- St. Rumold, Bp. of Dublin, M.
- The Visitation of the B.V.M.
- St. Dartlnna, V.
St. Cillen, Abb. - St. Bolcan, Conf.
- St. Fergus, Conf.
St. Moduenna, V. - St. Moninna, V.
- St. Maelrnain, Bp.
- St. Kilian and Companions, MM.
- The Martyrs of Gorcum.
- St. Etto, Conf.
- St. Berran, Conf.
- St. John Gualbert, Abb.
St. Nazair, Bp. - St. Mothialog, Conf.
- St. Bonaventure, Bp., Dr. of the Church.
- St. Henry II. of Germany, Conf.
- Commemoration of the B. V. M. of Mount Carmel.
- St. Alexius, Conf.
- St. Camillus de Lellis, Conf.
- St. Vincent de Paul, Conf.
- St. Jerome Emilian, Conf.
- St. Praxedes, V.
- St. Mary Magdalene
St. Mobiu, Abb. - St. Fethcon, Bp.
- St. Declan, Bp.
- St. James, Ap.
- St Anne, Mother of the B. V. M.
- St. Luit, V.
- St. Furudhran, Conf.
- St. Martha, V.
- St. Maeltulle, Conf.
- St. Ignatius of Loyola, Conf.
- St. Peter's Chains.
- St. Alphonus Liguori, Bp., Doctor of the Ch.
- St. Fethilim, Bp., Patron of Kilmore.
- St. Dominick, Conf.
- Dedication of the Ch. of B. V. M. ad Nives
- St. Cajetan, Conf.
- St. Daira, V.
- St. Nathy, Bp., Patron of Achonry
- St. Laurence, M.
- St. Attracta, V.
- St. Clare, V.; St. Muiredhech Bp., Patron of Killala.
- St. Moloca, Conf.
- St. Fachanan, Bp., Patron of Ross and Kilfenora.
- Assumption of the B. V. M.
- St. Lugain, Conf.
- St. Beccan, Conf.
- St. Daigh, the Artificer, Conf.
- St. Mochta, Bp.
- St. Bernard, Abb., Doctor of the Ch.
- St. Jane Frances de Chantal, Widow.
- St. Sincha, V.
- St. Eugene, Bp, Patron of Derry
- St. Bartholomew, Ap.
- St. Michen, Conf.
- St. Aireid, COnf.
- St. Auxilius, Bp.
- St. Augustine, Bp., Doctor of the Ch.
- Martyrdom of St. John the Baptist.
- St. Fiacre, Conf.
- St. Raymond Nonnatus, Conf.