach of its heavenly guest, and every movement of my body, and soul would be a transport