MY God! I firmly resolve to fly from sin, and I implore thee for Jesus' sake to grant me the grace of perseverance. And especially I am resolved that in every trial, taking refuge in thy holy will, the prayer of my heart shall be, "O Lord, thy will be done!"
Here set before your mind the labours and other occupations in which you are likely to be engaged throughout the day. Consider well how you can order all your affairs for the honour of God and the good of your neighbour. Call to mind your usual faults, also the dangers and the occasions of sin to which you will be exposed, and make the firm resolution to guard yourself carefully against these temptations and occasions; and especially against that one which you know to be the greatest and most dangerous of all. Say then, with a sincere heart:
O MY God! I am resolved to avoid this sin of _____ above all others, and with the greatest care, and to be on my guard against this dangerous occasion _____
Then recommend yourself to the intercession of Mary, to all the Saints, and to your holy Guardian Angel.
O MOST Holy Mary, Mother of God! and all ye blessed Saints of Paradise, pray to God for me, that I may not offend him to-day by any sin. And thou, Holy Angel, who art given to me by God for my Guardian, keep me this day from falling into any deliberate sin.
OUR Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name; thy kingdom come; thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them who trespass against us; and lead us not into temptation; but deliver us from evil.Amen.