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Page:The Catholic prayer book.djvu/160

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to offend thee no more. Yes! my God, I prefer to die rather than to fall into sin any more.

[If yon should confess some sin into which yon are in especial danger of falling again, make a particular resolution not to commit that one any more. Promise to avoid those occasions which expose you to it, and ask your Father Confessor to point out to you the surest means of amendment.]


I RENDER thee infinite thanks, O my God, for thy goodness in having instituted this Sacrament of Penance, by means of which I may obtain pardon of all my sins, regain thy favour and friendship, and even become more closely united to thee. Merciful Lord! give me the dispositions which may, by means of this sacrament, effect this to thy greater glory.

Divine Spirit! by the sacred wounds of Jesus, I implore of thee to grant me light to see and know my sins, and grace to be truly sorry for them, that 1 may confess them with due dispositions.

M other of mercy and refuge of sinners, obtain for me the grace so to approach this sacrament, that by it I may be cleansed and purified from all sin.

O holy Angel, my Guardian! who hast been witness of my numberless infidelities, recall my offences to my mind; help me to confess them as I ought, and beg of the Almighty to forgive me.

My God ! my perfection and eternal salvation depend on the holy dispositions with which I make this confession, and thou knowest I cannot duly perform so sacred an action without the assistance of thy grace; give me light to discover my sins, and that sincere humility which will enable me to confess them with candour and confusion. Give me also thy