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And for all those, likewise, whom I have at any time grieved, troubled, injured, or scandalized by word or deed, knowingly or unknowingly; that it may please thee to forgive us all our sins and offences one against another: Take, O Lord, from our hearts all jealousy, indignation, wrath, and contention, and whatsoever may hurt charity, and lessen brotherly love. Have mercy, O Lord, have mercy on those that crave thy mercy; give grace to them that stand in need thereof, and grant that we may attain to life.

Prayers after Communion.

BEHOLD, O Lord, I have thee now, who hast all things; I possess thee, who possessest all things, and who canst do all things; take off my heart then, O my God and my all, from all other things but thee; let my heart be fixed on thee alone; let me ever repose in thee, where alone my treasure is, the sovereign truth, and true happiness, and happy eternity.

Thou art the physician of my soul, who healest all my infirmities by thy sacred blood; and I am that sick one whom thou camest from heaven to heal; O heal my soul, for I have sinned against thee.

Thou art the good shepherd, who hast laid down thy life for thy sheep; behold, I am that sheep that was lost; and yet thou vouchsafest to feed me with thy body and blood: take me now upon thy shoulders to carry me home. What canst thou deny me, who hast given me thyself! Govern me, and nothing will be wanting to me, in the place of pasture where thou has placed me, until thou bringest me to the happy pastures of eternal life.

O true Light, which enlightenest every man that