his creature here below. O most merciful Lord, do thou crown all thy mercies, by bestowing on me that humble, contrite heart which is the only offering thou desirest to receive from thy creatures. O Divine Lord, assisted by that grace which I have this day abundantly received, I now make thee a free oblation of my whole being, to which I am determined never more to be unfaithful.
O KING of heaven and earth, thou art he whose greatness and whose majesty no created intelligence can ever comprehend, and whose amiable perfections no human heart can ever sufficiently love. How, then, shall I presume to appear before thee? How shall I pronounce that sacred name I am so unworthy to utter? Yet, my God, permit me, for the sake of the adorable Victim I have received, to offer thee my most fervent adoration, in union with the angels who surround this altar; or rather, in union with the acceptable adorations of my divine Redeemer, the Holy of Holies, the Lord of angels.
By thee, O great High Priest, who hath passed into the heavens ( Heb . iv. 14), I can join worthily in the praises which resound in the heavenly Jerusalem! Thou art come to me this day in the name of the Lord. Blessed for ever be that infinite mercy which is come to pardon me! Blessed be that love which is come to inflame me! Blessed be that liberality which is come to enrich me! O Son of David, Son of the Most High God, may never-ending Hosannas celebrate thy mercies heaped on me! and may I, through thy infinite goodness, one day join in the praise which will ascend before thy throne for all eternity!