O JESUS, brightness of eternal light, unspotted mirror of God’s majesty ( Wisd. vii. 26), my sovereign, life and only goo(d! thou art he whom I have so long, so ardently desired; he whom I acknowledge for my Lord and my God, and who alone art worthy of the homage and adoration of men and angels. O Monarch of heaven and earth, mighty in word and work ! ( Luke xxiv. 19.) Verily thou art a hidden God, the God of Israel the Saviour (Isa. xlv. 15); and the veils which conceal thy majesty are those of the teaderest love.
O divine Jesus, thou art now glorified by the homage of numberless angels, who invisibly assist at these sacred mysteries. Oh, how should their adorations and love confound and humble me, since it is not for them, but for me, that thou art hidden and degraded on the altar! O holy angels ! blessed spirits ! love and adore the Almighty for me, and redouble your ardours to supply for my insufficiency.
O ADORABLE Jesus, the happy moment is fast approaching when that sacred body which was immolated on the cross will abide in my heart, and that precious blood which was shed with so much anguish for my ransom will be really and truly applied as a sovereign remedy to my soul. My God, is it possible that thou, whom the heavens cannot contain, wilt confine thy greatness within the narrow limits of my heart? — that thou, before whom the angels themselves are not pure, wilt unite thyself to a soul, like mine, disfigured and defiled with innu-