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implore thy mercy on behalf of all those in the dreadful state of mortal sin; and to obtain the deliverance of the suffering souls in purgatory. To this offering I unite an unreserved oblation of my whole being; and I desire to do so with the most generous and ardent love. I conjure thee, O my God, by the perfect oblation of my divine Saviour on the altar of the cross, to pardon my past ingratitude, and to grant me the inestimable grace of preservation from all mortal sin. But, O my sovereign Benefactor, how shall I thank thee for the precious gift of thy body and blood, which thus enables me to satisfy my obligation V This gift, which the homage of angels and men would be insufficient to acknowledge, can only be repaid by itself. I then offer thee my Redeemer himself, as a sacrifice of praise, and pay my vows to thee ( Psalm cxv. J 8), in union with him in whom from all eternity thou wert well pleased.


PERMIT not, O Lord, that my mind should wander from the consideration of the adorable mysteries now celebrating on this altar. Enlighten my understanding— inflame and animate every affection of my heart — that I may be attentive to these miracles of mercy and love. Oh, give me to understand the breadth, and length, and height, and depth ( Eph . iii. 18) of that love which will soon veil thy glories under the humiliating forms of bread and wine! Oh, that my heart were penetrated with ardent love, that I might be Enabled to acknowledge less unworthily thy infinite greatness and boundless mercies! Prostrate in spirit before that throne of glory where the cherubim and seraphim, with all the heavenly host, adore thy awful Majesty, I conjure thee to receive